
University of Guadalajara Create a Program Code Programming Task

Homework 2Include display statements and function calls as necessary to completely demonstrate that your code works for each of the following problems. Email your racket file to me when done (normally a .rkt extension). Define the procedures below. Write a procedure reverse-digits (n) which returns a number with the digits of n in reverse order. […]

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Introduction to MAXQDA for Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis software can assist with the analysis of data. In this assignment, you will use MAXQDA analysis software, which is used for qualitative data analysis, as well as some specialized quantitative analysis such as quantitative content analysis. This software can be used to analyze interview and focus group transcripts, documents, photographs, videos, and artifacts […]

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IT 405 Saudi Electronic University Java Programming Language Questions

College of Computing and InformaticsAssignment 2 Deadline: Sunday 10/04/2022 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8] Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • • • • • • • • • • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on […]

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New York University The TicketSales Spreadsheet Excel Task

If you are using a version of Excel other than2013, this screen may appear different If you are using a version of Excel other than 2013, this screen may appear different If you are using a version of Excel other than 2013, this screen may appear different If you are using a version of Excel […]

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California State University Bakersfield Hive and Impala Project

Hive: 1. Add each of these (3) files to HDFS (recommended to make a new directory and add it into that): i attached the 3 files as a zip 2. Make a new external table for each file in Hive. 3. Execute a join query between two of the tables. 4. Drop one of the […]

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Saint Thomas University Programming Question Worksheet

Linear Programming AssignmentYou must do the necessary calculations in the answer cells. Simply providing a number in the ans When look at the answer cell, I want to see a number, when I click on the cell I want to see the exce if I asked you the sum of cells B5 through D5, this […]

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C++ Programming Project

Objectives• Practice on operations on Red-Black tree, such as insert, search, find minimum/maximum, traversal, etc. File(s) Given (right-click to download each of the files) • • • Task6.cpp (Partialy given. This is the driver program used it to check your RedBlackTree.cpp) RedBlackTree.h (Given. Don’t change it, but feel free to add auxillary functions) RedBlackTree.cpp (Partialy […]

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AIU Online Deep Learning and Fuzzy Logic Python Coding Task

I intend to have a python coding on Deep learning (CNN) and Fuzzy Logic. implement a CNN with a fuzzy layer in it using python ©2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for […]

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University of Massachusetts Lowell Cypher Code Query Project

Task 1: Adding or Updating a Movie Suppose we do not know if we have the movie Rocketman in our graph. If it is not in the graph, we want to set the createdAt property with the value of datetime(). The datetime() function returns the current date and time. If it is in the graph, […]

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Simon Fraser University Pseudocode for A Algorithm Programming Task

ONLY THE SOLUTION FOR (B) IS REQUIRED Could you use Dijkstra’s algorithm inside another algorithm to find the shortest path in a graph?Would that be a good idea? a. Write pseudocode for a simple algorithm that uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to find theshortest path between any two nodes in a graph. You can call Dijkstra as […]

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