

Research your favorite type of dance (ie ballet, hip hop, jazz, steppin, modern, flamenco, latin, salsa, ballroom etc.) Identify, analyze and evaluate this type of dance and describe the mechanical principles, strategies and tactics regarding movement, terminology, etiquette, safety issues, types of music and leaders in this type of dance.    *Mechanics of dance-(run, hop, step, jump, tap your […]

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Golf Rules Official

You are part of a team of 5 rule officials that will be called upon at different times during a tournament.  You must be able to make your decisions quickly and correctly. You must research the rules for gold via the links on the Resources page and solve 4 specific problems, as well as answer […]

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Play Ball WebQuest

Submit your completed Play Ball WebQuest Handout here.                 “Play Ball” WebQuest Use the following websites to complete all 7 seconds of the WebQuest. www.baseball-almanac.com   www.baseballfielddimensions.net      Choose four professional baseball parks and complete the following: 1.  Team #1 Name of Team: Location (city, state): Name of Ballpark: Deepest point […]

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Acid & Base Project

Submit your completed handout here. Acids & Bases Project: Physical & Chemical Properties Part I: Research Research these acids and bases in order to fill out the Graphic Organizers below. The first line is filled in as an example. Use these and other web resources for your research: Common Compound Library Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator […]

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Romeo & Juliet Character/Vocabulary Assignment

1. Select two main characters from the play, Romeo and Juliet. Then, compose two paragraphs, one per character. In each paragraph, you will compare that character to someone who is currently alive and well-known (politician, actor/actress, athlete, etc…). Explain how the character is similar to this person in at least 3 ways. Note: I am not looking for […]

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Act III Character Study Romeo & Juliet

Complete Handout and Turn it in here. English 1: Romeo and Juliet Character Study Directions: 1. Several adjectives are listed in the box below. Find the three adjectives that best describe each character and write them in the appropriate spot on the chart. 2. Find a quotation from each act of the play (three so […]

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Act III interpretation Romeo & Juliet

Complete the handout and submit it here Romeo and Juliet, Act III Line Interpretation using: http://www.shakespeare-navigators.com/romeo/T31.html Interpret each of the given lines. Write down the first line as it appears in the play. Then, in your own words, summarize the entire passage. Character/Line(s) First Line Interpretation Romeo: 3.1.136 O, I am fortune’s fool! Romeo believes […]

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This assignment has 2 parts.  You will submit both parts in this assignment.  You may do it in one file or separate them into two files. Part 1: Hypertext Notes Read the page “What is Hypertext.”  Visit five of the links in the text.  Take notes (in your Word document) about which links you visit and what you […]

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Literary Analysis Lord of the Files

Here’s the book: Lord of the Flies    Submit your Literary Analysis here.  Literary Analysis for Lord of the Flies 1. Understanding Characterization. Characterization is the act of creating and developing a character. A writer can use direct characterization when stating or describing a character’s traits. Indirect characterization is when an author shows a character’s […]

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Static and Dynamic Characters Lord of the Files

Find the book here: Lord of the Flies    Submit your Static and Dynamic Characters handout here. English I: Lord of the Flies Static and Dynamic Characters Static Character: A character in a literary work who does not change during the course of the story. Dynamic Character: A character who changes during the course of […]

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