
Introduction to Philosophy

There are certain big questions that philosophers have been puzzling over for millennia. Amazingly, many people ask these same questions in daily life. Reflect on the questions related to each of the six branches of philosophy below. Then, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a time in your life when you have asked similar questions. Talk about […]

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Criminal Law 2

Analyze the following situations and determine whether the individuals have any excuse or justification for the crimes. If you agree, state the excuse. Explain your reasoning with factual examples.   A law enforcement officer is parked close to a local bar. A man comes out of the bar and drives off. The officer follows the […]

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Criminal Law 1

 Analyze the following situations and determine whether the individuals have any excuse or justification for the crimes. If you agree, state the excuse. Explain your reasoning with factual examples.   Bob and Brandy own a pistol registered in Bob’s name. They keep the pistol in the top drawer of their night stand. One day, their […]

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Criminal Law

  Analyze the following situations and determine whether the individuals have any excuse or justification for the crimes. If you agree, state the excuse. Explain your reasoning with factual examples.   As Adam leaves the bank and approaches his car, he sees his wife behind the wheel of the car with an unknown man seated […]

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Criminal Law

 Analyze the following situations and determine whether the individuals have any excuse or justification for the crimes. If you agree, state the excuse. Explain your reasoning with factual examples.   After a whirlwind romance, Charles gets married to Caroline. Their relationship sours and Caroline leaves. Some months later, Charles receives a divorce petition from Caroline […]

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Identify the various user groups that need accounting information (answer attached)

identify_the_various_user_groups_that_need_accounting_information__answer_attached.zip Identify the various user groups that need accounting information and the characteristics of the information that they need Participate in managerial decision processes requiring the input of accounting based information Internal Running head: Accounting information 1 Accounting information 2 Accounting information Student Name University Name Picket, n.d. defines internal controls as mechanisms to ensure […]

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Identify and describe the three main types of health insurance in the U.S

Write a 3-4 page paper in which you:             1. Identify and describe the three main types of health insurance in the U.S.           2. Describe the three methods for categorizing health insurance in the U.S.            3. Identify the three types of managed care plans and provide the pros and […]

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Identify a current public policy issuecontroversy in the news today (answer attached)

Identify a current public policy issue/controversy in the news today. Describe and analyze the scope of the public policy concern. Who are the stakeholders and affected constituencies? What political institutions are relevant to the policy discussion about this issue? What are some of the proposed policies to address this issue? Do you think there is […]

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I am the Chief Administrator of Uptown Clinic, a community mental health agency (answer attached)

I am the Chief Administrator of Uptown Clinic, a community mental health agency, I am concerned about the dilemma of coping with reduced budgets next year and into the foreseeable future, but increasing demand for services. In order to plan for reduced budgets, I must first identify where costs can be cut or reduced and […]

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How many hours will a person allocate to leisure activities if her indifference curves between (answer attached)

2-1. How many hours will a person allocate to leisure activities if her indifference curves between consumption and goods are concave to the origin?   2-2. What is the effect of a rise in the price of market goods on a worker’s reservation wage, probability of entering the labor force, and hours of work?   […]

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