x86 Assembly Language (only bid if you really know it, please!)

Must use these registers for the problem but not all of them just try to get the result of EAX is the same as my screenshoot: OFFSET, PTR, TYPE, ESI, EAX, EBX, MOV, ADD, SUB, INC.

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  • Project DescriptionWrite a program that calculates the following expression: total = (num3 + num4) – (num1 + num2) + 1
  • Include the following items in the program header:DescriptionStudent NameCourse NumberProject NumberDate
  • Use the following settings:32-bit processorprotected mode and standard call convention4096-byte stackExitProcess prototype with a parameter
  • Create an array of 16-bit signed integers: 1000h, 2000h, 3000h, and 4000h.
  • Define data labels: num1, num2, num3, and num4 which are initialized with 1, 2, 4, and 8, respectively.
  • Define another uninitialized variable named total.
  • Add each array element value to each data label and store its sum in that variable.
  • Calculate the expression using the following directives, registers, and instructions: OFFSET, PTR, TYPE, ESI, EAX, EBX, MOV, ADD, SUB, and INC.
  • Save the result in total.
  • Place comments in your code where needed.
  • Run your program and verify the content of EAX for the correct result.

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