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Students are expected to write a report for about 600- 800 words which should cover all the below points in form of paragraphs:  

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– Your individual contribution in the project 

– Most interesting aspect of your research 

– Challenges/ problems faced & how did you overcome the same 

– Your learnings from this research & how will you implement it in the future 

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This report will be submitted along with final project copy in both hard copy & soft copy format.

in these three files are what i did on this project 

Running head: SUMMARY 1



In this data analysis and presentation, there was a research which was assigned to a selected company, which chose to use 50 questionnaires and whereby only 22 of them were responded to. The researchers, therefore, emptied the data after the collection and made some tabulation in a way that could best fit the hypothesis and the variables of the study. It was noted that from the sample, the number of men exceeded that of females with their reasoning based on the nature of the work, such as the managerial levels which seemed more likely to be led by men rather than female (Lopes et al 2006). On the broad issue of leadership and more precisely age, the researchers realized that the nature of leadership as per the presented sample by the company, they were the first and second category of ages, which generally ranged between 20-30 years of age, which represented the majority as young leaders and the aged leaders between 31-45 years of age coming third and fourth, something which called for adoption of the company with experienced leadership from older people irrespective of whether they are successful or not.

From the sample presented, it was definitely clear that Namaa heavily relied on leaders from Omani for different departments to work for their company. Considering the educational background and achievements of the presented sample of leaders, it was clear that diploma graduates represented the biggest number in the company (Cherniss, 2000, April). On the issue of emotional intelligence use, we can conclude that it had been given a certain percentage of priority in the company and therefore its use is greatly encouraged. From the research done, it was evident that dealing with workers emotionally greatly affects their performance in the company. It was also clear from the research that it would be more functional if traditional problems are solved in new ways. Additionally, it’s good for subordinates to be motivated to develop themselves and their skills. Technology, to a greater extent, affects the relationship between the subordinates and the managers.

From the sample presented, it was clearly indicated that a greater percentage of the workers could control their feelings when dealing with certain issues and problems in the company. There was an agreement by the workers that they are always aware of their emotional states before starting to work with the subordinate (Black, 1991). Majority of the respondents agreed that they can handle their decision-making issue without the effect of their emotions while a smaller percentage of the respondents thought that decision making is related to the emotions of a person. As per the research, emotional anxiety with motivation tends to attract job satisfaction and one can, therefore, work against exhaustion. A democratic working condition will create a smooth flow of ideas from the manager to the workers and vice versa and hence help the company to successfully run its operations (Serrat, 2017). Utilization of one’s emotional intelligence is of great importance in a company and will motivate the employees and hence good job performance as a result. Lastly, it is evident from the research and sampling of information that technology impacts positively on the relationship between manager and the subordinates and the performance they exhibit in return.


Black, (1991). Data analysis and presentation. In an Instrumental analysis of pollutants (pp. 335- 355). Springer, Dordrecht.

Cherniss, (2000, April). Emotional intelligence: What it is and why it matters. In the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA(Vol. 15).

Lopes, Grewal, Kadis, Gall, & Salovey, (2006). Evidence that emotional intelligence is related to job performance and affect and attitudes at work. Psicothema, 18.

Serrat, (2017). Managing knowledge workers. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 285-287). Springer Singapore.

Q6) Do you have ability to control your feeling while trying to solve problems with others?

In the above table we can see the distribution of the workers on if they are able to control their feelings while they are involved to others problem such as personal problems or family problems. The half of the people who took this survey answered yes which is 11 with (50 %). The percentage of the people who answered with NO were 6 which is (27.3 %) and the less percentage here went with the people who answered with MAYBE with 5 (22.7 %).

This is shows clearly that the percentage of the people who can control their feeling while they are going through any other problems was the biggest percentage, and only a few who answered with NO.

Q7) When I start my job with subordinates I am on fully aware of my emotional state.

In the atop table the percentage of the people who answered STRONGLY YES were 4 (18.2 %)

But the biggest number of people answered with just AGREE were 14 (63.6), And only a few people who answered with NATURAL were 4 (18.2).

It is undoubtedly from this distribution that people agreed on starting their jobs with subordinates on fully aware of their emotional state.

Runninghead: RESEARCH DESIGN 1


Use of interview in emotional intelligence research


Use of interview in emotional intelligence research

In carrying out studies and researchers, there are various forms that are employed to proof a given hypothesis. The employed designs provide data that will either prove the hypothesis wrong or right.

For the case of emotional intelligence, research interview is deemed the appropriate method to collect information for the study. Since the data for emotional intelligence is determined by the degree of response, interview method will be appropriate as it provides sufficient information. The interview also offers a detailed analysis. Through the sufficient data that will be presented the researcher can analyze data accordingly leading to an accurate result (Fisher, & Schreiber, 2017). However, the method is limited by the fact that the respondents might get overwhelmed when answering some interview questions leading to unreliable data. Also, the process can be influenced by biasness from the researcher.

When researching emotional intelligence using interviews, there is no specific population size that should be used. This is because the intelligence of an individual is determined by their degree of answering given questions during the interview process. However, a larger population in an organization is beneficial since it creates a platform for comparison.

Moreover, research in emotional intelligence requires a purposive sampling to be employed. The purposive sample ensures that the sample population are eligible for the provide answers to the interview questions (Joseph, & Newman, 2010). In this case, the population sample will be organization employees since the research aims to identify the emotional intelligence among the employees. Structured questions are the principal instruments used to conduct the study. The question will be structured in a manner that they offer answers to a given research problem. In this case, the question will be valid and accurate for the research.

Data for the emotional intelligence research will be collected through one on one interview with the selected participants. The collected data will then be analyzed using the thematic content analysis method. The method aims to find relating contents in a given data. In this case, it will determine the patterns across the data that the employees provided to a given question. The first step in this strategy is to read the data through to familiarize with one before labeling the texts. This is followed by sorting out the themes with broader patterns. Comparing the themes to ensure that they fit the data is the next step, before naming them. The step that follows is providing a coherent report for the patterns.

Finally, the research will be guided by various legal and ethical standards. First, the respondent will need to consent to their participation in the study with a guarantee of confidentiality and security of their information. The consent form will be signed in the presence of a lawyer and a witness. The employees will be explained to, the purpose of the research before they agree to participate. Additionally, anonymity will be ensured such that the participants will not be required to provide personal information. The information required for the interview will only include gender and age.


Fisher, R. P., & Schreiber, N. (2017). Interview protocols to improve eyewitness memory. The handbook of eyewitness psychology: Volume I: Memory for events.

Joseph, D. L., & Newman, D. A. (2010). Emotional intelligence: an integrative meta-analysis and cascading model.

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