writing essay 3 pages


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This first paper’s most important goal is to produce an essay. As the first class discussions showed, this is not a simple problem. Remember the criteria of essays from when we discussed the first readings, especially the demand that the writer creates the idea. An essay, by definition, will have this idea as the thesis. (For this paper, I am going to ask that you use the standard position of a thesis—state it in the last line of first paragraph.) 

Also, remember how I stressed that an essay writer’s job is to focus the thesis. I’m about to give you a subject which on first glance will seem easy. Yet, your job is to focus the subject and idea. The subject for the essay is in this assignment line:

You are to write a three page essay predicting what the Chicago area will be like in 25 years.

Look at this assignment line as a start. As an essay writer, first consider that you do not need to be exhaustive. It would be useless to try to describe the whole city, and would be based on surface-level thinking. First, focus the subject. Pick one area in which you have some real knowledge. If you are in medicine, decide that your essay will be about the future of medical services here. If you are in computers, predict how that technology will affect this urban area. If you work in retail, predict the shift in employment that may happen without cashiers. If you are interested in cars, predict transportation trends. Pick one subject, and think deeply. 

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For the body of the essay, convince us with reason and examples that you’re right. This is where our textbook’s essays which we discussed should pay off. Support your idea with the evidence around us. (The city is your text just as our essay writers used the social media, internet or gender politics.) Imagine your audience to be people responsible for making preparations for the future, all college-level thinkers and readers. They are looking to you for prediction.

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