I have included the instrctions for this assigment and have provided ample amount of time. If possible add comments as to why something was done on a separate text file.
ECE 115, Sp/13
Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
MATLAB Homework #1
Due in class: Friday, 2/15/13
For this MATLAB homework, you must provide a statement of the assignment, a print out of your
program and a print out of the results. Add comments wherever appropriate.
1) Write a program to obtain samples of: 1 ( ) 0.9 cos(1400 / 3)x t tπ π= + ,
2 ( ) 0.9 cos(400 / 4)x t tπ π= − , and 3 1 2( ) ( ) ( )x t x t x t= over a 4 sec time range. Use a sample time
increment T given by 1 / sT f= , where 44100sf = samples/sec. Then, use the MATLAB function
sound to hear all three signals. Provide plots of the first 1000 points of each signal. See sample
programs posted on the blackboard. The pitch (frequency) of x1(t) is 700 Hz. What is the pitch of
x2(t)? Describe what x3(t) sounds like.
2) Write a program to solve the following equations for , , ,b z w and y .
2 2 13
2 3 7 8 0
4( ) 8( 3 ) 4
6 7( 4 ) 3
y z w b
b z w y
b y z w
w b z
− + − =
− + − − + =
− − + =
− + = −
Include in your program MATLAB statements that check that your solution is correct. For example, give
y – 2z + w – 2b – 13.
3) Consider the power series ( )y x given by
(2 1) 3 5 7
( ) ( 1)
(2 1)! 3! 5! 7!
x x x xy x x
= − = − + − +
Write a program to find and plot y versus x for x values over the range 0 2x π≤ ≤ . Do this for
5K = and 50K = . Use 201N = points for x .