World Lit Research Paper for Henry Only

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To prepare for your research paper, you will submit an annotated bibliography that contains at

least 5 secondary sources. These sources should come ONLY from the GMC library databases.

For each source, you will provide a paragraph-long annotation.

Your annotated bibliography will be graded on the following rubric:

Sources 10 points

Annotations 20 points

MLA Style 15 points

Mechanics, Grammar, and Punctuation 5 points


 You must provide at least five sources

 Each source should be a critical argument on the reading you’ve chosen for your research
paper. Sources that only provide biographical information or plot summary are

unacceptable. The source MUST provide an argument.


 The annotation for each source should be a paragraph in length (at least 150 words).

 You must include a brief summary of the source. This summary should include the
author’s thesis.

 You must provide an analysis of how you may use the source in your paper.

 For more information on how to write an annotated bibliography, you should view the
Purdue OWL’s website here:

MLA Style

 Your bibliography should be formatted according to MLA format.

 For each source, you must provide an MLA citation. Too see how to cite an article from
an online database, you should view the following website:

Mechanics, Grammar, and Punctuation

 All written assignments should be mechanically and grammatically correct with proper

 For more information on each of these, you should view the Purdue OWL’s General
Writing Resources page:

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