Workbook Activity IV: Bistro Technology

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Go to page 298 in your text.

o    Review Chapter 7 Workbook:  Bistro Technology.

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o    Follow the directions in the workbook (this is to be completed as an individual project.)

o    Answer questions 1 thru 3 at the bottom of page 299.

Workbook Activity 4

Go to page 298 in your textbook and review Chapter 7 Workbook: Bistro Technology. Follow the directions in the workbook (this is to be completed as an individual project). Answer questions 1 thru 3 at the bottom of page 299.
You will be analyzing the technology used in three different restaurants—McDonald’s, Subway, and a typical family restaurant. You must visit all three restaurants and infer how the work is done, according to the following criteria. You are not allowed to interview any employees, but instead you will be an observer. Take lots of notes when you are there.

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