Work Analysis Matrix

Instructions and partially completed matrix attached.

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Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

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· Job Design

· Job selection and evaluation

· Training needs

Consistent reliability and validity although having a high reading level and requires abstract judgment.

Management position description questionnaire (MPDQ)

Competency modeling


· SMEs

Issues with defining what is meant by the word “competence”. Provides mixed results when more o few competencies are included.


· Work values/needs


· Experience levels Required

· Work context

Offers universal accessibility through a single online site, however not useful for the job analyst unless he/she is surveying a wide range of jobs in a particular occupation.

Critical Incident Technique

Job compatibility questionnaire (JCQ)

Job Diagnostic Survey

Multi-method Job Design Questionnaire

Work Analysis Matrix (10 points)

Create a matrix with these approaches to work analysis listed along the vertical axis (left side). Along the horizontal axis (top) list the goals you might want to achieve through using work analysis. Make a matrix, much like a spreadsheet (the rubrics listed below are in a matrix format), where you compare the effectiveness of the different formal approaches to work analysis (left side) to the goals you listed (top) in the cell where they merge. The comparison in the corresponding cell can be text explaining the relationship or it can be a simple ranking (numerical, alphabetical, or word based) that you explain under the matrix.

Formal work analysis approaches:

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

Management position description questionnaire (MPDQ)

Competency modeling


Critical Incident Technique

Job compatibility questionnaire (JCQ)

Job Diagnostic Survey

Multi-method Job Design Questionnaire

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