Word Module

Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

Neighborly Corner Grocery

Enhance a sales proposal


Open the file SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_1 x, available for download from the SAM website.

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Save the file as SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2 x by changing the “1” to a “2”.

0. If you do not see the x file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the following support files from the SAM website:

· Support_SC_WD16_4a_Neighbors

· Support_SC_WD16_4a_Bullet

· Support_SC_WD16_4a_Deli x

With the file SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2 x still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

· If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


You are a volunteer completing a sales proposal for the Neighborly Corner Grocery store. To make the title page more attractive, format the “Neighborly” title paragraph on page 1 as follows:

a. Add a Box paragraph border.

b. Apply the Aqua, Accent 1 border color (5th column, 1st row of the Color palette in the Borders and Shading dialog box).

c. Use a 3 pt. border width.

d. Apply the Blue-Gray, Accent 4, Lighter 80% shading color (8th column, 2nd row of the Shading gallery).

Format the “Corner Grocery Store” subtitle paragraph as follows so it coordinates with the title paragraph:

e. Add a Box paragraph border.

f. Apply the Blue-Gray, Accent 4 border color (8th column, 1st row of the Color palette in the Borders and Shading dialog box).

g. Use a 3 pt. border width.

Create a 1″ Left indent and a 1″ Right indent for the “Neighborly” paragraph and the “Corner Grocery Store” paragraph to fit the borders more tightly around the text.

To increase visual impact, add a custom picture watermark to the document using the file Support_SC_WD16_4a_Neighbors , available for download from the SAM website.

On page 1, complete and format the SmartArt graphic by modifying it as follows:

h. Enter the text Fresh Produce into the first shape.

i. Change the colors of the SmartArt graphic to Gradient Loop – Accent 1.

j. Apply the Intense Effect SmartArt style.

Expand the character spacing of the “Where neighbors meet” paragraph to 1.5 pt. to make the paragraph more noticeable.

Insert a Next Page section break at the beginning of the “Welcome to the Neighborly Corner Grocery” heading paragraph to separate the title page from the other two pages.

On page 2, clear the formatting from the paragraph beginning “The Neighborly Corner Grocery…” and ending “…take care of it.” to return the paragraph to the Normal style.

Select the five bulleted paragraphs in the “In Stock” section, and then sort the paragraphs so they appear in alphabetical order, allowing readers to find information more easily.

In the same five bulleted paragraphs, add visual appeal by changing the bullet character to a picture inserted from the file Support_SC_WD16_4a_Bullet , available for download from the SAM website.

(Hint: Opening the file Support_SC_WD16_4a_Bullet in any application prior to using it as picture bullets may cause this step to grade incorrectly. If you have opened the file, delete it and download a new copy from the SAM website before completing this step.)

In the blank paragraph below the “Prepared Foods” heading, insert text from the file Support_SC_WD16_4a_Deli x, available for download from the SAM website, to include a description of the store’s prepared foods department.

On page 3, format the “Sandwich Board” table as follows to make it easier to read:

k. In row 1, merge the cells in columns 2, 3, and 4.

l. Use Align Center to center the “Select a size” heading in the merged cell both horizontally and vertically.

m. Autofit the table to its contents.

n. Shade row 1 with the Blue-Gray, Accent 4, Lighter 80% shading color (8th column, 2nd row of the Shading gallery).


Sort rows 3–12 so that the sandwiches appear in alphabetical order.

On page 3, format the “NCGG Membership” table as follows to balance the columns:

p. Change the width of column 1 to 1.75″.

q. Distribute columns 2–4 so that they are of equal width.

Complete the table by adding formulas as follows:

r. In the “First-year total” row of the “Student” column, insert a formula that sums the numeric values above the “First-year total” row.

s. Insert the same formula for the “Individual” and “Family” columns.

In the “Family” column, change the price of the “Refundable investment” amount from $125.00 to $105.00. Update the formula in the “First-year total” row for the “Family” column to display the correct total.

At the bottom of page 3, use the Format Painter to copy the formatting from the paragraph beginning “Neighborly Corner Grocery…” and ending “…all week long” to the last paragraph in the document so the last two paragraphs have the same formatting.

Your document should look like the

Final Figure

on the following pages. Save your changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Final Figure

america365/Shutterstock.com; monticello/Shutterstock.com; Chaloemphan/Shutterstock.com; primopiano/Shutterstock.com; SpeedKingz/Shutterstock.com; TeddyandMia/Shutterstock.com



Corner Grocery Store

Where neighbors meet

Welcome to the Neighborly Corner Grocery

The Neighborly Corner Grocery is a small sustainable grocery store and deli at the corner of Lincoln and Market streets. Tailored for the Lake Park neighborhood, Neighborly is run by people you know. We aim to be a shop you stop in every day for farmer’s market produce, grocery staples, coffee with friends, and food to go. We are also your hub for neighborly services. Need someone to take care of your pets while you’re away? Want a central place to keep an extra key? Need help organizing a yard sale? Stop in at the Neighborly Corner Grocery and we’ll take care of it.

In Stock

Neighborly Corner Grocery brings you fresh local produce, a full selection of organic and specialty groceries, and pantry staples—all in a homey storefront where we know our customers by name—and we special order products on request and make deliveries with a smile.


Produce: The quality of our produce is second to none. We offer the freshest seasonal fruits and vegetables from local farmers, all organically grown. Let us know what you like, and we’ll get it for you.


Seafood, meat, and poultry: We stock only sustainable seafood and humanely raised meat and poultry, all of the highest quality. In warm weather, we set up a grill to serve up samples and grilling advice.


Cheese: Find cheeses from around the world and varieties ranging from fresh and semi-soft to hard grating cheese and award-winning blues.


Bulk: Looking for French green lentils or pink peppercorns? Brown Arborio rice or chickpea flour? We have those and much more in our bulk section.


Packaged: Frozen treats, boxed food, and paper goods—it doesn’t matter. We make sure all of it is as natural and eco-friendly as possible.

Prepared Foods

Sandwich Board

The following are our most popular sandwiches. Order one or create a custom combination. Sandwiches come in three sizes: regular (two pieces of sliced bread), sub (six-inch roll), or combo (side salad, pickle spear, and chips).

Select a size





Classic club












Tuna salad




Avocado, lettuce, tomato












Pulled pork




Chicken salad




Smoked turkey




Neighborly Services

Neighborly Corner Grocery serves as the center for exchanging services in the Lake Park neighborhood. Do you need someone to babysit, clean out your closets, repair furniture, or let your long-long cousin sleep on the couch? Chances are, one of your neighbors can provide these services and more. Visit the Neighborly Services website to request a service. Register for Neighborly Services and we’ll add your skills to the neighborhood database. All you need to do is join the Neighborly Corner Grocery Group (NCGG). Joining is easy and the benefits of membership are generous.

NCGG Membership





10% discount on one trip per month

5% discount on each item

5% discount on each item

Annual dues




Registration fee




Refundable investment




First-year total

Neighborly Corner Grocery Corner of Lincoln & Market in the historic Lake Park neighborhood Now open 8 am to 10 pm all week long

Call ahead for carryout: (612) 555-2800 Visit our website: neighborly.cengage.com

Coffee Bar

Food to Go

Neighborly Services

This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica

This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica
This file created specifically for Jesus Mojica

We have lunch and dinner covered for you. Call ahead to our deli or sign in to our website, and we’ll make you a sandwich just the way you like it—with or without all the fixings—and have it wrapped and ready to go when you stop into the store. You can also walk or bike up to our sidewalk window.

Every night, we select fresh ingredients from the store to prepare well-balanced, healthy, and purely delicious meals under the direction of local chefs. Special diet or craving? We are happy to accommodate you.

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