- Select one drug to treat the diagnosis(es) or symptoms.
- List medication class and mechanism of action for the chosen medication.
- Write the prescription in prescription format.
- Provide an evidence-based rationale for the selected medication using at least one scholarly reference. Textbooks may be used for additional references but are not the primary reference.
- List any side effects or adverse effects associated with the medication.
- Include any required diagnostic testing. State the time frame for this testing (testing is before medication initiation or q 3 months, etc.). Includes normal results range for any listed laboratory tests.
- Provide a minimum of three appropriate medication-related teaching points for the client and/or family.
NR 546 Week 6 Case Study
9.24 MWS
Subjective Objective
The client L.B. is a 38-year-old, white female
patient seen today for a follow-up visit at her
intensive outpatient program (IOP) treatment
clinic. She has a history of Alcohol Abuse and
Opioid abuse (Typically takes Norco or
Oxycontin). Also has a mental health history
of depression with suicidal ideation.
Client’s Chief Complaints:
“I can’t stop drinking, and I feel like I have no
reason to live.”
History of Present Illness
L.B. presents to the IOP clinic currently
intoxicated. She reports a longstanding history
of alcohol abuse, which has worsened over the
past year as well as occasional opioid abuse.
L.B. describes feeling persistently depressed,
hopeless, and having suicidal thoughts over the
past month. She admits to daily alcohol use as a
way to cope with her depressive symptoms.
Also admits to occasional cannabis use
Additionally, L.B. acknowledges a long-
standing history of alcohol (ETOH) abuse that
started when she was 16 and started abusing
opioids when she was 22 after a car accident.
She attributes her drinking to trying to cope
with stressors in her life. She reports consuming
a bottle of wine daily, often to the point of
intoxication, to numb her emotional pain and
alleviate her depressive symptoms. She
acknowledges that her alcohol use has
worsened over the past few months, coinciding
with the escalation of her worsening depressive
symptoms. She admits to drinking a bottle of
wine a day. Reports she consumed a bottle
today before her arrival at the IOP clinic today.
She also states she last took “a few” OxyContin
2 weeks ago. She reports she will buy this off
the street or from friends/family members.
Physical Examination:
Height: 5’5’ weight: 160 lb.
General: Slightly disheveled appearance, strong odor of
alcohol, appears older than stated age
Vital Signs: BP 138/90, T 97.9°F, P 95, RR 18, SpO2 97%.
Lab work:
AST = 67 IU/L;
ALT = 43 IU/L;
GGT= 36U/L; other liver function tests are WNL.
Hemoglobin =12.5; hematocrit = 38; MCV =95; triglycerides =
200 mg/dl.
Blood alcohol level (BAC)
• 0.20 mg/dL
Toxicology Screen:
• Positive for THC
• Negative for opioids, benzodiazepines, or other
Mental status exam:
Appearance: Disheveled, appears older than stated age, smell
of alcohol. She is tearful and displays minimal eye contact
throughout the examination.
Alertness and Orientation: Fully oriented to person, place,
time, and situation.
Behavior: Cooperative but visibly agitated. She often loses
her train of thought mid-sentence.
Speech: Slurred, slowed.
Mood: Depressed and reports feeling overwhelmed by
emotional pain.
Affect: Flat, incongruent with stated mood.
NR 546 Week 6 Case Study
9.24 MWS
L.B. reports experiencing significant distress in
multiple areas of her life, including strained
relationships with family members, difficulty
maintaining employment due to frequent
absenteeism, and financial instability. She
admits to feeling isolated and disconnected
from loved ones, despite their attempts to offer
L.B. expresses a strong desire to get help. She
acknowledges the severity of her symptoms and
the urgency of seeking help, recognizing that
she is unable to cope with her emotional pain
on her own and her drinking is out of control.
Past psychiatric history:
• Diagnosed with alcohol abuse disorder
and opioid use disorder 8 years ago but
never followed up for treatment.
• Diagnosed with depression 10 years ago
but was not consistently treated.
• No history of psychiatric
hospitalizations. Has been to rehab for
her ETOH abuse 5 years ago but left
because she “didn’t like it” Denies ever
attempting suicide.
Past Medical History: Hypertension,
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Lisinopril 20 mg daily
Prilosec 20 mg daily
Substance Abuse History:
• Began drinking at age 16.
• Began abusing opioids at age 22
• Daily alcohol consumption,
approximately a bottle of wine per day.
• Frequent opioid abuse-Last use 2 weeks
ago consisting of several oxycontin.
• Occasional use of marijuana.
• Smokes tobacco ½ pack a day
Thought Process: Linear but slow. Often veering off-topic
and providing excessive detail in her responses.
Thought content: Expresses feelings of hopelessness and
worthlessness, admits to suicidal ideation without a specific
plan. She denies experiencing any delusions or
hallucinations. Denies intent to harm others
Perceptions: Denies experiencing any perceptual
disturbances, such as auditory or visual hallucinations.
Memory: Recent and remote WNL
Judgement/Insight: Poor insight into her alcohol use and its
impact; judgment impaired by intoxication.
Attention and observed intellectual functioning: Appears
intact, with no evidence of cognitive deficits or impairment
in orientation, attention, or memory.
Fund of knowledge: Fair general fund of knowledge and
NR 546 Week 6 Case Study
9.24 MWS
Family History
• Father had alcohol use disorder and died
by suicide.
• Mother has a history of depression.
• One brother with no known psychiatric
or medical conditions.
Social History
• Divorced, lives alone.
• Works as a waitress but has had
increasing absenteeism due to her
• Limited social support, estranged from
most family members.
• High school graduate.
Trauma history:
Reports physical abuse by her father during
Witnessed father’s suicide at age 14
Review of Systems
• General: Fatigue, low energy levels.
• Cardiovascular: Palpitations
• Respiratory: No shortness of breath or
• Gastrointestinal: Frequent nausea,
occasional vomiting, poor appetite.
• Musculoskeletal: No joint pain or
muscle aches.
• Neurological: No seizures, occasional
headaches. Exhibits tremors in her
• Sleep: Difficulty falling and staying
asleep, averaging 3-4 hours per night.
• Allergies: NKDA,
Alcohol Use Disorder (F 10.20)
Opioid Use Disorder (F11.20)
Preparing the Discussion
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the discussion. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
General Directions
Review the provided case study to complete this week’s discussion.
Include the following sections:
Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.
a. Select one drug to treat the diagnosis(es) or symptoms.
b. List medication class and mechanism of action for the chosen medication.
c. Write the prescription in prescription format.
d. Provide an evidence-based rationale for the selected medication using at least one scholarly reference. Textbooks may be used for additional references but are not the primary reference.
e. List any side effects or adverse effects associated with the medication.
f. Include any required diagnostic testing. State the time frame for this testing (testing is before medication initiation or q 3 months, etc.). Includes normal results range for any listed laboratory tests.
g. Provide a minimum of three appropriate medication-related teaching points for the client and/or family.
Integration of Evidence
: Integrate relevant scholarly sources as defined by program expectations:
a. Cite a scholarly source in the initial post.
b. Cite a scholarly source in one faculty response post.
c. Cite a scholarly source in one peer post.
d. Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence with no more than one short quote (15 words or less) for the week.
e. Include a minimum of two different scholarly sources per week. Cite all references and provide references for all citations.
3. NR546 W6 Case Study Discussion Rubric | ||
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
Application of Course Knowledge view longer description |
40 pts Excellent All requirements met. 36 pts V. Good 5 requirements met. 33 pts Satisfactory 4 requirements met. 20 pts Needs Improvement 1- 3 requirements met. 0 pts Unsatisfactory No requirements met. |
/ 40 pts |
Integration of Evidence
view longer description |
20 pts Excellent All requirements met. 18 pts V. Good 4 requirements met. 16 pts Satisfactory 3 requirements met. 10 pts Needs Improvement 1- 2 requirements met. 0 pts Unsatisfactory No requirements met. |
/ 20 pts |
Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue view longer description |
30 pts Excellent All requirements met. 24 pts Satisfactory 2 requirements met. 15 pts Needs Improvement 1 requirement met. 0 pts Unsatisfactory No requirements met. |
Required Prescriptions Components
How to Write the prescription in prescription format.
• Patient name
• Name of medication, including medication strength (e.g. Escitalopram 10 mg)
• SIG: quantity, route, and frequency (1 tab po daily)
• Number of tablets/capsules to dispense (Disp #30)
• Number of refills
• Prescriber name
• License number
• DEA number, if applicable
Include all components for the prescription writing requirement for the case studies.