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Action Research Proposal

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The final project for this course is an Action Research Proposal,  which will be created and shared in the form of a formal presentation  in PowerPoint, including detailed speaker notes for each content slide.  The purpose of the final project is for you to culminate the learning  achieved in the course by demonstrating the ability to effectively  present an Action Research Proposal.

As you create the presentation, imagine that you are given  approximately ten minutes to present this information to your fellow  teachers in your school during a staff development day, to your school  board to solicit support for their ideas, or to your managers as part of  your organization’s continuous improvement program. Your goals are to  gain approval to conduct this study and implement your proposed  innovation or intervention in your place of work.

To create your presentation, use your current, updated action  research plan outline that was originally submitted during Week Four.  Additionally, you may want to use your mock presentation from Week Five  as well as the feedback acquired from your classmates in the discussion  forum to build an improved, more complete presentation for a wider, more  important audience.

The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.

  • Presentation – Design (6.5 points): Create a  presentation that is professionally designed in 15 to 20 slides,  including title and references slides, and has no more than seven bullet  points per slide and no more than seven words per point. You must use  images to add value to the slide content and high-contrast colors for  readability and include detailed speaker notes for each content slide.
  • Presentation – Content (12 points): In addition to a title and references slide, the presentation must include the following eleven areas:
  1. Area of Focus (1 point): Describe the purpose of your study. Begin by writing a statement that starts with, “The purpose of this study is to…”
  2. Explanation of Problem (1 point): Explain a statement of the problem or situation that led to this interest or why you want to pursue this topic.
  3. Variables (1 point): Including defined factors, contexts, including recognition of diverse learners, and variables of the proposed study
  4. Research Questions (3 points): Two to three research  questions that align with the area of focus and address what you hope to  answer in this study. The questions need to be answerable and presented  in list format, and they must appropriately represent the  population/participants you identified
  5. Locus of Control (1 point): Describe how your idea is within your locus of control.
  6. Intervention/Innovation (1 point): A succinct description of the proposed action to address the identified issue/area of focus.
  7. Negotiations (0.5 point): Potential obstacles (e.g., permissions established).,
  8. Ethics (1 point): A statement of how you address the potential ethical challenges.
  9. Timeline (1 point):  The anticipated schedule for each phase of the intervention.
  10. Statement of Resources (0.5 point): A list of what is needed to enact the proposed plan, and
  11. Data Collection (1 point):  Proposed data collection  techniques are justified and whether you are proposing appropriate data  collection techniques to answer the study’s research questions (chart  from Week Three may be used here).

Written Communication
The assignment needs to adhere to the following areas for written communication.

  • APA Formatting (0.5 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (0.5 point): Display meticulous  comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling  and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very  easy to understand.
  • Source Requirement (0.5 point): Use no less than three  scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook, providing  compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page  need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Review and Submit the Assignment
Review your assignment with the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

 to  be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for  each criterion. Next, submit the assignment to the course room for  evaluation no later than day 7 of the week.

Running Head: SAMPLE ACTION PLAN Edwards 1


Sample Action Plan Evaluation

Markis’ Edwards

EDU 671: Fundamentals of Educational Research

Dr. Deborah Naughton

January 22, 2018

Area of Focus

The purpose of my research proposal is to show how reinforcing IEPs daily can alter behaviors in children with autism and learning disabilities which in terms will help them become self-sufficient. I currently work for a non-profit organization, The Learning Tree, which house children from the ages of four to twenty-one with intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, behavioral disabilities, and autism. Several of these students are turned over to the organization by their families or Department of Human Resources (DHR). The other educators and I provide the 24/7 care for these students. Several of the students are verbal and high functioning. A few learners are allotted the opportunity to attend public school, practice independence by learning to independently dress themselves, shower without additional assistance, as well as, make their own breakfast. Within this program, there are other learners that are nonverbal, obtaining a high variety of behaviors, as well as, a high demand for supervision.

In reinforcing learners in Individualized Educational Programs(IEPs), educators will assist in shaping the behaviors of the students, as well as, becoming more self-sufficient. Several of the learners acquire basic needs skills, such as ironing, cooking microwavable items, basic cleaning, and showering independently. As an educator in such a field, it is our goal to have each student meet at or above self-sufficiency level before exiting the program. In utilizing IEPs, educators were quite conservative about how to best do this, with many of them preferring to have the included students accompanied by a special education teacher, instructional assistant, or continuing to have resource room services at all times (Idol, 2006). This proposal does require a surplus amount of teaching and learning. Each of the learners is on a behavior teaching system, Teaching by Objective (TBOs). TBOs are a collection of data that the program’s behavior team, as well as, other educators, created to teach the students based on their current educational level. The students’ educational needs are met in areas, such as reading, writing, math, adaptive living, and science. The objective is to meet the learners’ needs via creating a plan that will effectively ensure the students’ educational and behavioral level are met or exceeded. I believe that as an educator, we must take a person-centered approach that essentially drives the planning process as the teacher determines the skills most applicable to a particular student (Bambara et al, 2011). Educators should be positive about educating students with disabilities in general education settings, as this will aid the educator in likely being more effective (Idol, 2006).

Research Questions

1. Quantitative: What is the difference in researchers’ expectations of students when applying IEP goals daily over a three weeks’ time span?

2. Qualitative: What is the perspective of a researcher in regards to having daily awareness of students IEP goals?

The research questions stated before are quite measurable and through suitable research and documentation, one will be able to effectively answer, as well as, show an adequate amount of data in such an area. In successfully observing the students in their learning environment, these questions will be properly explained as it teaches self-directed learning to students in three units: (a) setting a goal, (b) taking action, and (c) adjusting the…plan (Wehmeyer, Palmer, Agran, Mithaug, Martin, 2000).

Locus of Control

With the implication of this proposal, I as an educator can make a dramatic change in the Learning Tree. The learners will gain a sense of independence and continue to improve their skills and behavior. Reinforcing the IEPs shows that as educators, we are constantly observing and analyzing the data that is being present with each child. The area of focus and the locus of control go hand and hand. I chose this area of focus because I believe that I can make a difference in the lives of these children. These children are in this program to obtain help, as this is my complete intention, several student lack individuals that will ensure they obtain a successful life upon leaving the Learning Tree.

Data Collection

There are several methods of data collection used to in completion of this proposal. I relied on the data from the student’s TBOs which showed their progress from each day. As I observed the data, I gained an understanding of all the areas the learners have mastered, currently mastering, and those that are not. I then studied which instructor or assistant instructor signed the students TBOs, as well as, the collection of incident reports written. The incident reports exhibit which staff had that child during a crisis situation. This collection of data gives a substantial amount of information and reasoning as to why the children went into crisis and the factors that contributed to the crisis. The last collection of data utilized to inform me on how the students were progressing in the classroom was probing. Probing takes place once a month by the behavioral team. These individuals’ come inside the classroom and probe with the learners once a month to informs each instructor and assistant instructor on how they think the students are progressing or not based on what they have just observed. Overall, these three data collection tools are very effective and are able to provide credibility to my research in explaining the reasoning behind my interest in this research.


While working with children at the Learning Tree, I had to take into consideration their rights. Majority of the students are brought by DHR, while others are awarded custody by their parents. In taking all of the proper precautions, I made sure that I did not mention any of the students by name in my proposal because that would be in violation of their privacy right. One of the biggest issues in working at the Learning Tree is recalling everything within each child’s IEP is considered their rights and one cannot deny them access to many of the things they request. While working with the students and conducting my research, I had to keep in mind that in order to fully conduct my research, I follow all guidelines even when I did not get the results I initially intended.

Reflective Stance

While working on this action research plan, my thoughts and viewpoints on education changed dramatically. In conducting proper research, one can obtain a substantial amount of evidence to add credibility to their name and own research when it comes to education. Presenting this information to my superiors without proper research and facts would prove to be very challenging. As an educator, when you are looking at teaching through your eyes, you see how you would do things, however, once you take into consideration another perspective from other educators and conduct research, it aids you to reflect on the various choices you are making in teaching and learning in the classroom.


There is still a lot of work to be completed with this proposal, however, I was allotted the opportunity to present it to my classroom. They were very receptive to my research while providing me with a great deal of positive feedback. My class also suggested that when we meet with our supervisor that I have some type of visual aid to add credibility to my research. My coworkers explained that alone would only enhance the entire presentation. I would hope to see a possible implication of my proposal once it is complete and properly presented. I will meet with my supervisor the first week in February to discuss my proposal in the staff meeting.

Action-Data Connection

The data shows the teaching staff a collection of points. It shows us how well the learners are mastering the learning concept. It also discusses whether or not the students are ready to progress forward, as well as, when, why, and what triggers the behaviors of some of the students. With this data analysis, the teaching staff is able to come up with a plan to help reinforce the students’ behaviors and aid them in becoming self-sufficient. With help from the data we, as educators, can determine the plan of action we need to help the students reinforce their IEPs. Whether that is spending more time teaching the adaptive living skills or spend more time working on verbal phase and prompts. This data gives each of us the facts. It up to us, as a staff to take the research that I have found and apply it to the program.

Reflection Learning

Working on this research proposal has shaped my style of putting serious time and effort into my studies. While conducting my research, I realized how passionate I feel about having something that could possibly change the way others see education. The drive to perfect my research encourages me to put more thought into completing future assignments. In taking time to look for resources to strengthen my work has shaped my perspective on the learning experience. Reflection-Application

Walking away from this assignment and heading into my final project, I have learned to trust the research and the data. They are both vital aspects of the entire proposal. One can put a ton of thought and great sentences into a research paper, however, relying on the research and the data will not only strengthen the body of the research but in terms give the proposal a solid foundation. This experience has shaped the ways that I view sources and research.


Bambara, L. M., Koger, F., & Bartholomew, A. (2011). Building skills for home and community.

In M. E. Snell & F. Brown (Eds.), Instruction of students with severe disabilities (7th ed., pp. 529-569). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Idol, L. (2006). Toward inclusion of special education students in general education: A program

evaluation of eight schools. Remedial and Special education, 27(2), 77-94.

Wehmeyer, M. L. (2005). Self-determination and individuals with severe disabilities: Re-

examining meanings and misinterpretations. Research and Practice for Persons with

Severe Disabilities, 30(3), 113-120. doi:10.2511/rpsd.30.3.113

Intervention for Education

Markis’ Edwards

EDU:671 Fundamentals of Educational Research

Instructor: Deborah Naughton

Area of Focus
Global applications
Arithmetic is applicable in all professions thus the need for it to be compulsory in all modern schools globally (Brown, Dehoney & Millichap, 2015)
Teaching techniques
Do learners feel teachers are applying the best and simplest techniques?
Virtual or digital education being applied in schools.
Advancements in technology has made digital education the new premier in offering quality education.


Research Questions
Why should I consider eLearning-based training?
Can eLearning courses be customized?
Quantitative: What are 2-3 hardware and software requirements for online training?


Locus of Control
I am a part of this intervention
Confidential Research for myself
Research Summaries
Data Collection


Controlling cheating
Respect for others work
Representation of collected data and reports


Reflective Stance

Through my research plan, I have learned:
1. Writing is Primary mode of communication
2. What reflective writing entails
3. Best Method on e-learning is to compare


Creation of sample and control groups
Obtaining permission from both the district education board and parents Permission letters will have to be sent to the district education office as well to the students. This formality is necessary as the intervention is not official and the students are minors’ therefore parental consent will be needed (Kiger & Herro, 2015).
Selection of software/platform
Identify educator role
Evaluation of data


Action-Data Connection
Issue of equipping the school with the proper equipment.
Students are more eager to learn with technology within classroom


Reflection – Learning / Application

I have learned:
The primary mode of communication in e-learning to properly assist learners as an educator.
The role of an educator in e-learning.
The requirements for online training.
What actions to take as an educator.


Brown, M., Dehoney, J., & Millichap, N. (2015). The next generation digital learning environment. A Report on Research. ELI Paper. Louisville, CO: Educause April.
Kiger, D., & Herro, D. (2015). Bring your own device: Parental guidance (PG) suggested. TechTrends, 59(5), 51-61.
Tyner, K. (2014). Literacy in a digital world: Teaching and learning in the age of information. Routledge.

Desmond Dunklin
EDU:671 Fundamentals of Educational Research

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Pierce-Friedman

Action Research Proposal

“Children see Magic because they look for It”
Christopher Moorer

Area of Focus

The purpose of my research proposal

was show how reinforcing IEPs daily can

alter behaviors in children with autism,

learning, and behavioral disabilities which in

terms will help them become self sufficient.

“A person-centered approach
should drive the planning process
as the teacher determines the skills
most applicable to a particular
student,” (Bambara et al., 2011).

Explanation of Problem

After several hours of observation I notice several
teachers were not reinforcing the students while
charting their data. If the students did not get the
correct answer right the first time the teachers
would mark (E) for error and move on to the next
learning objective. There was no reintroducing the
learning concept or trying a different learning
alternative to probe the students to get the correct
answers. There was no use of technology tools to
help aid in the learning process. I made the
choice to pursue this topic because our students
should not be robbed of their education because
of their learning disabilities.


The classroom were composed of a mixed
group of kids. Some kids were verbal, they
could speak very well, but exhibited several
disruptive behaviors if they could not have their
The second group of kids were the nonverbal
kids. They could not speak at all. They exhibited
severe behavioral exposed the could cause
harm to themselves and or the staff.

The last group of kids were partial verbal kids.
They can make out small words and sentences
and express to you their basic needs or
communicate the things they wanted.

While observing, I notice several staff wanted to
only work with the verbal kids. They did not
want to put the extra time into working one on
one with the students who next practice.

Research Question

1. What is the difference in researchers expectations of students
when applying IEP goals daily verses being applied over
three weeks?

2. What is the perspective of researcher in regards to having
daily awareness of students IEP goals?

The research questions are very measurable
with the research proposal. They give detailed
though to what the research proposal was
looking for while researching. The research also
wanted to bring awareness to the student’s IEP
so that other staff would see where the students
were falling short.

The research questions
are very measurable with
the research proposal.
They give detailed though
to what the research
proposal was looking for
while researching. The
research also wanted to
bring awareness to the
student’s IEP so that other
staff would see where the
students were falling short.

“teaches self-directed learning to
students in three units: (a) setting a
goal, (b) taking action, and (c)
adjusting the total or plan”
(Wehmeyer, Palmer, Agran,
Mithaug, & Martin, 2000). S

Our main goal as educators are to educate
children regardless of the limitation or
disabilities. This purpose of this proposal is for
other educators to see the benefits of reinforcing
IEPs daily for students with learning disabilities.
If we reinforce these IEPs daily we see the
research and the progress daily instead of
waiting once a year or every other month. Our
goal is to get the students to a level where they
can possible take care of themselves once they
leave our facility.

“defined self-determination as
intentional behaviors or choices
that allow an individual to be the
“primary causal agent in one’s life
and to maintain or improve one’s
quality of life” (Wehmeyer (2005).

There are several educational tools and
resources that could be used to help put this
action proposal into effect. Each students has
an Ipad with an app called proloquo on it. We
use this app for the students to request things,
places, activities, and food. With more time
spent on the ipad trainer the students will
become accustomed to expressing their needs
and wants to the staff. With proper implication of
this training behaviors will de-escalate because
the students now have a way of expressing
themselves without causing a crisis.

There were only a few negotiations needed in
order for me to conduct my action research
plan. I could not use any of the student’s name
in my proposal seeing that our students were
under our supervision through DHR. The last
negotiation was that I could only observe the
students in their learning environment.
Therefore my research would solely be based
off of the being in their learning environment.

When implementing the new research proposal
I had to take into consideration that all our
students had rights. If somethings was in their
plan, it was their for a purpose. The changes
that we were would be making to the students
plan would be to implement more one on one
training time, and more time spent training on
the student’s ipad, with special restricting on
different sights that could prove to be disruptive
to the students such as social media site ect.

The scheduled phases for this intervention is to incorporate it into the daily
routine of the classroom schedule. Extending trainer time and one on one goal
training from 45 minutes to an hour and thirty minute. This will allow the
teachers extra time to run the IEPs, TBOs, and train the students using their
Ipads. If we incorporate this time extension we can begin to see more results
because the students are spending extra time training and practicing in area
where they need extra help. At the end of the week will evaluate data and
score it and make goal to exceed the results the next week.

Very few resources and materials are needed to aid in the
implication of this proposal. Each student needs to have
access to his or her Ipad. Also, the students need their
learning reinforcement kit. Which contains flashcards,
markers, dry erase boards, construction paper, scissors,
and glue sticks. These kits are use to help the students
express themselves during activity time where the students
draw expressions of themselves.

There were three data collection tools utilized to
make this action proposal a success. Those
three tools were: TBO Data Sheets, Incident
Reports, and Probing Data Sheets. These three
tools gave adequate feedback as to how our
students are performing on a daily, weekly, and
monthly bases.

1. TBOs- are a listed of assessment that
the teachers at the learning tree use to
help aid in the data collection. THe
TBOs informs us on how well the
students are mastering the learning
objective.They also show the a
collection of data that is collected from
behaviors throughout the day.

2. We use incidents report to chart behaviors.
Incident Reports are filled out in detail, when
and where the behavior happened, what staff
was working with the child, what was the child
doing,ect. WIth this collection of data the BA can
determine why the behavior occurred, what
triggered the students behavior and what is the
best alternative to reinforce the behavior.

Incident Reports Probing

3. Probing allows us the opportunity to sit down
one on one with the kids and test them on
knowledge and different learning concepts to see
if the students have met their mastery level. If the
students have mastered their learning concepts
we make change to their IEP based off the data
collected, the incidents reports, TBOs, and the
behavior charts.

As education we have the chance to go and
impact the lives of children everyday. This
action research proposal really came from my
heart. These kids are falling through the crack
because some individual do not want to put in
the time, energy, and effort to help them
succeed. Reinforcing these students IEPs daily
can help the students become self sufficient.
Change does not come over-night but if we
works on it daily change will come.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which
you can use to change the world”
-Nelson Mandela


Bambara, L. M., Koger, F., & Bartholomew, A. (2011). Building skills for home and community. In M. E. Snell & F. Brown (Eds.),
Instruction of students with severe disabilities (7th ed., pp. 529-569). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Wehmeyer, M. (1992). Self-determination: Critical skills for outcome-oriented transition services. Journal for Vocational Special
Needs Education, 15, 3-7.

Wehmeyer, M. L. (2005). Self-determination and individuals with severe disabilities: Re-examining meanings and
misinterpretations. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 30(3), 113-120. doi:10.2511/rpsd.30.3.113

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