who ganna do my Religious class homework?

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

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Spring 2013

Sacred Books of the World

Second Writing Assignment

Due Friday, May 10, 2013

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Comparing and Contrasting Sacred Ethical Texts from the Abrahamic Religious Tradition with the Asian Religious Tradition

This is a hermeneutical paper. The purpose is to have you start interpreting texts. Think of the hermeneutical triangle: text, context and interpreter. Be aware of yourself as the reader and the context of the sacred book.

The paper is to be the study of the similarities and differences between ethical texts from an Abrahamic religion and an Asian religion. See Ethics section in each chapter.
Pick a short manageable text
(three or four verses). For example: take a small passage an ethical text in Judaism (Exodus 20), or Christianity (Matthew 5- 7) or Islam (Surah 17). Compare it with an ethical text of an Asian religion (Section 8 from the Tao Te Ching, the ethics of the Eight Fold Path or a passage from the Bhagavad Gita.)

What religions are texts connected with? Who wrote them? When were they written? What is the historical setting?

What is the core ethical teaching of the text? Is there ethical tension within the religion between the ethical ideal of the text and the practice within the religion?

What is the genre of the text? Does it focus on rules or on building character? Are there similar ethical principles, for example, the Golden Rule or the Golden Mean?

In summary, you should give your critique of the texts of both religions from your point of view as expressed in your autobiography. What do you agree with and what do you disagree with? Most importantly, what is the basis of your agreement or disagreement? What are your ethical principles?

This paper should be 4 pages, double spaced. Proof read after using the spell checker for words the spell checker does not catch, for example,

steal/ steel, Bible/ bible, alter/altar, manner/manor, definitely/defiantly.

Have a first reader review the paper.

Steps to writing a university paper:

1) Read, think, and take notes.

2) Write a first draft

3) Have a first reader review your paper (pay attention to proof reading)

4) Edit and submit

David Newcomer (1/30/13)

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