Whistle Blowing as a form of Corporate Governance

Whistle Blowing as a form of Corporate Governance. Research about the Pfizer/Bextra Whistleblower case on the Internet-just to get a “feel” for the topic of whistle blowing.  Research whistle blowing and Wal-Mart.  Develop a report for Wal-Mart which discusses whistle blowing as a form of corporate governance and the legal issues associated with whistle blowing. In the paper, discuss  the following: Has anyone ever blown the whistle on Wal-Mart?  If they did, what happened?  How was the whistle blower treated by the company?

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Whistle Blowing as a form of Corporate Governance. Research about the Pfizer/Bextra Whistleblower case on the Internet-just to get a “feel” for the topic of whistle blowing.  Research whistle blowing and Wal-Mart.  Develop a report for the Wal-Mart which discusses whistle blowing as a form of corporate governance and the legal issues associated with whistle blowing. In the paper, discuss  the following:
Has anyone ever blown the whistle on Wal-Mart?  If they did, what happened?  How was the whistle blower treated by the company?

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