Weekend 5


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Assignment 1: Biology Article

Due Week 5 and worth 120 points

Use the Internet and / or the Strayer Learning Resource Center to research aspects of biology.

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Select  an article from a magazine or newspaper that has something in it that  pertains to biology. This will serve as the “target article” for this  assignment. For instance, you can select an article about medicine,  invasive species, nature, conservation, genetic technology, ecology, or  any other topic that is related to biology. One purpose of this  assignment is to help you become aware of how biology is related to your  everyday life.

Write a one to three (1-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize the article in one (1) or more paragraphs, using your own words. Be  sure to identify the article using an in-text citation in the body of  the paper, as well as a reference in the reference section. 
  2. Explain  how the article relates to this course. Identify which biological  concepts from the course and / or text are relevant to the topic covered  in the article. Citing the course text, discuss the ways in which this  course does (or doesn’t) provide background information to help you  understand the article and the larger issues surrounding it. 
  3. Explain  why the article caught your attention. Relate the article to your life  and to issues that are important to you. Discuss how or if the  scientific knowledge about the topic covered in the article affects you  directly or indirectly.
  4. Discuss  your opinion on how research on this topic should be funded. State  whether you think taxpayer monies should support research on this topic  or whether such research in this area should be funded by the private  sector. Rate the importance of research on this topic, relative to other  areas of research. 

In addition to  the target article, you should use at least one additional resource,  such as your textbook or another article. You must have a reference  section which contains an APA reference to your chosen article and all  other sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in APA  format) to your references in the body of the text. Integrate all  sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing  and summarizing, along with your in-text citations.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be  typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with  one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA  or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional  instructions.
  • Include  a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s  name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover  page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment  page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in biology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about biology using proper writing mechanics.



Choose one of the following three topics for your primary post. Your  primary post should address everything that the instructions call for  (for the topic you choose). Your post should also be at least 125 words  in length. Additionally, please respond to at least one other discussant  on any topic.

Topic 1. Tumor-suppressor genes versus Proto-oncogenes. This is a library-research topic in which you are required to provide your sources.  Mutations in tumor suppressor genes can contribute to or cause cancer,  just as mutations in proto-oncogenes can also contribute to or cause  cancer. However, tumor suppressor genes are very different from  proto-oncogenes.

  • (a) What is the basic difference between a tumor suppressor gene and a proto-oncogene?
  • (b) Explain how mutations in these very different types of genes can cause or contribute to causing cancer.

Topic 2. Sexual Reproduction in Unicellular Eukaryotes.  Watch the instructor’s video about “Sexual Reproduction in Unicellular  Eukaryotes”, which is found in the Instructor Insights section for this  week. For a single-celled species to be capable of sexual reproduction,  the species must have both haploid and diploid forms

  • (a) Explain what diploid form of the organism must be capable of doing, for the species to reproduce sexually.
  • (b) Explain what haploid form of the organism must be capable of doing, for the species to reproduce sexually.
  • Reminder: you don’t need to cite my videos or the papers that the videos are based on, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them.

Topic 3. Apoptosis. Watch the Khan Academy video about apoptosis (“Apoptosis”, n.d.), then address the following issues in your own words:

  • (a) What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis?
  • (b) What is the role of apoptosis in normal, healthy development?
  • Reminder: you don’t need to cite the Khan Academy video for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them.


Apoptosis (n.d.). Retrieved from


Cox, J. (2017, July 23). Sexual reproduction in a unicellular eukaryote. [Kaltura video].

Cox, J. (2017, July 30). Sex in S. rosetta. [Kaltura video].

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