Week 6 – Marketing Plan
In this final piece of the Course Project paper, you will develop a brief marketing plan for the product or service. In this section, the paper should do the following.
- Identify the overall marketing goals.
- Identify three to five specific marketing objectives (these should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and have a time element).
- Identify specific marketing strategies for achieving these objectives and goals, including
Product strategies (what the product will look like);
Distribution strategies (how you will distribute the product or service to the target market);
Promotion strategies (how you will promote the product or service); and
Pricing strategies (how you will price the product or service). - You should clearly articulate how its intended strategies satisfy the needs of the target market.
This assignment is due in Week 6 via a Word Document Submission.
Please Note: All Submissions will use “TurnitIn” software to check for Similarity. No Submission should exceed a 25% Similarity Score even with citations. It is best to write in your own words what you have learned from your research vs. trying to paraphrase or copy/paste with quotations/citations.
Remember that the Course Paper assignments will be compiled into the complete Course Project paper, due in Week 7.