week 1 reply

chose at least 4 posting and reply in 75 words for each follow-up response thus include critical analysis, and be supported by the relevant in-text citations and reference sources. 

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That will be a total of 4 paragraphs

chose any discussion  but at least two replies for  discussion 1 and two replies for discussion 2  

2/1/2018 Week One Discussion One – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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Pitt – Week 1 Discussion 1
Charles Pitt posted Jan 30, 2018 9:35 PM Subscribe

            According to this week’s reading the PSAD Course Guide noted several,
Authors, Philosophers and Theorist defining Public administration ranging from
the “fulfillment or enforcement of public policy, management of resources to the
Five Functions of Management (Introduction to Public Safety Administration, n.d.,
para . 1).” In answering this question I took the opportunity to research different
views regarding this subject matter. For example, the Census Bureau states public
safety “comprises the functions of Police protection, Fire protection, Correction,
and Protective inspection and regulation” (US Census Bureau, n.d.).

                Public Safety Administration is not an easy topic to define, given the
complexity and Quantity of people, places and things that would stand to be
affected by this very definition, It is not a simple task. When I think of the Public
Safety and its Administration, I automatically interpret it into a question, what it is
that one is seeking to accomplish as well as to whom would be affected. My first
thought goes to, who I consider as “public” Merriam Webster Dictionary defines
public as a collective body of people (Webster, n.d.) which I consider to be
Households, Communities, Counties and /or State.  Secondly, I would take into
account what safety and security measures, would be required to protect this
body o people. Finally, I would explore what Governing body is responsible for
caring for these individuals.

                In conclusion:  I would define Public Safety Administration as an
administrative body that has jurisdiction and oversight for the security, welfare
and the responsibility of developing, constructing, and organizing safety
measures, policies and procedures to protect all people, in all security situations
and circumstances, It would encompass anything having to do with protecting the
life, liberty and the well-being of all of its citizens.



US Census Bureau’s Federal, State, and Local Governments definitions page. (n.d).
Retrieved January 30, 2018, from https://www.census.gov/govs/definitions/

2/1/2018 Week One Discussion One – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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PSAD 302 Introduction to Public Safety Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved January
30, 2018,
from https://learn.umuc.edu/d2l/le/content/261558/viewContent/11588545/Vie





Last post yesterday at
10:18 PM by Carl Wertman

Discussion One
David Anderson posted Jan 31, 2018 11:50 PM Subscribe

I believe Public Safety Administration is the management that directs and
oversees individuals employed by the public to provide safety for the
community.   Safety can be in many forms, to include EMS, Fire Departments, and
Police Departments.  The motive behind the policies and procedures developed by
Public Safety Administrators are much harder to define.  As Neumann describes in
his article, “What makes public administration a science? Or, are its “questions”
really big”, the relationship of Public Safety Administration and its environment is
complex and chaotic.

            Public Safety Administrators must develop policy and procedures that are
palatable to their employer, the public.  Administrators policies change with the
opinion of the public.   For example, the definition of Use of Force, is different
when discussing local, State and Federal.  This is because the public that is
closest associated with the organization will reevaluate their opinion when an
incident occurs.  This opinion drives change in policy and procedure, it is the
responsibility of Public Administrators to ensure that change in policy and
procedure is adhered to by the public employees.        


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2/1/2018 Week One Discussion One – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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Week One Discussion One
Florita Wesley posted Jan 31, 2018 8:23 PM Subscribe

We face a multitude of threats daily.  Of course, I believe that it’s important to implement and

enforce policies and procedures to ensure the public safety of our citizens.  Moreover, we as

citizens must take an active role to safeguard public safety as well – for example, “see

something, say something.” In my humble opinion, public safety should not be limited to our

public safety administrators. Therefore, I believe that public safety administration should be

defined as “agencies created to provide protection and guidance to its citizens against imminent

threat, danger or harm.”  I generated this definition because as a citizen, I expect a reasonable

level of leadership and protection within our communities from appointed sources. Conversely,

according to the assigned Course Guide (2018) reading, “it is hard to find a single, simple

definition of public safety administration.”  


 Course Guide. (2018). UMUC PSAD 302: Introduction to Public Safety Administration[Online
serial]. Retrieved from URL.



week 1 discussion 1 – Greg Daclan
Greg Daclan posted Feb 1, 2018 8:13 AM Subscribe

There many definitions of public safety administration, but the one that shall be
used for this class is one from Robert A. Cropf, who defined it as “the managerial
and political processes that occur in the executive, legislative, and judicial
branches for the purposes of creating, implementing, and assessing public
policy.” The public policy here refers to as “any decision-making done on behalf
of or affecting the public, especially that which is done by government.” This can
mean the public safety administration can be described as : a collective group
who reviews areas of both physical locations and work guidelines, and checks
them to see if they satisfy the guidelines for protecting the lives from both death
and injury in those cases.

Reference used:


2/1/2018 Week One Discussion One – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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Ray – Week 1
Patrick Ray posted Jan 31, 2018 9:28 PM Subscribe

I would define public safety administration as the carrying out of government
policy to insure the safety and well being of the citizens. Public safety
administrators work adjacent to the policy makers to administer and enforce
developed policies. The responsibility of enforcing policy brings a great burden
on the public safety administrators to accurately interrupt the policy and enforce
h hil f b i d h iless


Week 1 Discussion 1
Richard Weldon posted Jan 31, 2018 9:26 AM Subscribe

Public safety administration is the discipline which government, N.P.O., and
outside agencies tasked with all matters related to public health, crime
prevention, environmental and non-environmental disasters plan, operate, and
respond to ensure the highest level of safety of the general public and the
organization’s employees.

Public safety administration is interdisciplinary field because it incorporates a
number of topics including health, law, criminal justice, emergency management
and business. Theoretically, any social institution can be involved in Public Safety
administration. For instance, many companies have security departments who are
responsible for safety and emergency planning for their employees, customers
and other stakeholders. Therefore, a proper definition of Public Safety

2/1/2018 Week One Discussion Two – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

https://learn.umuc.edu/d2l/le/content/261558/viewContent/11588549/View 1/3

Ray: Week 1
Patrick Ray posted Jan 31, 2018 11:23 PM Subscribe

1. Police

2. Fire

3. Life Guards

4. Park Rangers

5. Health and Human Services – The stake holders of health and human services
would be those that benefit from there services or receive accolades for their
success. Those benefiting would include women and children displaced by
violence, homeless, elderly lacking financial stability to name a few. The
individuals or groups responsible for enacting policy and providing the services
would also be stakeholders.



Week 1 discussion 2
Richard Weldon posted Jan 31, 2018 9:27 AM Subscribe

Within the field of Public Safety there are a number of organizations that operate
in each community to accomplish the same goal. Some of these organizations are;

 Fire departments- Fire departments are found in almost every community and
are tasked with responding to and preventing fire. Most Fire departments are also
merged with Rescue Departments. These organizations are tasked with
emergency medical response and public safety tasks like vehicle extraction.

Hospitals- Hospitals provide medical care and become extremely important when
it comes to mass casualty events.

Police departments- Police are a critical resource in the community. Police are
tasked with crime response and prevention. Many Police Departments include

2/1/2018 Week One Discussion Two – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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special units like intelligence and S.W.A.T.

 Jails and Prisons- The correctional system is usually a forgotten department
when most consider public safety. Jails and prisons are tasked with protecting the
general public from those citizens deemed unfit to reside in our communities as
well as rehabilitating those men and woman in order to become contributing
members of society.

 Emergency management offices-Most county and state governments are or have
created offices or departments that are tasked with emergency preparedness,
response, recovery and mitigation. These departments are complex because they
not only have to manage the development of their own programming but also
must coordinate with other departments that would be involved in the event of an

h h d ff k b ll h l lless



Last post yesterday at
10:21 PM by Carl Wertman

Activity 2
Ronald Edhaya posted Jan 31, 2018 5:35 AM Subscribed

Public safety agencies are bodies or institutions commissioned with the tasks of
administrating over the concern of public safety and ensure a sense of security or




Week One Discussion Two -Travis Chase
Travis Chase posted Jan 31, 2018 7:43 PM Subscribe

1.  Fire Department 

2. Police Department 

3. Hospital

4. Military

5. Office of Unified Communications

2/1/2018 Week One Discussion Two – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

https://learn.umuc.edu/d2l/le/content/261558/viewContent/11588549/View 3/3

The Fire Department’s stakeholders are the public.  I believe they are the
stakeholders because the city residents are the taxpayers who pay a portion of
their taxes to fund the local fire department. I believe if the public is funding a
portion of the fire department, then they should have a say in the services they

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