Violence and Sports

 -Should fighting be banned in hockey? 

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-Fan hooliganism- its causes and measures undertaken to control it. 


By Submitting This Assignment I Acknowledge Checking for the Following 24 Things:

Formatting Checklist

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1. I copied and pasted the entire Assignment Rubric/Grading Template (Essay Report Card).

2. This rubric was copied and pasted above my Essay so it is the first thing that my professor sees. 

3. I am using a brand new/fresh email to prevent formatting issues.

4. I am providing a proper subject heading that includes: My First And Last Name, The Course Code, The Section That I’m In And The Assignment Number. 

5. I understand that there is a 5% deduction in my grade for failing to provide the rubric and a proper subject heading. 

6. I am only using my Seneca email account. I am not using my personal email address due to Seneca College policy. 

7. My submission is in colour HTML Format (not plain text black and white). 

8. This essay has NO attachments as they posed a risk of my professor receiving either a worm or virus. 

9. This assignment was not formatted like a traditional paper/hard copy essay as this does not work well on a computer screen. 

10. There was no excessive spacing so that my professor had to keep unnecessarily scrolling up and down. 

11. I did not use bolding in my essay as this makes it more difficult for my instructor to mark my work. 

Writing Checklist

12. I carefully proof read my work so that no word or phrase was repeated in a sentence or the one that followed. 

13. Every sentence connected with the one following it in a logical “A” goes to “B” goes to “C” manner.

14. I ran my work through a grammar and spell check and watched my use of periods and commas.

15. I did not use ANY casual language that you might find in a typical online chat room and remembered to capitalize the personal pronoun “I”. 

16. I removed all material that was not directly related to my main argument (thesis).

17. I know the difference between the words “Their,” “They’re,” and “There” as well as “To,” “Two” and “Too,” “Your,” and “You’re.”

18. I totally understood EVERY sentence that I wrote. Everyone was as clear because something slightly foggy to me will likely be less comprehensible to the reader. 

19. I did not exceed the word limit of this assignment. 

20. I made every effort to write sentences with no more than 18 words in them in order to improve my clarity. 

21. All of my sources were properly cited in the body (inside the written part) of my paper. Using quotations alone is not acceptable. I have to say where these quotations came from. Any fact that is not common knowledge, any unique idea or copied sentences- even ones that I changed- need to be cited or else I have plagiarized. 

22. I fully understand the consequences if I plagiarize my work. 

23. I used proper MLA referencing for my Works Cited section (at the bottom of my essay) and referred to “Seneca Libraries MLA Style Guide” found in My Seneca when I was not sure how to do this. 

24. I met or exceeded the minimum number of references expected for this assignment. 

INCLUDEPICTURE “ ?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=AE4ABCBA5B87F021DDB0417210DCDD75B107C0475A1E5F9B” \* MERGEFORMATINET

EAC 955 NBA NBB Assignments

This is just a reminder that whenever you see words that are capitalized, in big letters, have been bolded, coloured, underlined, or highlighted, I am simply trying to emphasize something. Please don’t assume that I’m writing in anger here. Thanks. (



Assignment I:
Short Research Essay


Assignment II:
Short Research Essay


Assignment III: 1 Sports Genre Literature Book Review

Optional Assignment IV: Short Research Essay

Quality of Discussion Forums And Online Participation

Final Examination




*This is an optional essay. You don’t have to do it. If you choose to do so, then the best 2 out of the 3 essays valued at 15% will only be counted towards your final grade.

Important Information About Your Assignments

Before I give you detailed information on what you have to write on for your essay assignments, you first need to read this very preliminary information on the technical and administrative requirements for each assignment as well as useful tips on how to write very short essays. Please read this section first. It is VERY important. Topic suggestions for Assignments 1, 2 and 4 (Worth 15% each) begin on Page 15. Information on your Book Report (Assignment 3) (Worth 20%) begins on Page 28.

Please don’t skip this next section. It will be a big mistake to do so.

You Need To Have A Grading Template

All assignments must be submitted using the “EAC 955 Assignment Grading Template” and sent to me in HTML

e-mailed format.

Make sure to open the document entitled: “EAC 955 Assignment Rubric Grading Template” found in the “Course Documents” section. No assignments will be graded without this attached template. Why? It allows me to provide you with very detailed comments relating to your essays in order to help you improve your writing and analysis.

Also read my short, to the point document: What Is Plagiarism. It has a mini-quiz at the end to make sure that you know what is expected from you. There are several ways to get caught plagiarizing beyond copying and pasting someone else’s writing. Don’t get a low or failing grade because you “didn’t know.”

The Due Dates On The “Addendum” (Weekly Outline)

Document Are The Ones That You Must Follow. Ignore any document that says anything else. (Every semester is different so my due dates change. Sometimes, I miss a few of them). The Addendum is the only place where you need to look for due dates.

Are You An Average To Poor Writer?

Before discussing the specifics concerning your assignments, let me say the following one more time:

In general, and let me emphasize, in general– if you received a solid B grade or higher in EAC 150, you should have no concerns in terms of succeeding in this course. If you received a C grade, you MIGHT have some struggles. If you received a D grade- this will LIKELY be a very tough course for you. If you are the type of student who spends a lot of time at the Writing Centre getting help on your essay assignments, I strongly recommend that you do not take this course.

You should also note that since this is an English literature course, the quality of your writing will be the most important factor determining your assignment grades. For GEN ED subjects such as history, sociology or psychology, a professor tends to grade using a 65:35 ratio. That is, he or she weighs the value of your content at around 65% of the assignment’s value and your writing at 35%. For EAC courses, it’s the other way around.

When I mark your essays, nearly 65% of it is based on the quality of your writing. After all, the number one objective of all EAC subjects is to improve each student’s writing in order to better prepare him or her for the workplace. So do not assume that just because you got an “A” in Psychology, Political Science or “Contemporary Martian Issues,” you will get the same mark here if the quality of your writing does not meet the School of English and Liberal Studies standards. This 65:35 ratio makes us professors appear to be “tough markers” when we’re just doing our jobs.

I am not saying this to scare anyone away. I simply want to avoid any misunderstandings down the road.

O.K. I have hammered away on this point. Now there are a few things that Muhammad Ali would like you to be aware of.

“Read this one tiny section shaded in gray so that you can move up from an ‘C’ to a ‘B’ or a ‘B’ to an ‘A.’”

INCLUDEPICTURE “ ” \* MERGEFORMATINET Read This Piece of “____________”

“I think that Ali was the greatest in the history of sport. The way Ali fought in the ring was amazing. The way Ali handled himself with the media was also amazing. I am amazed that some people do not consider Ali to be the greatest in the history of sport.”

This is an amazingly repetitive piece of “___________,” right? It’s extremely unclear. How many times did you have to read it before it made sense?

Why is this writing so awful? Because it’s
. When something is stated a lot, our minds assume that it is for emphasis. However, being smart like we are, we know that in this passage, the person just loves saying things over and over again. Unfortunately for us, we can’t filter out this repetition. It’s like trying to watch a movie in a theatre while some obnoxious person is talking out loud. This is VERY distracting.

Avoid Using The Same Words Or Phrases In A Sentence Or The One That Follows. Unfortunately, 75% of students do this. If there is ONE thing that I am going to beat out of you is painful repetition.

If you did not get my movie theatre analogy, then think of repetition being like a speed bump for your reader. It seriously slows down a person’s ability to quickly go through your message.

You can’t do this in workplace communications. And this is what I am principally training you for.

All semester, I will be tracking who is guilty of this MAJOR writing sin and will deduct marks for not correcting it. For each assignment, you will lose more marks for repeating the same words or phases in a sentence or the one that follows.

Here are the next most common writing sins that I will also be beating out of you:

· Avoid As Much As Possible Writing Sentences Beyond 18 Words.

· Don’t Try Writing Like A Professor. You Can’t. Write Clear And Simple Sentences. Say Things The Way You Would For A School Presentation.

· A New Idea = A New Paragraph. Don’t be afraid to have multiple paragraphs, even some as little as one sentence to help clarify your writing.

· A Period Signifies A Complete Thought.

· A Comma, Oftentimes Signifies A Pause In Thought.

Just to let you let you know, the over use of the word amazing was not the only thing that was repetitive here. The phrase, “greatest in the history of sport” and the name “Ali” was used a gazillion times. The phrase “the way Ali” was stated twice as well. There are other ways to say “Ali” such as Muhammad Ali, “this boxing legend” or simply “he or him.” Be creative here kidz. Also, avoid as much as humanly possible referring to an athlete or celebrity by their first name. For example, do you personally know “Kobe” or “Shaq?” And for goodness sake, never refer to a world leader such as Barack Obama as “Barack.” For those of you insulted, trust me, I would not say this if it was not a common problem.

On Week 2, you will get more details on this matter in the section entitled “Journalism 101.”

Here is a great website that can help you concerning repetition:

It basically scans your document and points out which words you are saying over and over again. Give it a try.

INCLUDEPICTURE “ ” \* MERGEFORMATINET The Difficulties of Communicating Online!

One of the greatest difficulties that an instructor has in teaching a course online is that it is very difficult to express both one’s personality and sincerity. Written text lacks both body language (gesticulations) and vocal tone. According to studies, 93% of a message is interpreted by these factors and only 7% by words. For this reason, one can more readily misinterpret some of my comments and personalize them.

Let me emphatically state that any comments that you receive on your work are intended for constructive purposes- pure and simple. Please do not interpret them to be anything more than this. Don’t try to “read between the lines.” I will not play any sarcastic or mean spirited head games with you. If I am disappointed with your work, I will clearly state that I am disappointed.

I try extremely hard to use language that is not intended to come across as if I am being rude when grading your work.

I value the dignity of each and every one of you. If at any point in this course you feel that I have crossed an inappropriate line, please tell me so.

It’s A Two Way Street: Be Nice To Me Also.

Likewise, every semester, there are 5-7 students who drive me bonkers with their poor online manners. As a person who owns a business and in partnership with several others, and someone who knows plenty of others not to mention many managers, VPs and Presidents, the biggest killer in terms of getting a job interview- let alone a job- is having poor interpersonal communication skills. DO NOT treat me like a punching bag. It’s a really bad idea. I expect that you treat me the way that I will treat you: with courtesy.

For example, if you are unhappy with your grade, politely let me know. I am willing to hear your concerns. I will not however, tolerate being shouted at. For the vast majority of you, this is obvious. Unfortunately, a tiny minority needs to know this. So I apologize to those of you who have more common sense.

Remember, 5% of your grade will be determined by the quality of your online interpersonal communication skills. Are you sure that you want to yell at me? This is totally unacceptable in the workplace; and likewise, it is totally unacceptable at Seneca. If you are unhappy with your grade, politely let me know. I am genuinely willing to hear your concerns. All that I ask is that you just be civil about them. I will not tolerate being shouted at. Would you? The way you express your views will largely determine your future employability. This skill is that important. For the vast majority of you, what I am asking is obvious. Unfortunately, a tiny minority needs to know this. So I apologize to those of you who have more common sense.

If you are going to complain, please wait at least 3 days after I have marked your assignment. My first priority is to grade every person’s submissions within a week and a half after the due date. Answering your questions and getting into a potential mini email battle back and forth slows down my marking. If I graded your work on time, then it’s only fair that you allow me to mark everyone else’s. Thanks.

It’s Not Your Opinion That Matters To Me. It’s How Well You Argue Your Points.

I am not grading you based on your views. I believe that opinions are like noses. Everybody has one. My job is not to shape your opinions into my own. You will quickly learn this truth when you hand in your first few assignments.

Don’t Send A “First Draft” “Midnight Special” To Me

It’s hard to get an “A” on an assignment that you did an hour before the usual 6:00 pm Friday deadline. BTW: If you see a different day and time on this or any other document, it must be a mistake. Last semester, I used a different one. I must have missed removing it everywhere. If you notice something wrong, please let me know and thank you for having such eagle eyes. ( If in doubt, always refer to the Addendum document. It is the final authority.

The best way to do your assignment is to produce it early and do some final reviews before submitting them. I highly recommend that you first write your work on a word processing software program such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Make sure to run it through a grammar and spell check. Make sure as well to read it out loud. If you detect something that sounds strange to your ears, there is an excellent chance that you have committed a grammatical error.

I Will Not Accept Attachments. This Is A BIGGEE!!!!!!

I do not accept attachments because they seriously add to my grading time and make me vulnerable to receiving a virus or worm from you. I did this once and was out of commission for 2 weeks and had to fork out $700 in repair and data recovery costs. I’ll never repeat this same mistake again.

After you write your assignment using a software program such as Word and corrected your spelling mistakes, copy and paste my “Assignment Template” on top of it which also contains an important checklist to review and then paste your assignment into an HTML format message. Submit your e-mail to:

. All the information on how to do this is in the “Assignment Grading Template” document.

Tracking And Labeling

For tracking purposes it is absolutely essential that you make sure that you properly label your assignments stating 4 key pieces of information:

1. Your

The Course Code

The Section that you are in and

The Assignment Number

I will not grade your work unless you do this. I will also not respond to any e-mail message that has not been properly labeled and contains your full name in the “subject” heading.

Make sure to print out all of your graded assignments in the event that you want to contest a mark.

Do Not Submit Assignments Using Hotmail, Gmail, @Rogers, @Bell, @Sympatico Etc!

Seneca’s filter tends to block out messages from other email accounts. Send your work using your Seneca email
. This is college policy.

Make Sure To Constantly Check Your My Seneca Account.

I, along with all of your other professors will be sending important e-mails to you throughout this course- including what you need to know for your final exam. Saying that you did not read them is inexcusable.

These are the main points that I want you to be aware of. Now, let’s move on to your assignments.

Previous experience has shown me that it can take as much as 2-3 weeks for students to either purchase, order or borrow from their library one of the books/novels required for your Book Review assignment. To prevent any potential delays in producing this assignment, I have placed the short essay assignments ahead of it. As a result, there is
excuse for failing to get a hold of your book/novel and reading it.

Writing A 200 Word Essay Is Tough, But It Can Be Done.

In this section, I have provided some information on how to write a 200 word essay. 90% of my students think that this is an impossible task and yet the last 20 years, THOUSANDS have manage to do it and do it well. It’s Ok if you are initially a bit nervous. Just trust me when I say that you can do this.

Let me first explain why I want you to do this type of assignment. Then, I will provide you with a 4 step process to help you followed by a sample essay.

Terry Are You Crazy?

What is the thinking behind me giving you these tough assignments anyways? It’s not because I enjoy torturing people. O.K. Maybe a little. The number one reason that you are asked write them is that in the real working world, your boss will expect short, clear and precise communication from you. It’s better to learn how to do this from me now than later. I want you to be job ready. The second reason is that this is a sports journalism course and the clearest, most precise style of writing is that used by the news media.

Most students have a hard time on their first assignment. By the second one, they find it a bit easier. By the third, all the light bulbs are lit on and they’re on a good roll.

If You Write More Than 200 Words, Marks WILL Be Deducted

Let me clearly state right from day one that I will not be impressed me with long winded essays. As a matter of fact,
I will deduct marks if you exceed the word limit.
Most students stick to this limit. Some won’t. Here’s the problem with those of you who break this unbreakable rule: it is just is plain unfair to all of the other students who busted their butts to meet the tight word deadline to give someone else a huge competitive advantage by exceeding the word count. I just can’t do this. Sorry. This rule is the rule.

Here’s A Four Step Process On How To Efficiently Write An Essay

So what’s the best way to do these assignments? I suggest that you follow a four step process.

First, do your research. Give yourself a few days to think things through. Come up with a clear thesis or basic idea/argument that you want to convey in your essay. Then second, write everything that you want to say as a rough draft. Third, add in good quotations to support some of your ideas (only where necessary- never quote for quotation’s sake); and finally, start to cut back on material that is unnecessary, repetitive, is interesting but does not strongly support your thesis or can be said with less words. Whatever you do, don’t just write everything in an hour or two before the deadline and hope that this will be an A quality paper. This is nothing more than a first draft and I likely will write a comment that says something along the lines of “this appeared to be a rushed effort.”

It’s much less stressful on you if you just write and not think things too deeply on your first draft. By just writing , you are helping to get rid of some of your nervousness. Once you have something, anything, you can then build from this.

Before handing in your essay, read it out loud. If any sections seem “off” to you- that is, they don’t sound right in some inexplicable way- then they likely will be 100 times less clear to me. Highlight these sentences or paragraphs and give your mind a day or two of rest and then go over them again. You will actually save a ton of time by doing this as editing after a rest period tends to go very quickly. I do this with all of my lecture notes. If I need to, so do you.

Sample Essay

The following is a quality sample essay of what I am looking for from another online course (Language of The Media). It also includes the Assignment Grading Rubric/Template. I used to provide an essay from this course but 2-3 students would actually plagiarize it each semester. Seriously! Wow. 😮

Note how this submission has a thesis, body and conclusion- just like any other essay. Pay attention to the short sentences, use of commas, clear paragraphs, lack of word and phrase repetition, the incorporation of researched sources, proper citation and the copying and pasting of the grading template here. Did you notice the good title and excellent introduction and conclusion on this paper? This essay was superb. Aim this high in your writing.

Also, I do not count as part of your 200 words your citation of sources both in your essay and afterwards in the Works Cited section. For example, in the second paragraph (Nanos Poll, “Ignatieff still unknown”) was cited. This did not count towards the 200 word limit. However, the actual quote did.

By Submitting This Assignment I Acknowledge Checking for the Following 24 Things:

Formatting Checklist

1. I copied and pasted the entire Assignment Rubric/Grading Template (Essay Report Card).

2. This rubric was copied and pasted above my Essay so it is the first thing that my professor sees.

3. I am using a brand new/fresh email to prevent formatting issues.

4. I am providing a proper subject heading that includes: My First And Last Name, The Course Code, The Section That I’m In And The Assignment Number.

5. I understand that there is a 5% deduction in my grade for failing to provide the rubric and a proper subject heading.

6. I am only using my Seneca email account. I am not using my personal email address due to Seneca College policy.

7. My submission is in colour HTML Format (not plain text black and white).

8. This essay has NO attachments as they posed a risk of my professor receiving either a worm or virus.

9. This assignment was not formatted like a traditional paper/hard copy essay as this does not work well on a computer screen.

10. There was no excessive spacing so that my professor had to keep unnecessarily scrolling up and down.

11. I did not use bolding in my essay as this makes it more difficult for my instructor to mark my work.

Writing Checklist

12. I carefully proof read my work so that no word or phrase was repeated in a sentence or the one that followed.

Every sentence connected with the one following it in a logical “A” goes to “B” goes to “C” manner.

14. I ran my work through a grammar and spell check and watched my use of periods and commas.

15. I did not use ANY casual language that you might find in a typical online chat room and remembered to capitalize the personal pronoun “I”.

16. I removed all material that was not directly related to my main argument (thesis).

17. I know the difference between the words “Their,” “They’re,” and “There” as well as “To,” “Two” and “Too,” “Your,” and “You’re.”

I totally understood EVERY sentence that I wrote. Everyone was as clear because something slightly foggy to me will likely be less comprehensible to the reader.

19. I did not exceed the word limit of this assignment.

20. I made every effort to write sentences with no more than 18 words in them in order to improve my clarity.

21. All of my sources were properly cited in the body (inside the written part) of my paper. Using quotations alone is not acceptable. I have to say where these quotations came from. Any fact that is not common knowledge, any unique idea or copied sentences- even ones that I changed- need to be cited or else I have plagiarized.

22. I fully understand the consequences if I plagiarize my work.

23. I used proper MLA referencing for my Works Cited section (at the bottom of my essay) and referred to “Seneca Libraries MLA Style Guide” found in My Seneca when I was not sure how to do this.

24. I met or exceeded the minimum number of references expected for this assignment.

COMMENTS: For better grades going forward, please carefully review my comments throughout this rubric.

On your essay, I highlighted sections in yellow that needed revision. See if you can make the necessary edits on your own- as studies have shown that people best learn through self-discovery. Also, any of the 7 sections in this rubric that are highlighted in yellow either require your attention or were positive. Ignore those that are not in yellow. If anything here is unclear to you (after you’ve tried to do your own revisions) then let me know and I’ll be happy to explain. Please wait a few days though. Right now, I’m grading hundreds of essays in my other courses. If you are upset, please wait at least one day before writing to me. Why say something that you might regret. Right? Thanks.( Also, when I use Highlighting, Capitalization, Underlining or Bolding , I not being rude or angry. I’m just emphasizing things. That’s all.

Now in terms of determining your mark here, I take five factors into account. First, please review in the “Assignments” document the section entitled, “Know Your ABCs.” It tells you what is an A, B, C, D and F paper. Second, in general, the more yellow highlighter on your essay, the lower your mark will be. Third, I carefully go over each item on the Grading Rubric provided below. Fourth, I consider how your paper rates relative to the rest of the class/past classes as well as your previous submissions (when applicable). And finally, 65% of your mark is based on the quality of your writing- with the remainder on research and analysis.

Remember, I expect improvements from each submission. After all, what’s the point of taking a course if you don’t get better at it over time? If your marks fall, it usually is the result of failing to follow my detailed advice here. So please keep pushing yourself.

Just as a gentle reminder to all of my students, for your next assignment: ALWAYS use a FRESH/NEW email for EVERY submission. Please do not recycle the email that was used for this essay or any emailed message that I have sent by clearing out what’s written and then putting in the rubric/template and your assignment. This might be convenient for you but it will likely create formatting issues when I receive it. Poorly formatted essays are much harder for me to mark. Following this instruction will save me a ton of time. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. (

*(Outstanding = A+, Excellent = A, Very Good = B+, Good = B, Slightly Above Average = C+, Average = C, Slightly Below Average = C-, Poor = D+ to D, and Unacceptable = F)

GRADE: /15 or % A1

1 Effort And Overall Impression

*Outstanding, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable

· Good effort. Unfortunately, grammar and structural writing issues/errors throughout adversely affected your grade. Sorry. (

· Unfortunately, some/many sections in this essay did not meet the Minimal Quality Of Writing Requirements for this advanced level English course. Sorry. (

· Unfortunately, some/many sections in this essay did not meet the Exit Quality Of Writing Requirements For EAC 150; let alone this advanced level English course. Sorry. (

· I could be totally wrong but this essay seemed like a rushed effort. Multiple drafts usually lead to considerably higher grades.

· I was very generous with this grade. I am banking on seeing an improvement in your next submission. Prove me right.

· Try to pay more attention on the “little things” as they all tend to add-up.

2 Analysis/Strength Of Arguments

*Outstanding, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable.

Logic Issues Throughout. Your ideas did not flow smoothly. It was difficult understanding what you were trying to say.

You Needed More Evidence with Some/Many of your arguments.

You Needed to address the Strong Counter Arguments on this topic. Never ignore what the other side is saying.

3 Quality of Research And The Integration Of Sources

*Outstanding, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable. Not Applicable.

· You Needed A Minimum of 4 Researched Sources.

· Avoid Wikipedia Or Encyclopaedias For College Level Essays.

· You Did Not Cite a Single Source in your essay- despite this being a RESEARCH assignment.

· This essay seemed like a Discussion Board Post. Quality college essays need extra “sets of eyes” from expert researched sources.

4 Formatting

*Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable.

· If these unacceptable matters happen again, you will force me to reduce your grade by 5%.

· You did not provide a proper Assignment Rubric/Grading Template.

· You only provided part of the Assignment Rubric/Grading Template- not ALL of it as was required.

· Never submit an assignment using a recycled email. Always use a brand new/fresh one or there will be formatting issues on my end that I to correct. This takes away precious marking time. Thank you for your cooperation.

· You did not provide a Proper Subject Heading. Always Include: Your First And Last Name Re: EAC 955 NBA A1. This is really important information for me. Anything missing here adds unnecessary marking time when I have hundreds of essays.

5% Deduction. You were warned about this matter last time around. You forced me to give you a 5% deduction. Please follow instructions.

· This Assignment was Late.

You Exceeded The Strict Word Limit. This is unacceptable. Please follow instructions. Thank You.

· You needed to Use Your Seneca Email Account. Do not use your personal email. This is Seneca College policy.

· You did not copy and paste The Assignment Rubric/ Grading Template.

· The grading template was not in Colour Or HTML Format. I converted your message into HTML here. The simplest solution for your next submission then is to take this email, hit “reply” then remove all of its content and copy and paste the template with your essay along with a new subject heading.

· The essay was originally sent in Attached Form. This posed a risk of me receiving either a worm or virus.

You Formatted This Like A Paper/Hard Copy Essay which does not work well on a computer screen. Avoid Excessive Spacing.

The Formatting In Your Works Cited Section Was Difficult To Read. I provided a solution to this problem below.

· Please Do Not Use Bolding On Your Essay. This makes it harder for me to highlight/comment on your work as I use it as well.

5 Citation Of Sources

*Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable, Not Applicable.

You Committed Major Plagiarism. Please Read My Document Entitled “What is Plagiarism.” Any fact that is not common knowledge; any unique idea; copied sentences or even ones that you paraphrased; need to be cited or else you have plagiarized- this is a VERY serious matter.

You Committed Minor Plagiarism Please Read My Document Titled “What is Plagiarism.” Using Quotations alone is not acceptable.

· You Needed A Works Cited Section.

· You Needed The Title Works Cited On Top Of Your References Found At The Bottom Of Your Essay.

· It’s Works Cited – not the singular “Work Cited.”

· It’s Works Cited – not “Work Sited.”

In Text Citation: Please Use Online Friendly MLA Format In Your Essay (In Text). That is, In Parenthesis Write The Author’s Last Name + The First Three Words Of The Article in Quotation Marks. For Example: (Costaris, “The First Three”) Thanks.

Here’s How To Cite Your References At The End Of An Online Essay: Start With The Writer’s Name, Title Of Article, Publication, Date Of Publication And The Date That You Retrieved The Article And The Exact Website Address That It Can Be Found With < and >. Underneath it. End With A Period After It. (I need all of this information to quickly access your website links). For Example: Vanderlay, Bob. “How to tie your shoes.” Toronto Star. March 31,1999. Retrieved June 5, 2025.


6 Quality Of Writing

*Outstanding, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable.

Some Clarity Issues. Major Clarity Issues. Some Grammar Issues. Major Grammar Issues. Some Repetition Issues. Major Repetition Issues.

Diction (Your Choice of Words): Avoid Excessive Slang.

Diction: Do not use slang terms such as “Talks About” or “Nowadays

Diction: You created New English phrases or misapplied words in ways not used in this language.

Diction: As A General Rule, Avoid Using A Person’s First Name In A College Essay. This Will Add More Sophistication To Your Writing.

· It was difficult to determine the quality of your writing as you Strung Together Many Quotations. Try to paraphrase (put in your own words) some of your sources and of course, still document them.

Some Sentences Did Not Logically Connect in an “A” goes to “B” goes to “C” manner. While your ideas were understood, your sentences needed to flow or be delivered more smoothly. There was some “choppiness” to them.

Integrate Your Quotations Better. One or some of your quotes was not smoothly delivered.

Be More Forceful In Your Communication By Using the Active Voice. In some sections, you passively made your arguments here.”For more information on this, visit the website that I provided in the “Assignments” document.

Awkwardly Conveyed (Clarity Issues) in some sections/throughout. Never write a sentence that is not 100% clear to you. If something is even slightly off to you, it will be 100 times less comprehensible to the reader. Likewise, if something seems wrong in terms of grammar or you are not absolutely sure that it is right, then change it.

Avoid Writing To Impress By “Sounding” Fancy. Write as if you are speaking during an oral presentation. If there is a simple way to say something in a way that you are 100% certain is clear, then do it this way. Remember, “The Message Is King.” Overly ornate writing can “cloud/fog-up” your core message. Impress your reader with sophisticated ideas rather than just trying to sound professorial.

Incomplete Sentences. Finish your ideas. Think of this like saying. (Do you see what I mean here? Finish Your Thought. ()

Fragment/Point Form Sentences. Avoid writing in what comes across as point form style. Use this more for PowerPoint slides.

· For The Most Part, Sentences Should Only Have One Idea. The more ideas that you add into them, the harder it is to understand what you are trying to say.

· If You Saw This_____ (A Blank Underlined Section). It Means That Detail Is Lacking Here. You Did Not Fill-In missing bits of important information.

Wordy/Lengthy Sentences. As a general rule, try to write sentences no longer than 18 words in length. Few people can process your message beyond this number. Never burry your ideas in a sea of words. A good test to see if what you wrote was too long is to read it out loud. If you are even slightly struggling to breathe while doing this, then your sentence is too long. I hope this helps.

Excessive, Unnecessary Writing: Try to remove all material that is not directly related to your main argument (thesis). Excessive, unnecessary writing makes it very difficult for your reader to understand what you are trying to say.

Run On Sentence(s). Please remember that a sentence is a completed thought- not many thoughts.

Evaded The Question Given Or Needed To Better Prove Your Thesis Statement (Your Main Argument).

Have A Clear Thesis Statement. Make sure that your reader knows what you plan to argue on ASAP.

Introduction Tips: You needed a more powerful Introduction. Always begin strong. First impressions are very important. See my sample essay in the “Assignments document” as an example.

Conclusion Tips: You needed a stronger Conclusion: You eased-up at the end. Always finish strong. You want to leave your reader with a lasting final impression. Try to have one final knock-out punch statement. See my sample essay in the “Assignments document” as an example.

Repetition Tips: Please review in the “Assignments” Document what I wrote on this matter using the name “Mohammed Ali.” For better clarity, avoid saying the same word, name, or phrase in a sentence or the one that follows. This is very distracting as it appears as if you are trying to emphasize something when you’re not. Think of this like public speaking. Repetitiveness, to your reading audience, is similar to a person who says “Ah” or “Um” every few seconds. It significantly hurts the quality of the message. Usually, there are simple ways to say the same thing differently. For Example: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Trudeau, the Prime Minister, the PM, Mr. Trudeau, Trudeau, or simply he or him. In the “Assignments” document, I provided a great website that can help you on this matter. It basically scans your document and points out which words you are repeating. Give it a try! (

7 Grammar

*Outstanding, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Slightly Above Average, Average, Slightly Below Average, Poor, Unacceptable.

Some Sections or Many Sections in this essay did not meet the Grammar Exit Requirements For EAC 150. Sorry. (

Spelling Mistakes are unacceptable. Do not do this again.

Misuse or Misunderstanding of PronounsIt,” “This,” “They,” “Their,” “That,” “Those,” “These,” “Whom,” “Who,” “Which,” “Where,” and/or “Your.”

· There were problems with your use of Prepositions such as At,” “By,” “As,” “That,” “From,” “For,” “In,” “On,” “Of,” “Than,” “With,” and/or “Within

The Possessive: There were problems with your use of the possessive ’

· A Period is used after a completed thought.

· A Comma, though, is often used for a pause in thought. It’s like allowing you to take in a breath when reading out loud.

Hyphens/Dashes (-) can be used for extended pauses.

Semi Colons (;) are usually used to separate a variety of ideas that in total make up a single sentence. They can be also used for lists.

Colons (:) can be used for emphasis or to start a quotation. Some writers use commas instead.

· There were problems with your use of Definite Articles such as “The,” “A,” and/or “An.”

· There were Verb Tense issues.

· There were issues with your use of the Singular and/or Plurals.

Improper Capitalization of either a name, word, term or your essay’s title. Misuse of UPPER and/or lower case fonts.

Capitalize the personal pronoun “I”.

Paragraphing. A paragraph is a new idea. Don’t be afraid to write many paragraphs in essay- even single sentences. Anything that improves the clarity of your writing is a good thing. At the very least, have an Introduction, Body and Concluding paragraphs.

Please note that none of the comments here are intended to offend. If any do, please contact me so that we can correct this misunderstanding. Everything here is intended as constructive feedback in order to help you succeed. (

Elections And Attack Ads: Use Them Or Lose Them


During the 2011 federal election, Canada’s political parties were spewing-out a barrage of attack ads. These advertisements helped Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party win a majority government. Without a doubt, political attack ads are effective. Parties would not spend millions of dollars on them otherwise.


Attack ads help formulate strong first impressions of new politicians. For example, prior to the 2011 election, the name ‘Michael Ignatieff’ (the former Liberal leader) drew “a blank slate for most members of the public.” (Nanos Poll, “Ignatieff still unknown”) The Conservatives took advantage of this through a series of attack ads. As a result, Ignatieff’s approval rating “slumped to 13.6%.” (Ibbitson, “Tory attack ads”)       

Furthermore, the Tories made sure that anti-Ignatieff messages reached large audiences by airing them during hockey games. Not surprisingly, support for the Conservatives increased. (CBC News, “Political attack ads”)

In addition to creating poor first impressions, attack ads are usually memorable. According to researchers, a negative message is more likely to be remembered versus a positive one. (CBS News, “Are Bad Memories”) Therefore, attack ads get “stuck in our minds, even if we don’t like or agree with their content.”


Though many condemn this practice, evidence suggests that this method works. Judging from the last federal election, Canadians should thus expect nothing different in 2015. (CNN News, “Why negative political”)            


Works Cited

1. “Nanos Poll – Ignatieff still unknown, Harper too well known.” Nick on the Numbers. Nanos. Web. 11 Feb. 2012.


2. Ibbitson, John. “Tory attack ads pack a punch that leaves Liberals reeling.” The Globe and Mail. 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 11 Feb. 2012.

3. “Poitical attack ads: What do you think of them?” CBC News. CBC, 7 Mar. 2011. Web. 11 Feb. 2012.


4. “Are Bad Memories Easier To Remember?” CBS News. CBS. 29 Aug. 2007. Web. 11 Feb. 2012.


5. “Why negative political ads work.” CNN. CNN. 2 Jan. 2012. Web. 11 Feb. 2012.

Assignments I, II, and IV: Short Research Essays (Worth 15% Each)

The absolute word limit for each one of these essays is no more than 200 words -not including your citations in the body of your essay. For example, (Brown, “Assignments 1-3”) would not count as three words. Likewise, your Works Cited section will not count as part of your 200 words. Basically, the written part of your essay (those sections using your own words) as well as your direct quotations from your researched sources is what this number refers to.

REMEMBER: These are RESEARCH Essays:

If you just provide your own points of view on any of these assignments, you will pay dearly for this mistake. Just because these essays are short in length does not mean that you should treat them like a discussion board post. These are RESEARCH essays. Let me emphasize this again, these are
essays. The bare minimums of sources that you must read from are four. This does not mean that you have to include all four sources in the body (written part) of your essay. Don’t just quote them for quotation’s sake. What I want is a well argued our thought out essay and having four more opinions beyond your own will likely get you there.

Also beware Of Plagiarism. There are four major ways that you can be caught stealing other people’s words or ideas. I produced a very short document entitled “What is Plagiarism” (it should take up no more than10 minutes of your time) that you need to review. It even has a mini-quiz at the end. 5-7 of you will not do this and likely fail an assignment. Bad idea. Read this document ASAP. For those of you who are getting your friends, mom, girlfriends or anybody else to write your essays, just remember, when you write the final, it’s worth 35% of your grade and if you don’t pass it, you fail the course. Better to struggle and get a D or C and learn how to write with me then to get high marks and fail the final.

The 4 main types of plagiarism are:

Directly copying and pasting someone else’s words and not saying where you got them. Basically, you are pretending that they are your own.

2. Directly copying and pasting someone else’s words and simply putting quotation marks but not saying where you got them.

Taking someone else’s idea and not admitting that it was not your own. And,

Citing an unusual fact or statistic that is not common knowledge. For example, if I were to say that today’s temperature was 20 degrees C; that would be common knowledge. If however, I were to state that today’s temperature was the result of cyclonic movements of Northerly winds interspersed with a barometric pressure drop due to the El Nino affect, you got this from somewhere. Tell me where. Otherwise, you are cheating.

Each One Is Worth 15% Of Your Final Mark. I Will Only Count Your Best 2.

Assignment IV Is Optional.

This is the part that you have to pay extra attention as to how your marks will be determined for these assignments. Are you paying attention? Excellent.
My plans are beginning to unfold.

Basically, I am giving anyone who is interested a chance to improve his or her grades by doing all three assignments. [I offer the same thing for the Discussion forums. (For more information on the forums, please open up the “Discussion Forums” document)]. Depending on who you are, this is either an optional assignment or mandatory one.

Optional If…

This “OPTIONAL” essay is for those of you who did Assignments I and II but want to try to get a higher mark. If your grade is higher than either what you got for Assignments I or II, I will count it in place of the lower mark that you received. Do not assume though that I will automatically give you a higher grade. You have to earn it by producing something better.

Always keep in mind that for each assignment, I progressively expect more from you. After all, what’s the point of taking a course like this if there is no improvement in your writing? So if what you hand-in to me something that is basically as good as your first one, it will actually be graded lower and your extra submission will not boost your mark.

Of course, for those of you are happy with your marks and what to focus your time and energies on your other “real courses” 😉 then you don’t have to do the third one. Handing in a third essay is purely optional for you.

Not Optional If…

Assignment IV is NOT OPTINAL for those who, for whatever reason, did not do either Assignment I or II.

In this circumstance, you have to do it.

The objective here is to provide some flexibility on my part and give people a second chance to succeed in this course. It’s a win-win scenario for both the students who have been working super hard this semester and those who did not realize how difficult an online course can be- especially in the area of self-discipline.

So let me recap things on the short essay assignments:

1. Assignment IV is OPTIONAL for those who did Assignments I and II. In this circumstance, you don’t have to do it. It is just a chance to potentially boost your mark. If the grade for assignment IV is higher than any of your two previous ones, I will count this submission plus your next highest grade towards your final mark. Just don’t assume that by doing Assignment 4 that you will automatically boost your grade.

2. If you miss one of these two assignments, you must write Assignment IV. In this circumstance, you have to do it.

3. Assignment III IS NOT OPTIONAL. This book review assignment is MANDATORY. You have to do it. It prepares you for your final exam. If you do not do it, you will lose 20% of your final mark.

4. Make sure to send your assignments to me via e-mail using your Seneca account in

How You Will Be Graded:

This is an advanced level General Education Course. This will be your last stop in terms of honing (sharpening) your writing skills. As a result, 65% of your grade will be based on your writing style. That is, you are expected to write an assignment that is clear, to the point, flowing, and with few grammatical/structural errors. The remaining 35% of your grade will be based on your analysis, research and documentation.

For more information on grading, see the “Know Your A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, and F’s” section below.

You Must Have At Least 4 Sources

Make sure to have a “Works Cited” section – not a “References,” “Citations” or “Bibliography” section. For MLA, it is always “Works Cited.” Also, make sure not to call it “Work Cited. You must use the plural. For some unknown reason, 10 of you will not do this. Arrgggggghhh!

For Assignments I, II and IV, Your Works Cited section must contain at least 4 researched sources from different on-line newspapers or magazines and be properly cited using MLA style. Don’t get confused with the term “Works Cited.” It seems to imply “here are the only sources that I actually cited in my essay.” This is not true. Cite
all four
-even if you only quoted two of them in your paper.

A good assignment will not just have your own point of view. It will contain in the body (the written part) of your essay, where possible,

· quality quotations

· facts/statistics and

· paraphrased (taking someone else’s words and change them to your own) ideas from your sources.

Do not just tell me what you think about the topic. And do not just copy and paste 4 sources in your Works Cited section. Remember, this is not a discussion board posting but an ESSAY. Even though the length is short, this is still a
assignment- not a discussion forum post.

Finally, if you are using any sources from the Web, please include the
link that you retrieved the article from. For example, I do not want a generic link such as “

” for an article that you read on say, photo journalism for sports. I want to be able to
access it. For instance, if you took your source from this site then here is exactly where I can find it with a click of a mouse: “


Yes, I know that the recent MLA formatting promoted by our college does not require this added detail but the people who put it together clearly do not teach online courses. For a hard copy paper, the exact link is pretty useless. For an essay sent online though, a professor can instantly visit the site and review it right on the spot. So for this course, make sure to include the exact link in your Works Cited Section. Thanks.

Never Cite For Citation’s Sake

Of course, the last thing that I want is for you to just throw in a bunch of citations in your essay.

Sometimes, students will string together a bunch of quotations from all of their sources to show me that they researched their papers. The problem with this is that pasting quotations in a paper only for this purpose may seriously fog-up the clarity of your essay. Anything that gets in the way of the clarity of your message must always be avoided.

You will receive an automatic 5% deduction in your grade for failing to provide at least 3 sources and failing to use MLA Style.

Topic Suggestions For Assignments I, II and IV

You may select any topic choice provided in the “Topic Suggestions for Assignment I, II, and IV” below. Remember, Assignment IV is OPTIONAL.

You can also choose to do ONE of the movie review for any of these three assignments. There’s lots of choices here kidz. Read this entire document to maximize how much fun you can have with this course.

One thing that you need to be very aware of is that you cannot write on the same topic for any of these three assignments. Also, IF you want to write an alternative topic, I need to approve it. Oftentimes, students pick topics that are far too broad or complex to be written within the tight word limits of these assignments. If you are going to pick one of my suggested topics, I do not need to be informed about what you plan on writing on.

Remember, you can’t cover the same topics more than once nor do more than one movie review. Also, don’t be lazy and just read the first few categories. Also, you are to write on one question– not everything found in the category.

For example, under the first major category heading, “Leadership/Administration In Sports,” there are 13 potential essay topics here. No one could possibly write a decent 200 word essay on all of them. Pick just one of the potential essay topic questions.

There is a lot of variety to choose from. Take advantage of it. I want you to enjoy taking this course!

Leadership/Administration In Sports

· What are some of the leadership components of that you admire of either a successful coach or general manager in a particular sport? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Has coaching killed the excitement of sports? Are coaches guilty of neutralizing the skill component of the games that we love to watch? When answering this question, pick a specific sport and explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Which NHL, NBA, MLB or NFL franchise will become the next “dominating” team? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Which GM should be fired from his job? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Which coach should be fired from his job? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Who was/is the greatest GM in sports history? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Who was/is the greatest coach in sports history? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Who are the sleepers/steals selected from last season’s NHL Draft? Name a player or players who should have been drafted much higher than he/they was/were. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Who are the sleepers/steals selected from last season’s NBA Draft? Name a player or players who should have been drafted much higher than he/they was/were. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Who are the sleepers/steals selected from last season’s NFL Draft. Name a player or players who should have been drafted much higher than he/they was/were. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Who are the sleepers/steals selected from last season’s MLB Draft. Name a player or players who should have been drafted much higher than he/they was/were. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· What next moves does your favourite sports time need to undertake to succeed? Please just pick
team here. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· What makes for a great sports scout? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

Mr/Ms Fixit

· Discuss an important issue affecting your favourite sport and provide solutions to resolve it. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Emerging Sports

· Should extreme sports be taken more seriously by the mainstream media? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Will extreme sports ultimately replace their traditional counterparts- such as football, hockey, basketball and baseball? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Under-Served: What sport should get more media recognition? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

The Olympics

· Is hosting the Olympics a good idea for a country or can this money be better spent? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

2015 Pan-Am Games

· Was hosting the Pan-Am Games a good idea for the province of Ontario or could this money have been better spent? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic. And please don’t just research what the provincial government has stated. Oftentimes, those publishing information that relates to them have an agenda to manipulate facts. Governments are often guilty of spinning information to make themselves appear good. Be careful not to be manipulated. Practice the critical thinking skills that have been taught to you throughout your stay here at the college. You need to research all viewpoints on this topic.

Corruption In Sports

· Is the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) a corrupt body? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Should the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) have banned Russia from the 2016 Rio Games based on the findings of the McLeran report?

· Is FIFA a corrupt body? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Will the sport of cricket ever clean-up its less than stellar reputation? If so, how? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· What solutions are there to curtail corruption in the judging of sporting events? Alternatively, what solutions are there to curtail corruption in the judging in a particular sporting event? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· What is the relationship with organized crime and sports? You can isolate this to a particular sport. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Should there be video replays in soccer? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

Violence In Sports

· What are the causes of soccer hooliganism? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Should fighting be banned from hockey? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Choose either the NHL or NFL and assess if the league that you want to write about is doing an adequate job in the area of concussions. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. If the league that you chose is not, what can be done to stop this from happening? Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Does violence in sport lead to violent behaviour in children/youth? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Does the NHL do an adequate job of protecting its star players? If not, why is this so? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Sports Security

· Is North America ready in terms of meeting major security issues at sporting events? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

Science And Technology In Sports

· Is technology killing sport by stopping the best from being the best or is it enhancing the games we like to play and watch? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Discuss and analyze a technology that is improving a sport. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Should athletes be allowed to take performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs)? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Using proper research and documentation, discuss and analyze a topic related to sports medicine. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· From a sports medicine perspective, discuss an athlete who is currently recuperating from an injury. How long will he or she likely be out and what is involved in his or her recuperation. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Psychology And Sports

· Discuss the mental (psychological) component of athletic success. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Discuss a specific athlete’s or sport psychologist’s psychological preparation techniques used to promote greater success. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Discuss a specific psychological technique used to calm down an anxious athlete either before, during or after a game/match. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

Faith/Religion And Sports

· Can athletes be both spiritual and successful at their sport at the same time? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Superstition And Sports

· Discuss an aspect of superstition in sports that was not covered in the lecture notes. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

Sports Addiction And Fan Loyalty

· Discuss an aspect of sports addiction that was not covered in the lecture notes. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic. You do not need to cite them in the Bibliography or Works Cited section of your essay.

· Discuss an aspect of the affects of sports franchise relocations that was not covered in the lecture notes. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

The Business of Sports

· Should there be a salary cap in any sport? (You can narrow this down to a specific sport) Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic. You do not need to cite them in the Bibliography or Works Cited section of your essay.

· If salary caps are used in a sports league, what would be the best version of one? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Will the NHL, NFL or NBA eventually expand to Europe? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. If you want, you can focus on just one of these leagues.

· Will Toronto ever get an NFL franchise? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Is the CFL a dying league? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Government And Sports

· Should the government assist struggling sports franchises? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Should governments be involved in the building of sports stadiums for professional teams? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Should governments fund amateur athletes? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Auto Racing

· Is auto racing a sport? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Which is the “truest” type of auto racing: NASCAR, Rally, or F1? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Horse Racing

· Who is the greatest jockey in horse racing history? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· What is involved in the making of a great race horse? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Beyond gambling, what are some of the “dark truths” about the horse racing industry? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

The Media And Sports

· Does the media spend far too much time focusing on sports versus reality? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· In what ways are journalists and reporters “muzzled”, “controlled” or “bullied” by sports leagues, corporate sponsors, or teams. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· TSN, Sports Net and CBC have been accused by many as having a “Torontocentric” focus. Is there a Toronto bias from the reporters/analysts from these networks? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

Sports Heroes

· Who would you consider to be a sports hero? What noble deeds has he or she accomplished? How is this person making a difference in the lives of others? How is he making the world a better place to live in? Please don’t just give me player stats. I want to know WHY you consider them to be heroes. Scoring 100 goals a year in hockey or 200 points in a basketball game does not make someone a hero. It makes this person an extraordinary athlete. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Should athletes be viewed as role models? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

The Beauty of Sports

· Discuss one of the greatest moments in sports history. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Discuss and articulate the “beauty” of your favourite sport. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

This And That

· Argue either for or against a sport that should or should not be held in the Olympic Games. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Behind the scenes: Examine what goes on behind the scenes in a particular sport. For example, a trade, at the draft table, contract negotiations, arbitration et cetera. Choose just ONE of these areas. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Choose your favourite sports team and discuss what it has to do in order to win or repeat a championship. You may want to provide a five year makeover plan (Leaf fans add 40 ;-)). Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Show them the money? Over all, do free agents improve their stats after receiving huge contracts? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic. Also, make sure to read my lecture notes related to this topic.

· Is Astroturf/artificial grass a safe playing surface? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Is basketball beginning to mirror hockey where gritty players come from North America and skilled ones come from Europe and Asia? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Discuss any controversy concerning cricket. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Discuss what you consider to be the most appalling moment in a sport history. Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Name a quintessential “flake/oddball” in sports? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Who is the best sportscaster or announcer in the business and why? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Who is the finest sports writer in the business and why? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· What do you consider to be the most boring sport out there? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· Why are Los Vegas bookies so often right? Or are they? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

· What are the dangers of sports wagering? Explain your reasoning using proper research and documentation. I don’t just want your opinion. This is not a discussion board post. Find out what other people have to say on this topic.

If you have alternative topic please let us know as soon as possible. I do not want you to produce a paper that is unworkable with the tight word limits that have been imposed. You will need your instructor’s approval.

Option Two: Write A Review Of A Journalism Award Recipient’s Story For Either Assignments I and II.

Alternatively, I encourage you to review a written story by one recipient of either the prestigious Associated Press’ or Canadian Newspaper Association’s sports journalism awards. Refer to Lecture 2 To Find These Recipients. If this interests you, you need to read and review their award winning story and the topics that they examined. You also need to discuss/analyze the writing style of the journalist and why you find his or her work appealing. Make sure to cite at least 3 sources from different on-line newspapers or magazines on the topic covered using MLA referencing style. You will receive an automatic 5% deduction in your grade for failing to provide at least 3 sources. Again, this mini-essay
exceed 200 words.

Option Three: Produce ONE Movie Review for Either Assignments I or II.

If you are not interested in any of the topics provided, you may instead write a film review. To do this, you need to download or borrow from a library ONE of the sports films that I have included below and your own 200 word review. If you want to cover another sports film not included below, you will need to ask my permission to do so.

The most important thing that you have to do is answer the following question: “How does this film relate to aspects covered in our course?” If you don’t answer this question and simply give me a mere movie review- or even worse just a summary- then you will fail the assignment. The main reason that I give this optional assignment is to allow you in a fun kind of way, to relate the material in the course by seeing a good movie. I also want research from other movie reviews. This will give you an extra set of eyes on how you “see” your film choice.

Your review might also try to answer
of the following questions using proper research and documentation:

· Without giving away the ending, what was the main plot in the film?

· Was this a great or lousy film? Was it something in between? Explain your reasoning.

· Was it realistic? Explain your reasoning.

· Was there any life lesson being instructed in the film? If so, what was it?

· Was there anything that you could apply to your life after seeing this film? If so, what was it?

· Would you recommend it to a friend? Why?

· Is this film similar to any other movie? Explain your reasoning.

These are all suggested questions. There is no way that you can answer all of them. I’m just giving you some ideas to work with. The most important question that you need to answer is how this movie relates to what we have covered in our course. You can also combine some of these questions and/or take a more unique perspective. Also, make sure to read my lecture on Sport and Film found in Week 6.

For This Course, You Can Only Write ONE Movie Review This Semester. It is important that you learn to write in a variety of ways.

The Following is a list of suggested movies that you might want to consider renting.

· Ali

· A League of Their Own

· Any Given Sunday

· American Flyer

· Bad News Bears

· Blue Chips

· Breaking Away

· Brian’s Song

· Bull Durham

· Chariots of Fire

· Chasing Mavericks

· Cinderella Man

· Cobb

· Concussion

· Creed

· Days of Thunder

· Don King: Only In America

· Draft Day

· Eddie The Eagle

· Eight Men Out

· Field of Dreams

· Fox Catcher

· 42

· Gladiator (With Russell Crowe)

· Glory Road

· Goon

· He Got Game

· Heaven Can Wait

· Hoop Dreams

· Hoosiers

· The Hurricane

· Invincible

· Invictus

· The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

· Knute Rokne All American

· Last Chance U (Netflix Television Series)

· Let it Ride

· McFarland

· Million Dollar Baby

· Miracle

· Moneyball

· More Than A Game

· Munich

· National Velvet

· Olympia

· One Night In May

· Paper Lion

· Pele: The Birth of a Legend

· The Perfect Game

· Pride of the Yankees

· Pumping Iron

· Mr. Baseball

· Net Worth

· North Dallas Forty

· Raging Bull

· Requiem Of A Heavyweight

· Remember The Titans

· Rocky

· Rudy

· Sea Biscuit

· Searching For Bobby Fisher

· Secretariat

· Slap Shot

· Somebody Up There Loves Me

· Soul Surfer

· 61

· The Blindside

· The Champ

· The Color of Money

· Creed

· The Express

· The Fighter

· The Hustler

· The Jackie Robinson Story (1950)

· The Last Gladiators

· The Legend of Bagger Vance

· The Longest Yard

· The Replacements

· The Rocket

· The Wrestler

· Tin Cup

· Two For The Money

· Undefeated

· United (2011 BBC TV Movie)

· When We Were Kings

· Wimbledon

If you want to do a film review on another movie not mentioned above, or a television program that relates to either our lecture readings or book choices, you need to formally ask me for permission to do so by e-mail. If you don’t, then I may give you a zero grade because your film choice does not qualify in terms of this course’s objectives.

Again, if you have already reviewed one movie, you cannot do a second one.

As is the case with all other assignments though, grading will be based on the following: 35% for content and 65% for the quality of your writing. It must be properly referenced using MLA Style. This mini-essay
exceed 200 words and must contain at least 4 references in addition to the film. In other words, I want to see the film properly documented plus four legitimate film review sources so as to ensure that you have an extra set of eyes watching this movie along with you. The last thing that I want is just your own personal review. Remember, this is a research assignment and not a discussion forum reply. Professional reviewers from say a major newspaper or magazine might provide ideas or insights that you may not have noticed. As a result, they will likely provide for your assignment richer thoughts. Just to let you know, you do not need to necessarily cite these sources in the body (written part) of your essay (you only quote someone if they are worth quoting) or cite them if they have an idea worth discussing. Don’t make the mistake some students do of merely stringing together a bunch of quotes for quotation’s sake. Only include them in your essay if they enhance your message. However, you definitely need to include these sources in the Works Cited section.

Finally, please don’t try cheating here. Every semester, 5-7 students get caught trying to steal someone else’s review online. This is a very bad idea. It usually takes me about an hour to totally prove that you cheated. That’s one hour of my life that I can’t get back. If you steal an hour from me, you will pay for it. Is this clear?

INCLUDEPICTURE “ ” \* MERGEFORMATINET Assignment III: Sports Genre Literature Book Reviews

UNLIKE ASSIGNMENT IV, THIS ONE IS MANDATORY. YOU MUST DO IT. It is extremely important as it prepares you for your Final Essay Assignment. If you do not do this assignment, you will lose 20% of your final mark. If you miss the due date, hand it in late. Better to get part marks and advice for the Final Essay Assignment than to get a zero grade.

Here is what you basically need to do: In a single, 400 word essay, briefly discuss the main ideas of one of the books or novels you have chosen to read that you have chosen to read from either Sports Illustrated’s Top 100 Sports Novels/Books website or One Hundred Books For Serious Sports Fans websites (I have provided the links below) and then explain HOW it relates to 2-3 of our lecture materials. In addition, briefly discuss whether or not you would recommend them. The second part of this question (how your book or novel choices relate to our lecture notes) is the most important aspect of this assignment. You need to explain your reasoning here. Your answer on this part of the question will show me that you actually have read my lecture notes and did not just flip through the addendum’s weekly outline.

O.K. that’s basically what you have to do. Here now are all the details to help you write a quality essay.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark. The length of this assignment
exceed 400 words. I have provided below the links to Sports Illustrated’s Top 100 Sports Novels/Books website plus One Hundred Books For Serious Sports Fans. Review these websites and choose one book or novel discussed on these sites. You have about 200 books or novels to choose from.

Tips On How Your Book Review Essay Should Start

I am going to say this multiple times in this document because I don’t want anybody to get this wrong: The most important aspect of this assignment is how well your relate your book choices with the lecture notes. Do not spend much time comparing and contrasting your two books. 3-4 sentences is more than enough on this matter. Roughly focus 85% of your energies RELATING your book choices to what we have covered in this course.

You should do this right at the start of your essay. That is, in your introduction, you should somewhere state “where” your book choices relate to the lectures.

For example, “The book______ by_______ relates to lecture’s ____, ____ and ____ which cover the themes of ____, ____ and ____.”

Then in the body of your essay, prove “how” they relate to the lecture notes.

You can’t just say where they relate; you actually have to
how they relate. That’s what an essay is all about: proving your thesis.

So start off with a thesis (your core position/main arguments) and then in the body of your essay, go about proving what you claim to be true. If you don’t do this, then expect to receive a low mark.

This Assignment is VERY important as it will prepare you for your FINAL EXAM. Did you hear what I just said? THE FINAL EXAM. I REALLY want you to succeed in this course. (

I’m giving you nearly 10 weeks to prepare for this assignment along with most of this course’s lectures.


You knew that this assignment was coming up well in advance. Little by little, you could easily read both books.

The first thing that you have to do is visit the following links and select 1 book or novel that you will read and ultimately review:

Sports Illustrated’s Top 100 Books/Novels at:


One Hundred Books For Serious Sports Fans at:

And yes, I’ve read the reviews found on this site so don’t try to plagiarize from them. Thanks.

My suggestion when reading these books or novels is to first just read them and do not hold a pen or pencil in your hands to mark them up. That is, try to enjoy them like you might if you had some spare time for pleasure reading. After doing this, then go about researching them to get some extra perspectives.



The most important aspect of this assignment is for you to explain how your book or novel choices relate to our lecture notes. This is what I mainly will be looking for on your exam; so now is the best time to get ready on this crucial matter. You need to explain your reasoning here. Your answer on this part of the question will show me that you actually have read my lecture notes.

Your Literature Book Review
exceed 400 words. It must be based on the assigned books for this course. The assigned books/novels are found on the two websites posted above. You are also expected to do some
for this essay. Find 3 book/novel reviews and make sure to include them in your Works Cited section. Make sure to also include your book or novel choice. So technically then, you need 4 sources in total here.

I know, many of you will say, “we can’t do this in just 400 words.” Sure you can. Over the years, several thousand of my students have pulled this off and so can you. In fact, they have done this assignment with two books. This semester, you only need one. Remember, all my essay assignments are intended to teach you the art of brevity- getting to the point to prepare you for the “real” working world. I said from day one that I want you to be job ready. This assignment will help you get there.

Do me a favour? Please don’t look at the first two pages on this website and pick your books this way. Spend 20 minutes reading all the quick summaries and then make your decision. The more unique your assignment, the greater the likelihood that your grade will improve. Don’t do what EVERYONE ELSE is doing.

No Friday Night Lights

I’m really getting bored getting book reports on Friday Night Lights
. Do Not Write A Book Report on Friday Night Lights. Thanks.

Likewise, I am REALLY getting tired of receiving essays on books that were made into movies. I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO incredibly bored of reading reviews on Money Ball, The Blind Side, Sea Biscuit, Field of Dreams, and Eight Men Out. If you are going to do this, I expect a minimum of two direct quotes per book or novel with their page numbers as proof that you are not pulling a midnight special by watching a movie and trying to fool me into thinking that you “read” them. I will crack down hard on anyone who does this. I will even look-up the quotes for verification. If the page numbers do not match, you will get a zero grade. So think twice if you are going to review Sea Biscuit, The Blindside, Money Ball, Field of Dreams, Eight Men Out or any new sports film that’s been recently released (that’s also on the website’s lists). If you are going to review these books, show me that you actually read them. (And not by closed captioning ;-)) Is this clear? Come on folks! Let’s do some reading. Barack Obama says you should.

If none of the Sports Illustrated selections appeal to you perhaps these

Stephen Brunt. Searching For Bobby Orr.

Declan Hill. The Fix: Soccer and Organized Crime.

Andrew Jennings. The Lords of the Rings: Power, Money and Drugs in the Modern Olympics.

Andrew Jennings. The New Lords of the Rings.

Andrew Jennings. Foul! The Secret World of FIFA: Bribes, Vote-Rigging and Ticket Scandals.

“Sir, where do we get the books?”

Many of these books are available at major book stores such as Indigo. Likewise, you can find a lot of them in used bookstores and public libraries. They are also available electronically through e-readers such as Kindle and Kobo as well through apps such as iBooks, Kindle, Kobo and Stanza. A bunch of them, at least the older ones, are available free of charge through Google Books. Most libraries in the GTA can also get you electronic versions of these books/novels or you can order them from other branches by their inter-loan systems.

I strongly suggest that you decide now rather than later which books you want to read and then see if they can be downloaded online, borrowed, or purchased in libraries or bookstores. It’s really bad when I get 5-10 of you each semester sending me an email wondering where they can get these books 2 days before the assignment is due.

The longer you wait, the harder it will be on you. A LOT is riding on your book selections. DO NOT DELAY GETTING THEM.

4 Key Questions/Points- The First One Being Mega Important

Once you have selected your book or novel, read it and then answer the following question:

1. How does it relate to any of the lecture units that we covered in this course? This is VERY important.

In addition, try to answer some of the following questions- but not necessarily all of them. It would be impossible to do so.

2. What were the main plots or theses in each book or novel? (Remember, a book covers something that is non-fiction. A novel is a fictional/made-up story. Make sure not to mix these terms up when writing your report). Provide this information (the main plot if it’s a novel or thesis if it’s a book) right away. Do not assume that I have read every one of these books or novels.

3. What is its

· literary or journalistic writing style

· plot and character development (if you chose a fictional novel)

· over all appeal

· relevance- if any, from a personal perspective?

You will also be expected to do some research on the book/novel that you have chosen.

4. You might want to also consider the following:

· If it was a fictional novel, was it realistic or informative? Explain your reasoning.

· Were there any life lessons that could be drawn from them? If so, what were they?

· Was there anything that you could apply to your life after reading your book or novel choice? If so, what was it?

· Would you recommend your book or novel choice to a friend? Why?

· Were these books or novels similar to any movie? Explain your reasoning.

These are all
Again, you do not need to answer all of them
. You can also combine some of these questions and/or take a more unique perspective.

If you hated reading one or both of your selections, let me know. Just explain your reasoning.

My feelings will not be hurt. The reason that I selected this website is that it has a very diverse selection of books- some that I like others that I can’t stand. Even the ones that I do not like are well written and therefore I leave it up to you to decide if you would recommend them to be read or not.

Finally, make sure to:

· Provide a title for your review. For example, “The Puck Stopped Here: A Review Of Ken Dryden’s The Game.”

· UNDERLINE THE NAME OF YOUR BOOK OR NOVEL. DO NOT USE QUOTATION MARKS! For instance, Dryden’s book is The Game, NOT “The Game.” Let’s have a pool here and see how many students will not do this. $20 bucks says that there will be 10 of you. ARGHHHHHH!

· Do not skip key details. Name the book or novel that you are reviewing along with who wrote it somewhere in your introduction. For example, “The Game, by Ken Dryden is an eye opening insider’s account of what it was like playing for the 1970’s hockey dynasty Montreal Canadiens.”

NEVER, EVER, EVER assume that I read your book. If your book is about a soccer player,
state that he is a soccer player. Likewise, don’t assume that I know every moment in sports
history. Sometimes, brief background information in the form of a few words or a sentence fills-in
missing blanks for your reader. For instance, what details are missing in the following:

“This book is an eye opening insider’s account of what it was like playing for the Montreal

A more clarified version would be: “The Game, by Ken Dryden, is an eye opening insider’s
account of what it was like playing for the 1970’s hockey dynasty Montreal Canadiens.”

· Trying to write a book review without having read the book is not a good idea. And don’t just
watch the movie version. Trust me, it is very clear when this takes place. It’s a really, really, bad

· Likewise, don’t focus on comparing your books/novels with their movie versions. Put most of your energy into reviewing the book or novel.

· Whatever you do, never refer to someone by their first name unless you personally know them or they are universally known this way such as Pele. For example, don’t call Ken Dryden “Ken” or “Kenny.”

For Assignment III, You Must Have At Least 3 Sources PLUS…

researched sources PLUS the actual book or novel that you read and reviewed in your “Works Cited” section. The reason for this is two fold. Research will help give you a few more extra set of eyes in interpreting what the writer was trying to convey in his or her book/novel. Proper MLA citation is expected of all our gradating students. All four assignments will ensure that you get out of this course knowing how to properly cite your sources. This is a major expectation by our college.

You will receive an automatic 5% deduction in your grade for failing to provide at least 4 sources in your Works Cited section plus the book that you read and reviewed. Like Assignments I and II, your work must be properly referenced using MLA Style.


Never Research Using Wikipedia
For An Academic Paper. This is not a reliable source since it is not peer reviewed. You don’t know what you are getting when visiting this website. One minute, you might find something very good; then some idiot will go on it and write something completely wrong or misleading.

How Will You Be Graded?

I don’t want to sound repetitive but what the heck. The grading ratio for assignments in advanced English literature courses is 65-35 in favour of the written component of your submissions. For other courses such as history, social studies, psychology and the like, it’s the opposite. I did not make up these rules. That’s what I am told to do. So they are what they are.

I have this bad rap as being a “hard marker” when all that I am doing is following the rules set out for a course like this. I give way more A’s in my presentations course than I do here because the grading expectations are very different. Someone has to truthfully tell you where your writing is at in terms of what’s expected of you in terms of the college’s standards as well as those required for success in the workforce. This puts me in a tough situation.

Now throw in the fact that virtually all my communication with you is online and every once and a while I get some pretty angry students who through their imaginations have made me out to be one mean person. Please try to remember that I am just doing what I am told to do and my marking is never personal. If you have an issue with it, why not set up a meeting or give me a phone call? I will not ignore you. If long distance charges apply, I will happily pay them out of my own pocket.

Here now is information on how I grade your assignments.

Know Your A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s and F’s

So what’s involved in getting high or low grades? Here are some general elements.

As pointed out in the Addendum, the grading system is as follows:

Letter Grade










75%- 79%




















An “A+” quality paper is something that is truly exceptional. It is well written in terms of clarity and flow. It is superbly analyzed, researched and has proper referencing. “A+” papers are exceptionally strong in ALL four of these key categories.
An “A” quality paper is also an exceptional work but is slightly weaker in comparison to that of an “A+” assignment in any or all of the four key categories of grading.
“B+” papers oftentimes are very strong in many of the four key areas but fall short in one- or at most- two categories.
Think of these papers like a figure skating performance in which a skater carried out a number of very difficult maneuvers but fell a few times. These falls would immediately exclude him or her from winning a gold medal. Likewise, if you researched, cited and provided analysis at an A+ level but your work had some significant grammatical or structural writing errors- it no longer can be considered worthy of an “A” (gold medal) grade.
For instructors, these are the most difficult papers to mark since we tend to feel quite sympathetic to students who provide exceptional efforts. Unfortunately, based on Seneca’s uncompromising standards, we simply cannot give a grade that is higher than a B+ grade or 79%.
A “B” quality paper is something that is above average. It is better than a work produced by a “typical” student in terms of analysis, research, and documentation. In terms of writing style, “B” papers have a “smooth” writing flow to them. That is, a reader does not need to re-read sections several times in order to understand what has been written. These types of papers are generally well written but contain some grammatical or structural writing errors that might affect the over all clarity of the message.
A “C+” paper is a slightly above average work. It is a touch better than what a “typical” student is expected to produce in terms of research, referencing, analysis, and writing. It may involve using a few extra references- relative to an “average” submission and contains a touch more analysis. Its writing style is slightly clearer or more flowing than the “average” counterpart.
A “C” grade paper is an average piece of work that the basically “meets the standards” set out by a professor. It is what a “typical” student should produce. These types of papers are not “exceptional” in terms of research, analysis or writing. In general, “C” papers are identified by the level of work that students put into them. That is, they do not reveal an “extra mile” effort.
For instance, on matters such as references, students will only provide the minimum number asked by an instructor. “C” papers contain some grammatical and structural writing errors to them but over all, their messages are understandable and clear. They typically exhibit repetition, a glossing over of minor details and some sentences might not be tightly connected.

A “D+” grade is below average work. It is below the quality of a typical student. There are some significant grammatical and structural writing errors or it may contain poor research, documentation and/or thin analysis- that is, it significantly lacks substance or quality in this area.

A “D” grade is just barely passable work. It is extremely close to an unacceptable submission. In general, it contains significant grammatical and structural writing errors with poor research. The analysis is very thin- i.e. lacking much in terms of substance or quality. The overall message is just understood in terms of clarity.

An “F” grade is work that does not meet the expected criteria set out by the college. In English courses, it is typically filled with numerous grammatical and structural writing errors. The overall message is hardly- if at all- understood in terms of clarity. It may have poor or no research and extremely weak analysis.

Writing Tips

For more information in terms of producing a quality paper, make sure to read our “Writing Tips” document.

It is expected that every student properly reference his or her work. You must use MLA style for all of your assignments. You were instructed on how to do this in your introductory College English course.
At Seneca College, the most commonly used English reference book is A Canadian Writer’s Reference by Diana Hacker. Hacker covers almost every conceivable way to reference a source using APA style and also offers a some additional Websites on this matter. We highly recommend that you either purchase or peruse this text to help you during your assignment submissions.
Hacker, D. A Canadian Writer’s Reference. (2001). Toronto: Nelson Thomson Learning.

Another excellent reference book is:

Maimon, E.P., Peritz J.H. & Rubens, M. A Writer’s Resource: A Handbook for Writing and Research
. (2006). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

This too is also an excellent reference source.

MLA Style

For research essays, you need to properly cite your sources. The two most commonly used ones are MLA and APA style. Seneca’s online library has an excellent link on this matter.

To access it, log on to your My Seneca account.

Scroll down to the link that says “Seneca Libraries” and click it.

Go to “Seneca Libraries MLA Style Guide.”

Depending on what types of sources that you are using, for example internet based or a book, click to the appropriate link and you will find examples that to assist you in citing them.

For example, here’s the link to show you how to properly cite a source from the internet:

The format is very straight forward and numerous potential examples have been produced for you.

Always remember to begin your MLA bibliography with the term “Works Cited.” Do not write “References” or “Bibliography.”

The following two links can automatically arrange your sources using MLA style. All you have to do is input the information and they take care of the rest:

Please note that there are some discrepancies between what one hand book and another in terms of what constitutes proper MLA. Some professors are VERY particular as to what constitutes proper MLA. Others are not. I tend to believe that so long as you have the most important information documented, I will not freak out if you fail to provide <>. between a link or not. Make sure to ask your professor if he or she has any specific preferences.

Please note that there are some discrepancies between what one hand book and another in terms of what constitutes MLA. Some professors are VERY particular as to what constitutes proper MLA. Others are not. I tend to believe that so long as you have the most important information documented, I will not freak out if you fail to provide <>. between a link or not. Make sure to ask your professor if he or she has any specific preferences.

The following link allows you to automatically cite your sources. This is the first semester that I have suggested using it. Let me know if it is helpful or not.

Late Submissions

You will receive an automatic 5% deduction in your grade for each day that any of your submissions are handed-in late.

Help Concerning Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a very serious matter. I want to make sure that you have no excuses in terms of “not knowing” what you can and can’t do. Let me repeat that I have put together a mini-exercise entitled “What Is Plagiarism?” It contains a short book review by a “typical student” and the four main types of plagiarism. Do this exercise. It should take you no more than 10 minutes of your time and will ensure that you do not get a zero grade on an assignment.

Discussion Forum And Online Participation Grade

Worth: 15% of Final Grade: 10% for Discussion Forums + 5% for Online Participation.

Numerous e-learning studies have shown that online courses which provide interactivity produce higher learning outcomes than those that don’t. Participating in the Discussion Forums will therefore better prepare you for your final exam in terms of potential essay questions. These forums will also make your online experience feel more “human-like.”

I calculate the Discussion Forum and Class Participation grades at end of the semester. I generally do not disclose this grade until the exam has been written. The reason is that if I give a student their grade then they are locked into it. That is, I no longer have the ability to bump them up from say a 69 to a 70 or a 79 to an 80.


The grade is calculated in several ways. 10% will be based on the quality of your discussion forum posts and replies. 5% involves the quality of your general online interpersonal communication skills both in the forums and with me. Specific details concerning these two grades is found in the “discussion forum information” document.

For the discussion board, I examine the actual amount of participation according to the online statistics tracking software provided by BlackBoard. This makes sure that I have actual hard data to work with here. I do not want to mistakenly assume that some student did not actively participate in forums.


I then re-examine all of my notes and grades from each forum participated by my students. Again, I go through each and every forum that you will post a comment on as well as all of your replies. This makes sure that I completely examine the “quality” of your posts- not merely the “quantity.” Some students provide multiple posts that have been poorly written. At the same time, their active participation is a sign of hard work and enthusiasm for the material being discussed and thus, I have to also take this into consideration.


Finally, I assess the “quality and quantity” factors in TOTALITY and provide a letter grade. Once all of your marks have been calculated I then see if there is room to bump you up by a percent or two.

I have taught online courses now for 8 years and not once over this time span has a single student complained about their online participation grade. The reason for this is that a lot of thought goes into keeping both fairness and the student’s best interests in mind.

How You Will Be Graded For Your Discussion Forums:

Grading for your discussion forums is analogous to the measures often used in regular in-class courses. Over the next 13 weeks, I will be monitoring in totality

1. The quantity of and,

2. The quality of your participation in the Discussion Forums.

Approximately every 3-4 weeks, your will be expected to post a 150-250 word commentary on at least one of the Discussion Forum questions that you will be provided. In 75-150 words, you must also respond to at least one posted by a fellow student.

I will also be electronically tracking which weeks you participated and which ones you did not on their respected due dates. Additional participation is encouraged. Remember an average “C” student merely complies with what is expected of him or her but does not go beyond these expectations. If all you do is post 4 very average discussion threads and replies, don’t be shocked if all that you receive is a very average “C” grade. After all, you have not done anything beyond what is expected of an average student. An above average “B” student gives an above average effort- meaning he or she is a more regular participant on the forums and provides higher level insights. An “A” student exceeds all expectations of the instructor. He or she is a regular Discussion Board participant with very well written and strong analyses.

Given that this is an English course, merely complying in terms of regularly posting comments and replies within the suggested word content limits is not enough of a measure for your over all participation. Neither are frequent but empty messages such as “Yeah I agree with you on that one Sammy. LOL. Leafs Rule.”

For this reason, the remaining 60% of your grade here will be based on the over all quality of your messages. This quality will be subjectively determined based on the following criteria:

1. Your use of critical thinking skills (i.e. your analysis).

2. The quality of your writing- including grammar and spelling and NO text message style communications such as IMO, LOL, etcetera and,

3. Your use of courteous communication with your classmates.

Here is an example of a quality Discussion Board submission by a student named Claire and an excellent response by another named Kate.


On paper, a salary cap in the NHL makes sense. The problem with it though is that teams will now have to lock their star players into long-term deals. Some teams might benefit from this. Others won’t. Take the Toronto Raptors for example. The Raptors signed Vince Carter to a long-term contract and when things soured, they were stuck with his huge salary. They had a hard time finding a team that was willing take him in a trade because of cap constraints. When Carter was finally dealt, they ended-up receiving virtually nothing for him and could not do anything to improve their club for an additional three years since they were still bound by his contract.

At the same time, some other teams are going the route of giving out one year contracts. This is also very tricky. How can you hold on to your roster when each year, you will lose some good players to free agency? Look what happened to the Buffalo Sabers in the summer of 2006.

To make matters worse, free agency is now at 27 years of age. So even if a team drafts well, it can’t restock with ripening players in the organization because they will be lost to free agency. What the NHL needs to do to deal with this problem is move up the age of free agency to 31.


Hi Claire, You are absolutely right here. I never thought about what the impact would be for lowering the age of free agency. What about arbitration? This league totally missed out on renegotiating this in the new Collective Bargaining Agreement. The way arbitration works is an” all or nothing scenario.” Either the arbitrator will reward a player with an obscenely high salary of $6M per year or go with the low balled one attempted by the his current team. The player can’t come up with a fair figure on his own. He has to choose one or the other. Every time a someone gets a huge award from an arbitrator, this has rippling affect around the league in terms of salaries- making it that much harder to hold on to players because of the cap.

Both Claire’s commentary and Kate’s response were well written, concise, clear, spelling and grammar mistake free, and within the word limits. Their critical thinking skills in terms of analysis were strong. And even though Kate disagreed with Claire, she showed courtesy in her counter arguments.

Try to base your online discussions along the same lines.

More Information On My Grading Of Your Discussion Forums And Online Participation

Your online participation grade involves your over all online interpersonal communications skills employed in this course- and not just your discussion forum posts.

As much as possible, I am trying to simulate a business/work environment in this course. You are principally attending Seneca College to start a career and move up the ranks. At this college, we do not teach you which buttons need to be pushed. We teach you to think; be job ready employees; and act as excellent ambassadors for your various programs. Understanding the importance of strong interpersonal communication skills- especially online ones will give you an edge beyond what I plan on showing you in the area of writing. People who are liked, go far in life. Knowing how to say things politely gets you hired. Not knowing these things keeps you unemployed for long stretches of time and gets you fired. So yes, online participation skills are a big deal here.

If you communicate in a rude or offensive manner with me or a fellow student, it is like doing this with your boss or co-worker. In the workplace, such inappropriate behavior is documented. I will do the same thing here.

Now everyone messes up once and a while but if rude, inappropriate, disruptive online behavior is detected, you will be warned by me to stop it. If you do not 1) take ownership and fail to apologize and 2) stop repeating it, these actions will be reflected in this aspect of your grade. Sorry.

If you have behaved in appropriately, I will inform you by email and copy and paste this section for you to review. Hopefully, you will take ownership of your behavior, apologize and we can move on towards having a more harmonious relationship both with myself and your classmates.

If your online behavior has been polite, courteous, positive, encouraging and the like, you will be rewarded for exhibiting this extremely important element of workplace success.

Final Examination

Worth 35% of Your Final Grade.

It will be held on Exam Week (Week 14). The exact date, room location and time will be announced when determined.

Your exam will be based both on your lecture and discussion forum materials. In order to prevent any cheating, you will be writing it by hand in a classroom setting.

More specific details on it will be provided a few weeks after Reading Week.

It is my belief that writing is like riding a bicycle. Once you know how to do it, you always do. If you have honestly been doing your work all semester and studied for the exam; trust me, you have absolutely nothing to fear going into the final.

If you will be using the Writing Centre for a lot of help this semester think twice about taking this course.
I don’t want any of my students experiencing the heartache of having passed their regular assignments by getting outside help only to end-up with an F grade because their writing skills- in reality- never truly met the exit standards for this advanced level literature course. My intention here is not to scare anyone off. However, I would be misleading you if I did not give you this warning.

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