Guidelines for Teaching PlanPart One
1. Cover page (APA format, 7 Edition): Strictly enforced (points will
be taken off if not followed). This assignment will not be re-graded.
Note: This is a two parts assignment.
This paper is about teaching not about the disease/condition. It’s not a care plan.
Do not develop a scenario, just answer what’s asked. It does not need to “flow.”
(Running head: No longer required- edition 7).
2. Use the following headings:
Use the 3 person: introduce your given topic, after you researched the topic:
a) Cite info about your patient’s/population’s disability/disease/condition.
b) Cite how the disability/disease/condition (if applicable) affects their learning
and or how they learn.
c) Needed: 3 to 6 short paragraphs. (One paragraph includes 3 complete
Sources: CDC, Mayo Clinic-official,; Miller & Stoeckel’s (2019),
chapter 7 (If you don’t have Miller’s book you can borrow it from WCU libraryvirtually or rent it from the publisher).
Learning Needs Assessment
Provide rational as to a) Define/describe what needs assessment are- as per Miller
& Stoeckel; and b) List the factors that affect learning. Sources of information:
Miller & Stoeckel-chapter 10 & Taylor, et al: Fundamentals book (Chapter 9):
Teaching/Learning or may cite PP); you need to use these resources; in addition
to the needs of the specific/population given & researched. (3 to 5 Paragraphs).
Educational Theory
It’s based on the pt.’s/population’s age-i.e. Knowles’ Adult learning:
Andragogy or Pedagogy (Children); (Miller’s & Stoeckel’s chapters 7 &
chapter 4); Select the age of your population/patient given to the
applicable theory. (3 to 5 short paragraphs). Speak only of your
population’s theory.
Learning Style
It’s based on your pt.’s generation: Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer, Z
generation (Google it) etc. Sources: PPP chapter 4: Facts of
Teaching/Learning: Miller’s chapter 4. (2 to 4 short paragraphs). State
how these generations learn (cite your patient’s generation only).
Readiness of the Learner
Miller’s chapter 6: Adult Learner- Knowle’s Principles (See specific
section or Chapter 7: Older adult, disabilities), or Taylor’s book.
Mention Orientation to Learning & Motivation to learn (Principles of
Pedagogy & Andragogy). (4-5 paragraphs).
Learning outcomes
a) What are they? b) Define/describe them. Check Miller’s chapter 10, pg. 247.
(2 to 3 paragraphs).
c) Do not list the learning outcomes here: Just define/describe them.
Leaning objectives
a) What are they? -Define/describe them (in Miller’s chapter 10, pg.
248). (2 to 3 paragraphs).
b) Do not list the objectives here (they go on the Template-Part 2
(Template); just explain what they are.
In text citations
3. Make sure to cite any information obtained from resources, books, PP,
etc. (Make sure to reference all your citations on the reference page).
4. Reference page: APA formatting (Strictly enforced). (Make sure to
include all your in text- citations).
Reference Page
Make sure to use APA, edition 7. Strictly enforced (points off if edition
7 not used or the reference format is incorrect.
a) You can use the internet-use the Purdue University, or reliable
Guidelines for Teaching Plan Part Two
The teaching template is the actual teaching plan; this part is heavily graded and
carries the most points.
Complete the following headings (See Teaching Plan Template-example):
1. Develop one learning outcome (what you-the nurse educator- wants the client
to learn at the end of the teaching session. (Think: Long term learning- See
example in template provided). Sources: Miller & Stoeckel’s chapter 10.
2. Write/develop three learning objectives: One from each domain:
a) Select a verb from PP Bloom’s list of verbs from each domain: Cognitive
(thinking); Affective (feelings, attitudes, values; and Psychomotor (doing).
3. Content Outline: Topics only! They will cover/help you (you, the nurse
educator- to teach the objective).
4. Instructional Materials/teaching strategies: It will help the nurse educator to
teach the topics. Make sure you utilize materials appropriate for your client: age
related (generation born); disability /illness, barriers, developmental, etc. i.e. if
the client is deaf, you should not list an audio video/book, etc.
5. Evaluation: Each domain has a different way of being evaluated (measured).
For the cognitive domain, use tools that are used for thinking, i.e.
a) Quizzes, exams, oral examination, etc.
b) For the affective domain use the Attitude Scale (a commercial tool) and/ or
c) For the psychomotor domain, use Teach-back or Re-turn demonstration.