Use the fundamental counting principle to find the total number of outcomes for each situation

Use the fundamental counting principle to find the total number of outcomes for each situation
1,rolling two number cubes and tossing one coin
2.making a sandwich with ham, turkey, or roast; Swiss or provolone cheese; and mustard or mayonnaise
3. Choosing rye or Bermuda grass and three different mixtures of fertilizer
4.tossing four coins
5. Choosing from 35 flavors of ice cream: one two or three scoops; and sugar or waffle cone.
6.picking a day of the week and a date in the month of April
7. Rolling three number cubes and tossing two coins
8. Choosing a four letter password using only five letters that may each be used more than once
9 choosing a bicycle with or without shock absorbers; with or without headlights; and five color choices.
10. A license plate that has three numbers zero through nine and two letters where each number and a letter may be used more than once

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