use case assignment


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Using the model for a use case document ( slide  in the Power Point) create a use case for something that happens in your work or everyday life.  If you have a job where you have typical responsibilities (like taking inventory) you can use that.  If not, you can do something like taking your order at a restaurant or getting fitted for a suit or dress.  

Use Microsoft Word, and make it look as much like the examples as you can (does not have to be perfect).  Fill in as many items as you can, including at least 6 Steps Performed.  You can guess at some of the items if you don’t know for sure.   needed Tuesday 7 PM EST. please see the attachment for the example and the descriptions down to the slide.


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Kendall & Kendall Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

A Use Case Scenario Is Divided into Three Sections (Figure 2.16)
Use case name: Register for Conference UniqueID: Conf RG 003
Area: Conference Planning
Actor(s): Participant
Stakeholder Conference Sponsor, Conference Speakers
Level Blue
Description: Allow conference participant to register online for the conference using a secure Web site.
Triggering Event: Participant uses Conference Registration Web site, enters userID and password, and clicks the logon button.
Trigger type:  External  Temporal
Steps Performed (Main Path) Information for Steps
1. Participant logs in using the secure Web server userID, Password
More steps included here…
12. Successful Registration Confirmation Web page is sent to the participant Registration Record Confirmation Number
Preconditions: Participant has already registered and has created a user account.
Postconditions: Participant has successfully registered for the conference.
Assumptions: Participant has a browser and a valid userID and password.
Success Guarantee: Participant has registered for the conference and is enrolled in all selected sessions.
Minimum Guarantee: Participant was able to logon.
Requirements Met: Allow conference participants to be able to register for the conference using a secure Web site.
Outstanding Issues: How should a rejected credit card be handled?
Priority: High
Risk: Medium

(First area)
Use case identifiers and initiators—orients the reader and contains:
1. The use case name and a unique ID
2. The application area or system that this use case belongs to
3. The actors involved in the use case
4. A brief description of what the use case accomplishes
5. The triggering event
6. Type of trigger:
external or temporal
external—those started by an actor
temporal—triggered or started by time
7. May list stakeholders
(Second area)
Includes the steps performed, and the information required for each of the steps.
(Third area)
Post conditions
Outstanding issues
optional statement of priority
optional statement of risk

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