Written Submission,
5% total)
Choose a contemporary moral problem that
you’ve observed or experienced from one of the
following domains of human life:
Education/jobs training
The reproductive realm/family dynamics
“The discourse” on social media (about
a particular issue or a general feature of
discursive behavior on social media)
Write an essay of at least 1000 words in which
you come up with and defend a solution
(“realistic” or not) to this problem.
You must inform the instructor of your chosen
problem via email by the date marked on the
Course Schedule.
Your essay must be structured in the following
1. Provide an explanation of the terms of
the problem (the problem as a whole).
Explain it in specific detail, providing any
evidence you can find that the problem
is real (pictures, videos, memes,
academic papers, wikipedia articles,
statistics, interview transcripts, personal
correspondence, etc.). To cite these
resources, it is sufficient to provide a link
to these pieces of evidence or describe
where you got them in the footnotes.
Use one of the figures we’ve discussed
in the course after Spring Break to
explain the reality and conditions of the
problem (how it might have come to be
and/or what it is like for those who
experience it).
With the problem now better
understood, argue for a solution to the
problem. Do not worry about whether
the solution is “realistic” today. Instead,
explain what would be required for the
solution to be/become realistic.
Analyze the ethics/morality of your
problem via email by the date marked on theCourse Schedule.Your essay must be structured in the followingorder:1. Provide an explanation of the terms ofthe problem (the problem as a whole).Explain it in specific detail, providing anyevidence you can find that the problemis real (pictures, videos, memes,academic papers, wikipedia articles,statistics, interview transcripts, personalcorrespondence, etc.). To cite theseresources, it is sufficient to provide a linkto these pieces of evidence or describewhere you got them in the footnotes.
2. Use one of the figures we’ve discussed
in the course after Spring Break toexplain the reality and conditions of theproblem (how it might have come to beand/or what it is like for those whoexperience it).3With the problem now betterunderstood, argue for a solution to theproblem. Do not worry about whetherthe solution is “realistic” today. Instead,explain what would be required for thesolution to be/become realistic.
Analyze the ethics/morality of your
solution using one of the figures from
before Spring Break.