Part 1. Main Entry: Post a brief analysis of what you have learned from this week’s readings and activities. Start a new thread, and place the header — Name’s Main Entry (e.g., Kayla’ s Main Entry)at the top. Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.
a. This week’s great takeaway:What topic did you find most interesting this week? Why?
b. Choose one of the following topics:
1. Scientific Discoveries: Using our UMGC Library, find a peer-reviewed article on genetic testing or environmental risks before birth. Once found, provide a brief summary (in your own words – not that of the Abstract) of what you learned from the article. For example, does the article support, refute, or expand upon the discussion within the assigned readings? Include in your summary how your selected article contributes to our understanding of prenatal development.
Below your summary provide the reference for the article and the functioning Permalink to the article so others can access it.
2. Important Finds: Using our UMGC Library, find a peer-reviewed article on the topic of breastfeeding or infant nutrition. Once found, provide a brief summary (in your own words – not that of the Abstract) of what you learned from the article. For example, does the article support, refute, or expand upon the discussion within the assigned readings? Include in your summary how this article contributes to our understanding of the developmental period, infancy.