Modify this code into a program that receives two numbers and prints the minimum. The program then doubles the minimum and compares it to another number. It will then print the new minimum.
Input1 = 2
%include “”segment .data
message1 db “Enter a number: “,0message2 db “Enter another number: “, 0message3 db “The larger number is: “, 0
segment .bss
input1 resd 1 ; first number entered
segment .text global asm_mainasm_main: enter 0,0 ; setup routine pusha
mov eax, message1 ; print out first message call print_string call read_int ; input first number mov [input1], eax
mov eax, message2 ; print out second message call print_string call read_int ; input second number (in eax)
xor ebx, ebx ; ebx = 0 cmp eax, [input1] ; compare second and first number setg bl ; ebx = (input2 > input1) ? 1 : 0 neg ebx ; ebx = (input2 > input1) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0 mov ecx, ebx ; ecx = (input2 > input1) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0 and ecx, eax ; ecx = (input2 > input1) ? input2 : 0 not ebx ; ebx = (input2 > input1) ? 0 : 0xFFFFFFFF and ebx, [input1] ; ebx = (input2 > input1) ? 0 : input1 or ecx, ebx ; ecx = (input2 > input1) ? input2 : input1
mov eax, message3 ; print out result call print_string mov eax, ecx call print_int call print_nl
popa mov eax, 0 ; return back to C leave ret