University Library Research (Due August 4th)

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University Library Research (Due – August 4th)


Below you will find the Week 4 University Library Search assignment requirements and rubric. Please review it carefully as I will evaluate your work using this rubric.

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 You will post this assignment under the Assignments Tab as a Microsoft Word document.

Locate the University Library by logging on to the student website, selecting Library, and clicking University Library.


Find two articles in the University Library about one (or a combination) of the following topics: 


Career planning

Distance learning

Ensuring academic honesty

Effective personal goal setting

Time management skills for college students


Use a periodicals database, such as EBSCOhost, to find each article. Review Appendix E for information about using the databases.


Practice using the Boolean and wildcard strategies you learned about in the University Library tutorial.


Cite each article so it can be found again. You can use the Citation Generator on the Center for Writing Excellence site or the APA guidelines available in the Center for Writing. Excellence


Summarize each article briefly in 2 to 3 sentences. If there are specific opinions or facts, document them.


Answer these questions about each article:


What keyword search led you to this particular article?

Why did you choose this article over the others the keyword search also found?

Post the article information and summaries for both article as a Microsoft Word attachment under the Assignments Tab.









Week 4 University Library Research (Due Day 7 – August 4th)

Resources: Appendix E; University Library Interactive Tutorial


Points Earned

Points Possible

You have identified two appropriate articles, provided a summary of each article, answered the two follow-up questions and provided an APA citation for each article.



Response is thoughtful and meets the minimum sentence count requirement.


Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and error-free; rules of grammar usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.


Late Penalty (10% per day – cannot exceed one day)




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