unit five

After watching this week’s Web Resource video, “Two Year Olds Playing with Toys,” @  http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_0558982484/index.html?wf=1&item=3 pick one of the children and fill out the attached developmental checklist .  

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What did you learn about this child’s development?


Identify other performance-based assessments you would you like to complete. Explain why you selected the specific assessments and in what instance you would use these.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using performance-based assessments?


Developmental Checklist

(By age two)

Child Name_________________________________ Age_________________
Observer______________________________ Date_________________

Does the child… Yes No Comments

Walk alone? _____ _____

Bend over and pick up toy without falling over? _____ _____

Seat self in child-size chair? _____ _____

Walk up and down

stairs with assistance? _____ _____

Place several rings on a stick? _____ _____

Place five pegs in a pegboard? _____ _____

Turn pages two or three at a time? _____ _____

Scribble? _____ _____

Follow one step directions involving something

familiar (e.g.: give me ____) _____ _____

Match familiar objects? _____ _____

Use spoon with some spilling? _____ _____

Drink from a cup holding it with one hand? _____ _____

Chew food? _____ _____

Take off coat, shoe, and socks? _____ _____

Zip and unzip large zipper? _____ _____

Recognize self in mirror? _____ _____

Refer to self by name? _____ _____

Imitate adults in play? _____ _____

Help put things away? _____ _____

Ask for desired items by name? _____ _____

Answer to question “What’s that?” _____ _____

Make some two word statements? _____ _____

Reference: Allen, K.E. & Marotz, L.R. (2003). Developmental profiles: Pre-birth through twelve, 4th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning.

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