Unit 9: Sharing Assessment Results


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Part 1


In this unit’s reading, you will watch a video of an 18 month old child in preparation for this project. From this video, you will fill out two assessment instruments: an anecdotal record and developmental checklists. Since the child is 18 months old, you need to fill out both the one year old developmental checklist and the 2 year old developmental checklist as the child may have skills found at both one and two years of development. These forms can be found in this unit. Carefully watch the video and fill out these assessment tools. Be sure to use objective, measurable language in your observations. Be sure to include your completed assessment forms in your submission for this project. You can expect to watch the video multiple times in order to be able to observe everything you need to do a thorough assessment. Remember, you need to address each of the developmental domains: cognition, social-emotional, physical and language. Observation and assessment are learned skills and take practice.


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Part 2


You will write an essay discussing the results of the video observation data collection including additional assessment needs and possible instructional strategies. Please note: early childhood professionals can always use additional assessments and you must discuss additional assessment needs for this child. You should use the template provided for your project.


While you are encouraged to integrate material from the course readings and discussions, make sure to paraphrase (don’t copy word-for-word!) and provide the sources for your content.


Your paper should be 3-5 pages long, typed, double-spaced and in a 12-point font size (Arial or Times New Roman) with one-inch margins. You must include a title page and a reference page (but these do not count in the 3-5 page guideline


Intelligence: Infancy. Retrieved from (video of the 18 month old child) http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_0558982484/index.html?wf=1&item=2



Kaplan University College of Arts and Sciences

CE300 Unit 9 Project Outline

CE300 Unit 9 Project Outline

Title page

Overall Behavior: Give an overall assessment of observed behavior. Again, it must be

factual and supported with observation.

Present Level of Performance: Describe the child’s present level of performance

(factual) and describe your observations recorded in the running record and

developmental checklist. Think about developmental domains and you will have a

general overall assessment.

Please use these headings:





Strengths: Based on the present level of performance, what do you see as the child’s

strengths? Why? These can be bulleted items, but must be supported by what you

stated in the present level of performance. For organizational purposes, write about

developmental domains, using the domains as headings. This is not new information,

but information you highlighted from above.

Targets: (Based on the present level of performance, what are the targets for further

instruction? Why?) These can be bulleted items, but must be supported by what you

stated in the present level of performance. For organizational purposes, write about
developmental domains, using the domains as headings. This is not new information,
but information you highlighted from above.

Additional Assessment: What additional assessment activities would you recommend

and why?

Reference Page



Video Assessment

Unit 9

Video Assessment Project

Unit 9

CE300-(add your course section)

(Name of Student)

Please delete all red type prior to submission and fill in with your original information.

Paragraph one should introduce the overall behavior of the 18 month old child in the video. This should be factual with observations supported by objective, measurable language.

The body of the paper should use the following headings of the child’s present developmental level based on your observations from the video. You will describe your observations from the anecdotal record and the developmental checklists in objective, measureable terms.





The next section of your paper should discuss the strengths of the child. Based on the observations you recorded from the video, what do you see as the child’s strengths? Here you can use your interpretations of the data you collected and recorded from watching the video.

In this section, please discuss how you can use the assessment results to guide instruction. Based on the data you collected and recorded from watching the video, what learning activities can you recommend for this child? Be sure to discuss each of the developmental domains. In addition, discuss one activity you can share with parents to do at home with this child.

In the concluding paragraph, discuss further assessment needs for this child. As an early childhood professional, we can always use additional assessment data. You must give recommendations for further assessment here and your rationale for why you would like this additional assessment data.

Anecdotal Record





Observed Behavior: objective, measureable terminology

Interpretations: notes from the observer





Developmental Checklist

(By age one year)

Child Name_________________________________


Does the child…


Walk with assistance?


Roll a ball in imitation of an adult?


Pick up objects with thumb and forefinger?


Transfer objects from one hand to another?


Pick up dropped toys?


Look directly at an adult’s face?


Imitate gestures (peek-a-boo, bye-bye)


Find an object hidden under a cup?


Feed self crackers (munching not sucking)?


Hold a cup with two hands, drink with assistance?

Smile spontaneously?


Pay attention to own name?


Respond to “no”?


Respond differently to strangers and familiar people

Respond differently to sounds: vacuum, phone?

Look at person who speaks to him or her?


Respond to simple directions accompanied by actions?

Make several consonant-vowel combination sounds?

Vocalize back to the person who has talked him or her?

Use intonation patterns that sound like scolding,

asking, exclaiming?


Say “mama” or “dada”?
_____ _____

Developmental Checklist

(By age two)

Child Name_________________________________


Does the child…


Walk alone?


Bend over and pick up toy without falling over?

Seat self in child-size chair?


Walk up and down

stairs with assistance?


Place several rings on a stick?


Place five pegs in a pegboard?


Turn pages two or three at a time?




Follow one step directions involving something

familiar (e.g.: give me ____)


Match familiar objects?


Use spoon with some spilling?


Drink from a cup holding it with one hand?

Chew food?


Take off coat, shoe, and socks?


Zip and unzip large zipper?


Recognize self in mirror?


Refer to self by name?


Imitate adults in play?


Help put things away?


Ask for desired items by name?


Answer to question “What’s that?”


Make some two word statements ____ _____
Reference: Allen, K.E. & Marotz, L.R. (2003). Developmental profiles: Pre-birth through twelve, 4th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning.


(You must include at least three references in APA format)

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