unit 4

4. In Unit 4, there are three main topics, variation, inequalities, and linear equations. You will be exposed to all three topics by either formulating a response or commenting on a classmate’s response to each one. In your original response, you will choose one type of problem to solve and post a complete solution. Then, in your responses to two classmates, you will comment on posts which involve the other two types of problems.
Original Response 

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1. The problems intended for use in this Discussion Board have been shared with you via Google Drive.  You should have received an email from your instructor that includes a link to the Excel document in your Google Drive listing the problems.  You can also access this Excel doc by clicking on “Drive” up on the top navigation bar of your gmail account.  Once you enter this document, select a variation, inequality or linear equation from the list and claim it by entering your name next to it.  This is a shared document so the only change you should make is to add your name to the problem that you choose.
2. Begin your response by typing the problem so that your classmates will know what problem you are solving. 
3. Write a complete solution, showing all steps used in solving the problem. Explain each step as if you were the expert explaining it to a novice.

5. In Unit 5 you are learning about the metric system and making conversions within the metric system. Many believe that conversions in the metric system are easier to make, while others believe conversions in the U.S. system are easier. In this Discussion, you get to make your case. If you believe that metric conversions are easier, you will post a metric conversion. Then, you will comment on a post of one of your classmates who believes that U.S. conversions are easier.

This Discussion topic has multiple parts. Please read and give a thorough response to each part. 
Original Post

1. Choose and post one of the following:

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If you believe that metric conversions are easier, write and post a metric conversion. Choose a four digit number and convert from one unit to another. For example, convert 3450 decigrams to kilograms. You can convert between any two units shown in Table 8.1 on page 436 of our text. Or, if you are feeling a little more adventurous, you can choose between any two units on table shown on page 438 of our text. Explain how to do the conversion showing all work.


If you think that U.S. conversions are easier, write and post a U.S. conversion problem using one of the following conversions..

inches to yards         or         yards to inches

inches to miles         or         miles to inches

feet to miles              or         miles to feet

cups to quarts           or         quarts to cups

pints to gallons         or         gallons to pints

If you need to find the conversion factors, they are readily available on the internet. Do not forget to post a link to the site where you found your conversions. You must show the conversion step by step. For example, when converting from inches to yards, you must first convert to feet and then convert to yards. Explain how to do the conversion showing all work.    
2. Explain why you chose to do either a metric or a U.S. conversion. Why do you think that your choice was easier?

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