Unit 1 IT595


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Unit Outcomes:

  • Identify a viable cybersecurity project.
  • Formulate a project proposal.

Course Outcome:

IT595-1: Theory and Principles: Evaluate theories, principles, and best practices related to the evolving global cybersecurity landscape by assessing and reviewing recent strategies.


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To develop a comprehensive cybersecurity project proposal for approval by your instructor.


Assignment Instructions

Complete a project proposal. Included in the proposal should be:

  • A statement of purpose or need
  • An overview of the proposed project
  • Key milestones (Milestone 1 corresponds to Units 2/3, milestone 2 corresponds to Units 4/5, milestone 3 corresponds to Units 6/7, and milestone 4 corresponds to Units 8/9)
  • A high-level budgetary estimate
  • Benefits
  • High-level risks
  • Proposed mitigation strategies
  • Key stakeholders (if applicable)
  • Expected outcomes

In addition, put forth a lot of effort into describing your milestones. The more details you put into the work breakdown for each of your milestones, the easier it will be when you work on each milestone.

Note that the proposal may reflect a real project, as assigned within your place of employment or elsewhere (a nonprofit organization, for example), a textbook-based case study, a scholarly journal case study, an industry journal case study, or a hypothetical project, at your discretion.

This assignment is very important, as it requires a lot of planning. Use the 

Project Proposal Template

 for your assignment.

Assignment Requirements

The proposal should be at least 5–6 pages long, not counting title page and references. Use current APA style, as necessary.

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