Understanding how to properly value a vanilla bond is essential for finance. Add the criteria of long-term debt do assets to ensure the company has debt. Add the criteria of dividends per share.


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   Find both company’s financial pages at:


. Add the criteria of long-term debt to assets to ensure the company has debt. Add the criteria of dividends per share. Find both copany’s financial pages at:


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. Look at the long term debt on the balance sheet. Determine the coupon price, the length until maturity and the yield to maturity. Calculate today’s price of bond.


1. List the pertinent information on the bond you chose and then calculate the price of one bond from both companies.


 2. Which bond is receiving the higher price? Explain your answer.


 3. From a time value of money frame of mind what does each rate say about the viewpoint on the time value of money?


 4. Which company has a better credit rating? Explain your answer.


 5. Based on the credit rating which company do you believe the bank feels more secure will pay back the loan? Explain your answer.


 6. Why does the bank charge more interest for one company than the another?


 7. What does the credit rating say to investor?


 8. Which bond looks is more finanically attractive? Explain why do you chose the answer you did.


   700 – 1,000 words cities and References

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