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Lesson 4 Discussion
Lesson 4 Discussion completes a comparative investigations terrestrial planets; Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
Select the Lesson 4 Discussion link above or select the Discussion Board linksted on the course menu to the left to access the discussion.
Lesson 4 Lab: Planetary Orbits Lab
Lesson 4 Lab: Planetary Orbits Lab examines the properties of retary orbits as applied not only to our solar system but to other solar systems as well. This goes hand in hand with the current lessons on our planetary system. This lab is intended
to provide insight into the orbital dynamics of planetary systems.
Getting started with Lesson 4 Lab: Planetary Orbits Lab:
The Planetary Orbits Lab is designed to facilitate understanding of Kepler’s Three Laws of Motion as well as how velocity and force relate to the orbits. The user can manipulate the orbital properties of a fictional planet and read off various orbital
parameters. Our solar system’s planets can also be observed as a background for comparison.
• First, select the following link and work through the Main Content sections of Kepler’s Laws and Newton’s Laws at:
o Planetary Orbits Lab
• Next, open the Planetary Orbit Simulator, and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the Planetary Orbit Simulator through experimentation.
• After familiarizing yourself with the Planetary Orbit Simulator, follow instructions and answer questions in the Lesson 4 Lab – Planetary Orbit Simulator Worksheet.
Lesson 4 Lab – Planetary Orbit Simulator Worksheet PDF
o Lesson 4 Lab – Planetary Orbit Simulator Worksheet PDF Lesson 4 Lab – Planetary Orbit Simulator Worksheet.pdf
o Lesson 4 Lab – Planetary Orbit Simulator Worksheet DOC Lesson 4 Lab – Planetary Orbit Simulator Worksheet DOC.docx
Note: The Lab Simulators require Flash Player which is integrated into Windows 10 and work best with Internet Explorer (IE). To avoid technical issues IE is recommended for running the simulations. If you try another browser you will need to set up
flash player options for that browser yourself. For example, if you are using Chrome, go to the upper left of the URL browser entry, select “Not Secure” then select “Allow” to give Chrome permission to open the simulator.
Submit your Lab Worksheet
• Submit the completed Assignment Sheet for Lab 4 by selecting the Lesson 4 Lab: Planetary Orbits Lab link above, and select Browse My Computer to attach your saved file. Make sure to select SUBMIT. Note: Save your file as a .rtf file or .doc
to ensure that it can be opened at any computer.
Labs do not have a time limit but are due on the due date of the lesson posted in the Syllabus Page 2.
Simulations courtesy of Astronomy Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln website.
Midterm Exam
Select the Midterm Exam link above to access the exam.
The Midterm Exam consists of 50 questions to include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, calculation, ordering, and true false. The exam covers Lessons 1 through 4.
• You will have 2 hours to complete the exam.
• You may access it only one time. Do not press the Save or Back buttons as you work through the exam as this will cause you to lose your connection and you will not be able to go back in.
• The exam will auto-submit at the end of 2 hours.
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Bb Lesson 3: Astronomical Instrume
* Give Me Liberty! W. W. Norton
In this tutorial, we will study some calculations important to understanding the telescope.
Select Khan Academy, for more math tutorials,
Lesson 3 Discussion
Select the Lesson 3 Discussion link above or the Discussion Board link located on the course menu to the left to access the discussion.
Lesson 3 Quiz
Select the Lesson 3 Quizlink to access the quiz. The Lesson 3 Quiz covers Chaptes 6, 7, and 8. You will have 90 minutes to complete the quiz at which time the quiz will auto submit.
Lesson 3 Lab: Solar System Models
In Lesson 3 Lab: Solar System Models you will learn that the Ptolemaic (Geocentric) solar system model was scrutinized by Arabic astronomers who attempted to remove as much as possible the non-circular elements of the Ptolemaic model.
Copernicus, who disliked the non-circular elements of the Ptolemaic model appears to have been aware of some of the Arabic methods and adopted an Arabic epicycle within epicycle model for his lunar model. In this lab, we will explore how
Copernicus came to realize the heliocentric model of the solar system by experiment.
Getting started with Lesson 3 Lab: Solar System Models:
The Lesson 3 Lab introduces the universe as envisioned by early thinkers culminating in a detailed look at the Copernican model.
• First, select the following link and work through the Main Content sections of the Geocentric Model, and Heliocentric Model at:
o Solar System Models
• Next, open the Planetary Configurations Simulator, and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the simulator through experimentation.
• After familiarizing yourself with the simulation interactive, follow instructions and answer questions in the Lesson 3 Lab – Solar System Models Worksheet.
Note: The Lab Simulators require Flash Player which is integrated into Windows 10 and work best with Internet Explorer (IE). To avoid technical issues IE is recommended for running the simulations. If you try another browser you will need to set up
flash player options for that browser yourself. For example, if you are using Chrome, go to the upper left of the URL browser entry, select “Not Secure” then select “Allow” to give Chrome permission to open the simulator.
Alternative Worksheet Formats:
Lesson3_Lab_Solar_System_Models MSWORD: Lesson3 Lab Solar System Models MSWORD.docx
Lesson3_Lab_Solar_System_Models PDF: Lesson3 Lab Solar System Models PDF.pdf
Submit your Lab Worksheet
• Submit the completed Assignment Sheet for Lab 3 by selecting the Lesson 3 Lab: Solar System Models link above and select Browse My Computer to attach your saved file. Make sure to select SUBMIT. Note: Save your file as a rtf file or .doc to
ensure that it can be opened at any computer.
Labs do not have a time limit but are due on the due date of the lesson posted in the Syllabus Page 2.
Simulations courtesy of Astronomy Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln website.