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There are three types of goals, these goals include: outcome goals, process goals, and performance goals.
Outcome goals set the stage for what we want to achieve. It does not tell us specifically how to get there but it gives us the target we intended to reach and accomplish. Process goals on the other hand, provide us with the strategies needed to achieve those goal. For example; an athletes process goals will include dieting exercising and other activities that will increase the likelihood of him achieve what ever goal it is that is on target in that moment. Performance goals, are focused on result and provide specific routines and schedules on how to get there and when to get there. It is not just the idea of reaching that goal but also the ways on how to get there. Outcome goals are the results, process goals are the behaviors, and performance goals are the standards needed to be met in order to get there. I believe that the best type of goal setting is process goals. I know this does not sound common but I believe that when goals are needed to be set there should be a basic way on how to get there and the idea of when those goals need to be met. It is very common for individuals to set performance goals for themselves and end up feeling extremely overwhelmed because of it. Goal setting is effective in helping athletes because they are constantly needing to meet specific numbers. Whether it be for their health, a game, or a tournament. To see results in this field, goals must be put into place and often times performance goals due to the fact that most times they need to be met in a specific amount of time.