Total Quality Management Questions

Total of 10 multiple choice and 7 short answer questions. Due on 05/19/2013 midnight eastern time.

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1. (TCO 4) Deming claimed that higher levels of _____ lead to higher levels of _____. (Points : 2)

       automation, quality
       quality, productivity
       inventory, quality
       inspection, quality

2. (TCO 4) Which of the following individuals is credited with having the greatest influence on quality management? (Points : 2)

       Philip B. Crosby
       W. Edwards Deming
       Kaoru Ishikawa
       Joseph M. Juran

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3. (TCO 4) Deming was virtually unknown in the United States until the broadcast of a program entitled “If Japan Can … Why Can’t We?” When did this broadcast occur? (Points : 2)


4. (TCO 4) The author of Quality is Free is which of the following individuals? (Points : 2)

       Joseph M. Juran
       Frederick Taylor
       Armand Feigenbaum
       Philip B. Crosby

5. (TCO 4) Meeting quality goals during operations is which of the processes of Juran’s Quality Trilogy? (Points : 2)

       Quality control
       Quality design
       Quality improvement
       Quality planning

6. (TCO 3) ISO 9001 provides specific requirements for _____. (Points : 2)

       terms and definitions used
       a quality management system
       improving quality
       outgoing quality levels

7. (TCO 3) The framework for companywide quality control (CWQC) in Japan is provided by _____. (Points : 2)

       the Shewhart Award
       the Grant Award
       the Deming Prize
       the Baldrige Award

8. (TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was named after which of the following? (Points : 2)

       A famous quality consultant
       A former senator
       A former secretary of commerce
       A Fortune 500 CEO

9. (TCO 3) Over the years, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria have been improved to include all of the following shifts in emphasis, except _____. (Points : 2)

       from quality assurance and strategic quality planning to broad focus on process management
       from a focus on current customers to a focus on current and future customers and markets built on long-term relationships
       from human-resource administration to high-performance work systems
       from intraindustry rivalries to intraindustry alliances

10. (TCO 3) All of the following are true regarding ISO 9000 series, except _____. (Points : 2)

       ISO-certified organizations are assured of providing superior product quality
       the requirements provide a structure for a basic quality assurance system
       the standards describe processes affecting quality
       individual sites, not entire companies, must achieve registration individually

1. (TCO 4) Match the following:
(Points : 10)

Potential Matches:

1 : Juran’s definition for quality

2 : Taguchi

3 : Ishikawa

4 : Feigenbaum

5 : Deming


     : Fitness for use

     : Published Total Quality Control

     : Built upon Feigenbaum’s TQC concepts

     : Explained the economic value of reducing variation

     : Known for his 14 Points

2. (TCO 3) In the Baldrige criteria, why do the areas to be addressed and that require information on approach or deployment begin with the word how? (Points : 5)


3. (TCO 4) What is Deming’s Chain Reaction? (Points : 5)


4. (TCO 3) List four of the eight quality management principles of ISO 9000. (Points : 5)


5. (TCO 3) Briefly explain the judging criteria for the Deming Prize and its relationship to total quality management (TQM) systems. (Points : 5)


6. (TCO 4) Deming’s Point 3 is: Understand inspection. Briefly explain what Deming means. (Points : 5)


7. (TCO 4) Briefly explain Juran’s Quality Trilogy. (Points : 5)


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