To what extent did WWI alter the status of Americans between 1914-1920
•For 15 points (daily rubric)
•Task and assessment: Read chapter 19-3 in your text: Include all aspects of the Priestley reading/note organizer.•Be content specific, write in complete sentences, and your summary should be a claim that directly answers the prompt
To what extent did WWI alter the status of Americans between 1914-1920
For 15 points (daily rubric)
Task and assessment: Read chapter 19-3 in your text: Include all aspects of the Priestley reading/note organizer.
Be content specific, write in complete sentences, and your summary should be a claim that directly answers the prompt
Priestleyreading/note taking organizer
Title/Purpose Points (3 Points)
Content/Vocabulary (6 Points) Connection (3 Points)
Summary/Thesis(3 Points)
PriestleyAssessment Rubric
Knowledge of evidence from
the lesson/topic: includes
Analysis: Evaluation, application and
synthesis of evidence.
Includes a thesis and
demonstration of higher level
: Demonstrates clear use of class
time working on assessment
with maximum effort
5 • Significant
facts/supporting details are
included and accurately
• Has little or no factual
• Identifies and logically
organizes almost all relevant
4-5 Items of Content
•Complex Thesis is present and uses
appropriate and
comprehensive critical
thinking skills and habits of
mind to analyze, evaluate, and
synthesize evidence
• Reaches informed
conclusions based on
• Almost all ideas in the presentation
are expressed in a way that provides
evidence of the student’s knowledge
and reasoning processes
• The assessment is well focused
with a well defined
Thesis or position
• Assessment shows substantial
evidence of
• Assessment shows attention
the details and great effort
Assessment demonstrates
that time was used well on
task and more than just the
minimum was done for
3 • Facts/supporting details
are included
• May have a major factual
inaccuracy, but most
information is correct
• Identifies and organizes
most of the relevant evidence
2-3 Items of Content
• Simple Thesis is present and
uses partial critical
thinking skills and habits of
mind to analyze, evaluate, and
synthesize evidence
• Reaches informed
conclusions based on the
• Most ideas in the presentation are
in a way that provides evidence
of the
knowledge and reasoning processes
• The assessment demonstrates a
focus and
thesis with several narrative
gaps and minimal effort
• assessment demonstrates
adequate evidence
of organization
Assessment demonstrates
the adequate time was
spent on task
1 • Some facts/supporting
details are included
• Has some correct and
some incorrect information
• Identifies some relevant
evidence and omits most of
the other evidence
1-0 Items Present
• No Thesis present and
uses unclear,
inappropriate, or incomplete
critical thinking skills and
habits of mind to analyze,
evaluate, and synthesize
• Reaches incomplete or
inaccurate conclusions based
on the evidence
• Some ideas in the presentation are
in a way that provides evidence of the
knowledge and reasoning processes
• Few or no facts/supporting
details are included and lack of
• Information is largely
inaccurate, absent or irrelevant
• Important evidence
relevant to the problem is not
Assessment demonstrates
the below average time was
spent on task
� Exceeds standard (total points 11 – 15)
� Meets standard (total points 8 – 10)
� Approaches standard (total points 5 -7)
� Begins standard or absent (total points 1 -4)
A Social Science Rubric
This model is an analytic rubric. It separates the skills a student possesses into three
knowledge, reasoning, and communication. The three dimensions are interrelated. They
to show what students know and what they can do. Each dimension of the rubric is
divided into
four levels. Each level is defined by several criteria, which reflect a student’s abilities and
Collectively, Levels 4 and 3 are designed to differentiate among students whose
reasoning, and communication skills are developed. Collectively, Levels 2 and 1
represent a
student’s knowledge, reasoning, and communication skills that are still developing. Level
represents work of a student who exhibits the most developed skills; Level 1 represents
the work
of a student with the lowest level of developing skills.
The gap between Level 3 and Level 2 is wider than the gap between any of the other levels
because it
differentiates between a student whose skills are still developing and a student whose skills are
An analytic rubric is especially appropriate and useful for assessment in the social sciences. Teachers know
their students may perform at a more or less developed level in one dimension than in another.
example, a
student may perform at Level 4 in knowledge, at Level 3 in reasoning, and at Level 2 in communication.
An analytic
rubric allows teachers to take these differences into account when assessing their students.
Dimension 1: Knowledge
Knowledge of evidence from the social sciences: facts/supporting details; themes/issues; and
Knowledge of evidence is basic to the social sciences. Students who have developed knowledge –
– Levels
4 and 3– are able to demonstrate their ability to identify, define, and describe key concepts,
issues, and ideas; they show their awareness of the connection between key facts and supporting
and they are accurate in their use of facts and details. The levels are differentiated by the degree
to which
students can demonstrate their knowledge, that is, by being thorough, inclusive, and accurate.
Similarly, students who are developing knowledge — Levels 2 and 1 — are unable to demonstrate
ability to identify, define, and describe key concepts, themes, issues, and ideas; they show
awareness of the connection between key facts and supporting details; and they are largely
inaccurate in
their use of facts and details.
Dimension 2: Reasoning
Analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of evidence.
While facts are the essential starting point for demonstrating ability in the social sciences, a
student must
also be able to demonstrate the ability to reason. Reasoning makes facts, issues, and concepts
When reasoning occurs, a student is engaged in the content and develops a deeper understanding
of the
subject. Reasoning involves translation, interpretation, application, analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation of
information. These reasoning processes require students to discover relationships among facts and
generalizations, values and opinions. Reasoning abilities and skills also include accessing,
and applying information to provide a solution to a problem, to make a judgment, or reach a
A student with developed reasoning ability must be able to organize evidence and select and
apply an
appropriate method for analysis, evaluation, and synthesis. To analyze and evaluate evidence
whether that evidence is presented in a printed document, a song, poem, picture, or statistical
table, a
student must ask relevant questions.
These questions encompass the traditional five questions: who, what, where, when, and why.
A student with developed reasoning abilities also uses critical thinking skills and habits of mind
evaluate evidence. These thinking skills and habits of mind include comparing and contrasting,
identifying causes and effects, developing and recognizing alternative solutions, showing
among concepts, recognizing bias, separating fact from opinion, identifying inconsistencies in
avoiding present-mindedness, and maintaining an empathetic attitude toward the people under
These habits of mind and thinking skills demonstrate not only what students know; they also
aspects of the student’s intellectual character. Students who possess habits of mind display self-
as a thinker. They help students acquire the habit of inquiring into social science content and
engaging in
discourse about their inquiry. Students with well developed thinking skills and habits of mind
projects with care and thoroughness.
While all developed students must be able to reach an informed conclusion, there are several
ways to
differentiate between students’ reasoning skills at Levels 4 and 3. Differentiation among these
levels is a matter of the degree to which a student can identify and logically organize evidence
and then
select and apply an appropriate method for analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing evidence.
Students can
also be differentiated by their ability to incorporate critical thinking skills and habits of mind in
process of reasoning. For example, a student at Level 4 will analyze and evaluate the evidence
from a
variety of perspectives; a student at Level 3 will use only one perspective, but one that is still
sufficient to
evaluate the evidence.
Students who are developing their ability in reasoning show important deficiencies. They fail to
information for proper analysis and may omit evidence. A developing student may also select an
inappropriate method for analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing evidence. Students who are in
process of developing reasoning skills have difficulty thinking critically. For example, they may
evidence at face value without subjecting it to any critical analysis or evaluation. Finally, the
inability to
reach a reasonable, informed conclusion is indicative of a student who is still in the
Dimension 3: Communication
Demonstrate knowledge and reasoning through oral, written, visual, dramatic, or mixed media
To be useful, a student’s knowledge and reasoning must be communicated to a wider audience.
communication requires focus and organization. For example, in history, a student must have a
defined thesis and an organized narrative that tells what happened in an interesting and informed
way. In
the other social sciences, a student must be able to identify issues and concepts clearly, explain
various parts of a problem, and present possible resolutions.
The most important aspect of communication is the student’s ability to express clearly his or her
Clarity depends upon organization. A well-organized presentation includes a focus statement,
relevant examples to support main ideas, and offers conclusions based on evidence. Furthermore,
effective presentation, regardless of its type, provides evidence of a student’s
knowledge and
The teacher, sometimes in conjunction with the student, establishes the context, or audience, for a
student’s presentation: an oral report presented to his or her classmates, a letter written to the
or an exhibit or model placed on display at a local business or historical society.
A student can select a variety of techniques to communicate his or her knowledge and reasoning
Each communication technique has its own conventions which teachers should take into account.
example, assessing an oral report may include such conventions as effective use of voice,
gestures, eye
contact, and use of visual aids. Assessing a student-made exhibit might include such conventions
as the
use of color, neatness, captions, and the selection of appropriate pictures, photographs, maps, and
A student who has developed ability in communication demonstrates knowledge and reasoning
skills in a
clear and organized fashion. The presentation will also take into account the appropriate
conventions for
the selected activity. A higher assessment, Levels 4 and 3 is determined by the degree of clarity
organization, the quality of illustrations and supporting examples, and the power of the
conclusion. That
is, the main ideas and reasoning processes are focused, well developed, and clearly articulated in
student’s presentation. Finally, a presentation at the highest level of development meets all the
standards for the type of activity the teacher assigns or the student selects.
A student who is developing his or her communication skills lacks the ability to present
knowledge and
reasoning clearly and effectively in an organized presentation. That is, a student who is still
cannot successfully provide a thesis or a focus statement, or convey information through
examples that
support and elaborate a main idea, or present an informed conclusion. Lastly, a developing
neglects the details of the performance convention that he or she has selected as a means to
knowledge and reasoning. The difference between students performing at Levels 2, or 1 is a
matter of
degree in each of the criteria.
Critical Thinking Skills
• Identifying central issues
• Making comparisons
• Determining relevant information
• Formulating appropriate questions
• Expressing problems
• Distinguishing fact from opinion
• Recognizing bias
• Distinguishing false from accurate images.
• Analyzing cause and effect
• Drawing conclusions
• Identifying alternatives
• Testing conclusions
• Predicting consequences
• Demonstrating reasoned judgment
Habits Of Mind For Knowledge, Reasoning, And
• Understand the significance of the past and the present to their own lives and to the lives of
• Distinguish between the important and the inconsequential
• Perceive events and issues as they were experienced by people at the time
• Understand how human intentions matter
• Comprehend the interplay of change and continuity
• Realize that all problems may not have solutions
• Appreciate the often tentative nature of judgments
• Recognize the importance of individuals who have made a difference
• Appreciate the force of the non-rational, the irrational, and the accidental in human efforts
• Understand the relationship between people, time, and place as the context for events
• Recognize the difference between fact and conjecture
• Use evidence to frame useful questions
Adapted from Alternative Assessment in the Social Sciences:
Lawrence W. McBride
Frederick D. Drake
Marcel Lewinski
Illinois State University
John C. Craig
Illinois State Board of Education
Priestley Purpose Reading Rubric
Student Name: ________________________________________
CATEGORY 3 2 1 0
Purpose Provides insightful
purpose questions or
points (2 total)
Provides basic
purpose points or
questions (1 total).
Does not provide
useful purpose points
or questions(1 or
Connections Connections
consistently stays
focused on
highlighted points
and provides a
specific link to other
Connections stays
focused on
highlighted points
and provides a link to
other topics most of
the time.
Connections do not
stay focused on
highlighted points
and do not provide a
link to other topics
most of the time.
Comprehension Comprehension is
very evident
throughout reading
as evidence by a
valid highlighted
items, connections,
and summarization.
Comprehension is
evident throughout
reading as evidence
by highlighted items,
connections, and
Comprehension is
not evident
throughout reading.
Lack of highlighted
items, connections,
and summarization.
Students accurately
highlighted items
pertaining to their
purpose points and
readings main ideas.
demonstrate basic
highlighted items
pertaining to their
purpose points and
readings main ideas.
demonstrate a lack of
highlighted items
pertaining to their
purpose points and
readings main ideas.
Student develops a
well reasoned and
analytical summary
statement that
includes a variety of
adj.,examples from
reading, and
Student develops a
basic summary
statement that
includes some
adj.,examples from
reading, and
Student develops a
summary statement
that does not include
some focused
adj.,examples from
reading, and
Purpose Reading Steps
Step 1
Preview: Identify Author, titles, topics, sub-topics, and visuals. Think about the possible argument or information within the reading and think topically (PERSIA).
Purpose: Develop at least 2 detailed questions or statements that will identify what content/argument you are to get from the reading. Write at the beginning of article.
Step 2
Purpose Read: While reading underline and highlight content or statements that answer your purpose points.
Your should use 2 highlighters and color code based upon which purpose point it is connected to.
Monitor: As you read, notice how content and analysis is being used by the author. You should be evaluative.
You may have to adjust your purpose points as well.
Step 3
In the margins, you are to write down any similarities to the content you have read.
These similarities should be things you have learned in the past or things you have experienced.
Step 4
Thesis (What is your/authors claim for the reading?)
Should include topics and should be complex-split and well developed.
Should answer your purpose points