the prospectus

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Assignment 2: The Prospectus

For this module, you are to form your final prospectus. The prospectus should be formed as a single, 5- to 7-page Microsoft Word file in proper APA style and should include the following components:

  • Your APA style title/cover page (1 page)
  • Your abstract with thesis (1 page, 100–250 words)
  • Your complete, revised proposal (2–3 pages)
  • Your revised final annotated bibliography (1–2 pages, 5-7 sources). Please review your lecture material for detailed instructions on the structure and format of each of these components.








Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Presented a working abstract which includes a correctly-formed thesis.
Revised proposal is presented in a final form, complete with in-text citations which correspond with the sources in the bibliography.
Bibliography is presented in a final form, with additional source material, and only sources useful to the paper.

Components have been presented in the correct APA style according to the directions detailed in the lectures.

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 APA style title/cover page.In-text citations use author and date of publication in parentheses after the sentence and before end-of-sentence punctuation.Book sources cite the author, date of publication, publishing house, and location of publisher.Periodical sources cite author, date of publication, volume number, issue number, and page number.Web sources cite author, date of publication, and URL.

Paper meets length and elaboration requirements (5 pages minimum)

Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure

Style: Audience, Voice, Word Choice
Total: 200

Research Paper Proposal


With the social ethics in the different societies being different, the effects of some vices are common like smoking in public; this paper analyses the need to ban public smoking both as a social responsibility and also for health concerns.


The effects of public smoking are categorized into two; the ethics in smoking and the effects of secondary smoking. Thus, the reasons as to why public smoking should be condemned and illegalized by all forms of legislation and laws must deal with the two aspects (Health Committee, 2005). The objectives and purpose of banning public smoking includes

· This will ensure that there will be no involuntary smoking (David, 2008)

· Banning of public smoking ensures that the passage of the vicious culture to lower generations is reduced

· That secondary smoking is slowly diminished, and,

· As a way of fighting lung cancer (Health Committee, 2005)

Over fifty percent of lung cancer cases are brought about by smoking. Thus any effort to reduce smoking would change the prevalence rate for lung cancer (David, 2008). It is paramount to note that once public smoking is condemned and illegalized, there shall be both reduced smoking and also, some smokers would quit smoking as they would not do in private either. Also, banning of public smoking will ensure that there shall not be involuntary smoking, also called secondary smoking (Health Committee, 2005).

Cultures are mostly cross-changed from one generation to another through sight. Thus, once public smoking is banned, it shall be easy to control rate of smoking to the younger generations. This will also happed to the effects of secondary smoking which are closely related to smoking itself.

Sub points

Some of the supporting points to the banning of public smoking include

· Creation of a virtuous society

· Denying of religious rights to citizens

· A way of cutting government expenditure and

· To ease congestion in hospitals (David, 2008)

· Control of environmental degradation

While the government does not have a right on choosing what the citizens should do privately, it is also mandated to ensure that the citizenship is portrayed in the best light in the international community (Health Committee, 2005). Also, there are many religious circles that hold smoking as a sin and an abomination. To ensure that this right to withhold from smoking is protected, public smoking should be abolished.

There are both direct ways and indirect ways of cutting government spending and congestion in hospitals. One of the indirect ways that the government would use to cut the spending shall be banning of public smoking (David, 2008). By ensuring that the amounts that are government would use in curing victims of smoking and also this would ensure that there will be fewer patients in hospitals. The space n hospitals could easily be used for more complicated cases and also for any emergencies that may arise. One of environmental degradation factors includes air pollution. Thus, a ban on smoking which leads to air pollution would come in handy in controlling environmental pollution (Health Committee, 2005).

Possible Objections

It is expected that the smokers would never go down without fighting. Some of the grounds that they would try to raise include;

· That smoking is a right just like other human rights

· That it is not possible to control lung cancer through ban on public smoking since smoking will still continue (David, 2008)

· That the government supports vegetation of tobacco and thus it would be imprudent to discourage its consumption, and,

· That smoking in itself contributes very little to air pollution.

The opponents of a ban on public smoking would mostly be the persons that are indeed smokers. One, the human rights do not expressly add some rights to it. This makes it hard to make legislation that ban public smoking. Secondly, smoking cannot be claimed to be the worst contributor to air pollution. Thus to come up with legislation banning smoking to control air pollution would be misplaced (Health Committee, 2005).

A ban on public smoking is not a ban on smoking. Thus, this would do little towards control of lung cancer. Also, as noted smoking is not the only contributor towards lung cancer. Thus, it is not prudent to assume that by making legislation banning public smoking would reduce cases of lung cancer (David, 2008).

Reply to Objections

The above objections are weak and thus the following reply is made.

· The fact that some of the public smoking contributes very little to lung cancer is a reason in itself to make its ban in public smoking a mode of control towards the deadly disease. Thus, while it would not stop all the population from smoking at least the prevalence rate for lung cancer would be reduced (Health Committee, 2005).

· Secondly, while most governments’ support the cultivation of tobacco, legislation can also be made to control the cultivation if at all that would reduce the prevalence rate for lung cancer and other objectives of the ban (David, 2008).

· Every effort to control air pollution should not be undermined. Thus, control through a ban on public smoking is a valuable percentage in control of air pollution.


David, H., (2008).

Smoking Bans

. New York: SAGE

Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Health Committee

, (2005).


Places: Report, Together with Formal Minutes

. London: Author


This paper was done with the aim of investigating the link between smoke-free legislation or smoking ban with markers of inflammation, pulmonary function and symptoms of bar workers. It was done in Tayside, Scotland and it included the enrolment of 105 asthmatic and non-asthmatic nonsmoking bar workers. The main outcomes involved the evaluation of sensory and respiratory symptoms. The results revealed that the proportion of bar workers with sensory and respiratory symptoms dropped from 79.2% before the ban to 53.2% one to two months afterward. Therefore, smoke-free legislation was linked with remarkable early improvements in the sensory and respiratory symptoms.

Hinds, M.H. (1992). Impact of a local ordinance banning tobacco sales to minors. Public Health Rep. 1992 May-Jun; 107(3): 355–358.

This paper shows that most addictions to tobacco smoking start when an individual is younger than eighteen years. Despite the fact that most jurisdictions do not legalize the sale of tobacco to younger people, the enforcement of these laws is always taken less seriously encouraging the minors to still purchase tobacco easily. The author of this paper assessed the impact or effect of local ordinance created to prevent the sales of tobacco to minors by conducting surveys of tenth grade students after and before the implementation of the local ordinance. From this survey, tobacco smoking dropped from 25.3% to 19.7% overall. Among the girls, the tobacco smoking declined from 26.4% to 11.5%. The students who reported that they were asked to proof their age before purchasing tobacco increased from 29.3% to 61.5%. Therefore, local ordinances can be an effective tool that can help in the reduction of tobacco smoking among adolescents.

Glasgow, R. E., Cummings, K. M. & Hyland A. (1997). Relationship of worksite smoking policy to changes in employee tobacco use: findings from COMMIT. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation. Tob Control 1997;6:S44- doi:10.1136/tc.6.suppl_2.S4


These authors conducted this study to report information on the effect or impact of workplace smoking policies on worker smoking habit from a heterogeneous and large sample of workplaces and smokers in 22 diverse communities who participated in this trial. The population base which completed surveys and supplied data, consisted of a total of 8271 adult smokers who were employed. In the surveys, there were questions regarding the behaviors of tobacco use, demographic/personal characteristics, smoking cessation resources and smoking policy at the workplace. The regression analysis showed that workers working in smoke-free workplace were more than 25%ready and likely to quit the smoking. At the same time, these workers were more than 25%ready and likely to realize smoke cessation as compared to those working in workplaces that permitted or allowed smoking. This study concluded that smoke-free workplace policies help workers discontinue or reduce the use of tobacco.


Glasgow, R. E., Cummings, K. M. & Hyland A. (1997). Relationship of worksite smoking policy to changes in employee tobacco use: findings from COMMIT. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation. Tob Control 1997;6:S44- doi:10.1136/tc.6.suppl_2.S4
Hinds, M.H. (1992). Impact of a local ordinance banning tobacco sales to minors. Public Health Rep. 1992 May-Jun; 107(3): 355–358.

Menzies, D., Nair, A., Williamson, P.A., Schembri, S., Al-Khairalla, M., Barnes, M., Fardon, T.C., McFarlane, L., Magee, G.J. & Lipworth, B.J. (2006). Respiratory Symptoms, Pulmonary Function, and Markers of Inflammation Among Bar Workers Before and After a Legislative Ban on Smoking in Public Places. JAMA. 2006;296(14):1742-1748. doi:10.1001/jama.296.14.1742

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