The Driest Place on Earth Video Discussion

The Driest Place on Earth (How the Earth was Made Series) 

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(1 point) Goal: In student’s own words, describe what the purpose this lab is. (1 point) Materials Required: List the material required to perform the experiment.(2 points) Procedure: List the steps taken to complete the lab, with an explanation of how they are performed. Do not write this in paragraph form, but written out in steps; Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 ect.

(2 points) Data Collection: Write a neat, organized compilation of all data collected. Use tables ect.

(2 points) Results: Results includes, but is not limited to the following: computations, graphs, and answers to any questions in the lab hand-out.

(1 point) Conclusion: The conclusion should be at least 2-3 sentences that comment on your results; for instance it can answer the following questions: 1. What conclusion can be drawn from the experiments Results 2. What have you learned from the lab (1 point) Summary: The summary should be at least 3-5 sentences and summarize your lab; for instance it can answer the following questions: 1. Were the results what you expected? If, the results were not what you expected, can you explain why they were not? 2. In hindsight, what could you have done better to improve your results

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