Technology Architecture

Technical Architecture

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Consider an implementation of the business architecture. Part of doing so is deciding on the technology architecture.

Your completed high-level technology architecture should:

  • Describe the high-level technology architecture that will satisfy the business architecture.
  • Discuss the different technology services to be implemented that will satisfy the business architecture.
  • Include a detailed and accurate analysis of your technology architecture providing appropriate rationale for your choices.

Make sure that your paper is professionally written, free of errors, and that APA formatting is applied throughout.

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Final Proposal


Use the reading materials and any additional resources you find helpful to create a business architecture proposal with description and diagrams.

Your complete business architecture proposal should:


Use your previous assignments to inform your business architecture proposal.

•       Incorporate feedback from your instructor on previous assignments, as appropriate.

•       Have the following parts:


Title page.

◦       Executive summary.

◦       Analysis of the business architecture.

◦       Definition of the business architecture of the organization.

◦       Discussion of the proposed business architecture.

◦       Discussion of stakeholders impacted by the proposed changes.

◦       Description of possible opportunities, given the new structure, that were not possible before.

◦       Discussion of the technology architecture that satisfies the business architecture.

◦       Analysis of the proposed technology architecture based on the business architecture.

◦       References list.

Make sure that your paper is professionally written, free of errors, and that APA formatting is applied throughout.     

Running head:








Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Proposal Overview


Proposal Criticality




Proposal Scope


Key Stakeholders

Opportunities 8

Business Architecture Requirements


Business Architecture Design





Monitored Data System









Internal View of the Organization 18

Smart Thermostat Business Rules

Registration System Business Rules 21
Monitored Data System Business Rules 22


System Business Rules 22
Smart Thermostat Business Rules 23



Executive Summary

Smart Home products are expected to see dramatic growth over the next few years with the evolution of the mobile network infrastructure. Market research shows that app and cloud services are paving the way for a more enhanced home monitoring. In order to capitalize on this opportunity we submit the proposal for a business architecture supporting Smart Homes, Inc. In order to capitalize on this opportunity we submit the proposal for a business architecture supporting Smart Homes, Inc. This proposal will focus on the new smart home thermostat product and registration system that will be used to collect Smart Home thermostat information. This proposal will include recommendations for establishing a cohesive product launch and include all goals, processes, methods, resources and time required to guarantee stakeholder satisfaction.

Proposal Overview

A&B Consulting was approached by Smart Homes Inc. to introduce a business architecture proposal for the new smart thermostat product. The business architecture will be designed to not only include the best methods for supporting the new smart thermostat product but also outline any inefficiency in business operations to support current product lines and strategic goals now and in the future.

Proposal Criticality

The new thermostat product line, by Smart Homes, Inc. is expected revolutionize the smart home market. In order to ensure the quality of product and service to the consumer and exceed projected sales quotas restructuring of current business practices will need to be made. Implementing new business architecture will allow Smart Homes Inc. to successfully support and maintain the new product line while ensuring stability for future growth.

The new smart thermostat product will redefine the way Smart Homes Inc. conducts business. The addition of web and mobile-based applications and service will introduce new security risks. Each year millions of dollars are paid out in privacy violation lawsuits. Major corporations are learning the hard way that it is extremely important to safeguard sensitive consumer information. New business architecture is needed implement security measures to provide network reliability and protection.


A steering committee will be selected to provide a current business model and detailed information on current business operations to be analyzed by A&B Consulting. This analysis will require A&B to conduct interviews with Smart Homes Inc. staff and include all departments in order to located inefficiencies and gain a better understanding of business operations. The analysis will determine where current business operations fail to meet new requirements introduced with the smart thermostat and registration system. All findings will be documented and used to establish resource requirements and recommendations.

This proposal can be broken down into distinct tasks with milestones.

1. Business Analysis – Analyze current business practices, model, operations and document finding for recommendations.

2. Milestone – Collect data from business analysis.

3. Identify requirements: Make recommendations based on findings from Business analysis, Steering committee and staff interviews.

Milestone – Identify requirements based on collected data.

4. Consumer Analysis – Through data mining, surveys, and current market trends analyze consumer requirements.

5. Analyze the current IT infrastructure and determine modification or changes required to support the new registration system.

Milestone – create a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram highlighting the smart thermostat registration system and its current a future state process flow.

6. Draft the initial proposal.

Milestone – Present initial changes to business practices to Stakeholders for review and document all discrepancies. Schedule the final proposal presentation meeting.

7. Finalize the proposal and route for review.

Milestone – Present final proposal and create project schedule.

Proposal Scope

The scope of this proposal is to present the business architecture needed to streamline business operations and promote efficient work methodologies. The business architecture will include all facets fo business operations of Smart Homes, Inc. including, human resources, financial, Information Technology (IT) and sales and their alignment to the business. The final proposal will state all recommendations to the operation infrastructure needed to facilitate the expanding of Smart Homes Inc., product line. This scope is dynamic and will change according to project needs.

The scope of this project includes and excludes the following items:

In scope:

Data Collection/Investigation – Organization

· Analysis of Smart Homes, Inc. current business operations for determining inefficiencies.

· Analysis of current Information Security and policies for compliance.

· Current Consumer Surveys. Satisfaction, Understanding of current system, Awareness of peak usage.

· Determine which departments will be responsible for data collection from device.

Analysis – Information Technology

· Analysis on Smart Homes, Inc. current IT infrastructure and its ability to support the smart thermostat registration system.

· Inspect current database architecture and capacity.

· Determine how each department will receive date from Smart Thermstat.

· Analyze current web and mobile capabilities

· Evaluate network infrastructure and security.

· Technical training for equipment and software.


· Recommendations for new business architecture.

· Training for managers and staff for software and equipment.

· Proposed organizational charts and UML diagrams and data mining information

· Define encryption recommendations for wireless and mobile architecture.

· Any hardware/software requirements for optimal system performance.

· Network architecture changes need to facilitate new system requirements.

· Recommendations on changes to current architecture

· Recommendations for new operational process to support new product line.

Out of scope:

· Procurement and/or implementation services –


t responsible for the procurement of consultants and/or services for anything outside of project scope.

· Performing human resource actions – Will not be responsible for the scheduling, assigning or managing of staff.

· Product experts, training, and any other detail outside the business architecture,

· Financial analysis – Will only analyze the inefficiencies of the organizations operational functions and will not be responsible for preforming a financial analysis of the organization.

System requirements that must be met include:

1. Support for the smart thermostat product and registration system. IT infrastructure must be able to support and implement device communication upon installation.

2. Smart thermostat data must be stored accordingly and all registration processes must be create and working to optimal standards.

Key Stakeholders

Table 1 lists the key stakeholders for this proposal. The primary stakeholder is the


who will be briefed weekly on the status of the business architecture proposal.



Level of Interest

Level of Influence


Frank Brogan




Eager and open to change.

Dennis DeVries




Eager and open to change

Gustavo Espinosa




Eager and open to change

Sandra Davis





Only interested in staff

Audre Debler




Concerned with cost

Lynn Angerstien
Richard Hernandez
Rob Schulz
Brenda Sellars
Monica Euresti

Steering Committee



Highly interested

Paul Boyle

IT Director



Excited with new product.


The goal of this proposal is to create an effective and efficient organizational business plan that will facilitate the future growth, profits and increase current customer base. Through analysis and investigation opportunities will be created that could address staffing, culture, resources, policies and procedures. In addition, the actions performed under this proposal will provide important information regarding network and information security and the ability to successfully protect customer information. The success of this proposal depends on several critical factors including effective communication, a clear understanding of the requirements, and most importantly Stakeholder and management support.

Business Architecture Requirements

As defined in the scope of this document, the purpose of this proposal is to provide analysis of the current business architecture and operations infrastructure in order to provide recommendations for recognized inefficiencies. The recommendations will provide insight to streamlining current processes and bridge the implementation of the new Smart Thermostat product line. The requirements for the business architecture, as directed by the Stakeholders, is to analyze current organization operations and infrastructure and propose a new business architecture design that will support new Smart Thermostat hardware and registration system. The final approved design will ensure the following:

1. System requirements for installation and communication of Smart Thermostat at installation sites to include:

a. Network requirements – DSL, Wireless

b. Mobile device requirements – Software version, Data requirements

2. User registration – User registration form requirements which include required fields such as:

a. First and last name

b. Installation address

c. Billing address

d. Email address

e. Phone number

3. Device registration – The Smart Thermostat will register to the system and provide the following information:

a. Serial number

b. Model number

c. Firmware version

d. Device name (Host name)

4. Data Collection – The Smart Thermostat will record and send data to the data center for monitoring and billing purposes. The data will include:

a. Current Environmental status (temperature, humidity)

b. Energy usage

c. Location

d. Current Energy Schedule

e. Filter lifecycle

f. Power status

5. Privacy – The design will include procedures to safeguard customer, device and system data to ensure confidentiality and integrity.

Business Architecture Design

The purpose of this proposal will introduce processes that will streamline operations to efficient support the new Smart Thermostat system. Monitoring, registration and connectivity are paramount in allowing customers to setup their new Smart Thermostat devices. The customer must register the device, setup account information, setup mobile features and accept the privacy policy.

Registration System

The registration system will establish customer Smart Thermostat account. The system will allow multiple devices to be registered to a single customer account. The System Identification Number and the units MAC address will be used to associate the device with the customer account. The data collected for the system will include the following:

· First and last name

· Mailing address

· Email address

· Phone number

· System ID (Device Serial Number is hard coded.)

· Model Number

· MAC address

· IP address

· Firmware version

· Location

As shown in Figure 1, the system allows one user to register multiple devices with each registered device having exactly one location.

The registration process (as shown in Figure 2) involves that transfer of sensitive personal customer information, which is considered confidential. Customers of Smart Homes Inc., expect that all personal information be kept private, in accordance with the organizations privacy policy, and should this information be compromised could lead to civil litigation. For this reason it is imperative to maintain a high standard in regards to network and data security. At minimum these standards should include:

· 128 bit minimum encryption methods to safeguard personal confidential data.

· Cryptographic protocols such as HTTPS, SSL and IPSec for secure data transfers over Internet.

· Strict compliance auditing practices.

· Comprehensive disclosure agreement in accordance with State and Federal regulations.

· Proper authentication methods for validating device information to the system.

Figure 2 – Customer Registration Process 1

Monitored Data System

The Smart Thermostat device will record, store and transmit recorded information to the Smart Home Inc. data center once every 30 minutes from the time the initial setup configuration is saved. User and device registration information will be uploaded every 12 hours for authentication purposes. The Smart Thermostat will adhere to the privacy policy when collecting and uploading data. To ensure product satisfaction and enhance development all device errors will be recorded and uploaded. This will provide the necessary information when developing system and firmware updates. As shown in Figure 4, if a Smart Thermostat does not register with monitoring system within a 48 period, then service will be immediately suspended. The customer will be required to contact the Smart Homes. Inc., Help Desk to resume service.

Figure 4 – 48 Hour Data Collection Rule 1

Remote Connection System

The Stakeholders have made it a requirement that customers have the option to remotely manage the Smart Thermostat from a mobile device. This innovative feature is a top selling point for the product line and will be highly marketed. In order to ensure a superior customer experience this process must undergo a thorough analysis. The system will be outline to provide a visual depiction of each step in the process for better understanding. Figure 5 shows a conceptual process model from the initiation of the remote connect process to the subsequent connection closed point from an internal prospective.

Figure 5 – Process for Remote Connection

The remote connection can be summarized as follows:

· Step 1: Remote device attempts a secure connection. Move to step 2.

· Step 2: Registration system validates user.

· Step 2a: If user is valid pass to Step 3.

· Step 2b: User not valid pass to registration system. Return to Step 2.

· Step 3: Registration system validates smart thermostat

· Step 3a: If device is valid pass to Step 4.

· Step 3a1: If device is not valid, is there a device to register?



. Move to step 3b.

· No.

Pass to

Step 6.

· Step 3b: Pass to registration system. Return to Step 3

· Step 4: Establish secure session. Move to Step 5.

· Step 5:

Check Activity

· Step 5a: Connection



· Yes. Return to Step 5.

· No. Pass to Step 6.

· Step 6:


secure session.

Strict authentication procedures will be implemented to guarantee system integrity. The Smart Thermostat will use a distributed system consisting of computer components, databases and software. A vital software component will be the Information Assurance Suite (IA) suite, which is a designated set of hardware and software designed to protect the internal systems. Other system components will include Intrusion detection, hardware firewalls, and authentication severs.

Smart Thermostat System

The Smart Thermostat system is a distributed system composed of hardware and software components that in a whole allow the system to function. The system components consist of the following registration system, monitoring system, remote connectivity system, Information Assurance Suite and other various elements that will facilitate the required architecture. Figure 6 shows a high-level architectural design with recommended internal resources needed to provide support for the smart thermostat product line.

Figure 6 – Smart Thermostat System







, and IT Departments play a critical role in the success of the Smart Thermostat product line. Each department will focus

· IT Department: Provide 24/7-helpdesk support to product owners. Monitors smart thermostat events and for determining firmware and software updates hardware and software performance, connection circuits, IA suite, and troubleshooting. Assist the Operations Department in smart thermostat support.

· Legal Department: Oversight of federal and state laws, information disclosure terms, and internal audits the registration and monitoring system.

· Operations Department – Will be available 24/7 for customer support with Smart Thermostat hardware related issues. Provide installation services.

· Marketing Department: Track registration data for sales forecasting and sales reports.

Internal View of the Organization

Internal View of the Organization

During the investigative process of the development of the business architecture inefficiencies were discovered. Part of the goal of this process is to ensure that the organizations are utilized in the most effective manner. As part of the approach in developing this proposal, the organizational structure of the company was obtained (Figure 5) and analyzed.

Figure 6 – Smart Homes Inc., Org Chart 1

As shown, the CEO is atop the organization with all other business functions displayed at the second layer with the IT function falling under the COO. To gain further perspective, survey questions were developed and follow-on survey was conducted across the organization. A Likert scale was used to ask the following questions:

Results from a survey conducted by our company regarding various aspects of the Information Technology Department an its business practices where analyzed. The questions were based on a Likert Scale (Likert scale) and consisted of the following questons:

1. Do Senior management support IT?

2. Are business goals and vision defined and shared?

3. Does good communication exists between IT and all non-IT departments?

4. Is IT is involved with strategy development?

5. Is IT initiatives tied to business goals?

6. Do you believe that IT understands the business?

7. Are IT projects are driven by business needs?

Survey question were sent out to 200 respondents with a 90% response rate with over 52% of the respondents disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with the questions.

The survey reveals inefficiencies with the current business practices, which directly affect the success of Smart Homes, Inc. and the smart thermostat product line. The current organization promotes these issues and allows for IT needs in non-IT departments to circumvent the CIO effectively missing the opportunity to align the business. In order to build a solid foundation for establishing solid communications within IT and non-IT departments significant restructuring is needed.

In an effort to align IT with the business, improve communication, and provide adequate resources to meet the smart thermostat proposed architecture (Figure 4), Smart Homes, Inc. will benefit from the organizational structure proposed in Figure 6.

Figure 6 – Proposed Org Chart 1

The organization structure elevates the CFO, CIO and Legal functions under the CEO and places the remaining functions in a third and fourth tier. This change will allow for legal oversight of various functions of

Human Resources

and allow all IT communications and needs to filter through the CIO. A newly formed Operation Department will house the IT and operations divisions all of which play critical roles in the new thermostat product line.

Smart Thermostat Business Rules

The business rules for the smart thermostat registration system are based on the requirements set forth in this proposal and support the detailed analysis performed on the Registration, Monitored Data, and Remote Connection System modules earlier in this paper. Business rules for the various modules are written to provide easy understanding and promote use throughout the organization (

Morgan, 2002

). Business rules will contain unique numerical designations in order to keep separation and add clarity. The Smart Thermostat business rules are written to provide guidance, structure and understanding for the new product line. Business rules will be structured with numerical labels to provide clear distinction.

Numerical designations are as follows:

· Registration System – r1xx

· Monitored Data System – r2xx

· Remote Connection System – r3xx

Registration System Business Rules

The following business rules are suggested to ensure the Registration System, shown in Figure 1 and 2, meets Smart Homes, Inc. requirements.

r101 A registered customer must have a first name, last name, mailing address, and email address.

r102 A registered device must have a model number, serial number, and location.

r103 A registered customer can register more than one device.

r104 A registered device must have only one location

r105 A registration session must be encrypted

r106 The registration page will time out after 5 minutes of idleness and will not save data.

r107 Customers must provide a valid email address

r108 Each customer email address must be validated

r109 If a customer does not enter all the required fields data, then registration will not be granted.

r110 Only Smart Homes Inc., Smart Thermostat devices will be authorized for registration.

Monitored Data System Business Rules

The following business rules are suggested to ensure the Monitored Data System, shown in Figure 2, meets Smart Homes, Inc. requirements.

r201 Customers will have only one concurrent license.

r202 A data collected per device.

r203 A data will be collected every 30 minutes.

r204 A data will be cached on device.

r205 A stored data set is defined as at least one data set kept local to the device.

r206 A stored data set must be transmitted to the registration database every 12 hours.

r207 A stored data set must be encrypted prior to transmission.

r208 Customer must have working and configured wireless router and home network.

r209 A device must register at minimum once every 48-hours.

r210 Customer historical data will be available for one year.

Remote Connection System Business Rules

The following business rules are suggested to ensure the Remote Connection System, shown if Figure 4, meets Smart Homes, Inc. requirements.

r301 An active connection is defined as receive or transmit sessions not greater than five minutes apart.

r302 A valid connection exists only if :

· The customer is registered

· The device is registered

· Active communication exists between the remote source and Registration and Monitoring System

· The connection is encrypted.

r303 Customers may access system via multiple devices.

r304 Access to Smart Thermostat will require authentication.

r305 Internet connection is required to access Smart Thermostat system.

Smart Thermostat Business Rules

The following business rules are suggested to ensure the Smart Thermostat System, shown if Figure 3, meets Smart Homes, Inc. requirements.

r401 Customers are limited to one one system account per service agreement.

r402 Each Smart Thermostat customer is limited to.

r403 A valid connection exists only if :

· The customer is registered
· The device is registered
· Active communication exists between the remote source and Registration and Monitoring System
· The connection is encrypted.

r403 A non-valid connection must be disconnected.

r404 Only authorized persons will be allowed access to customer data


Likert scale (n.d.) from Wikipedia Retrieved on February 26, 2013 from

Smart Homes CEO








Smart Homes CEO

Chief Financial Officer



Human Resources

Chief Information Officer




Remote Device







Mobile to


Pass to



Device to


Check Activity



Secure Session


Not Valid


Not Valid


Not Active



Remote Device
Validate User
Mobile to
Pass to
Device to
Check Activity
Secure Session
Not Valid
Not Valid
Not Active





A means of approaching, entering, exiting, communicating with, or making use of: used a browser to access a website; accessed her bank account online.


To positively verify the identity of a user, device, or other entity in a computer system, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in a system.


A communications link between two points:
Established a connection to the Internet.


One that buys goods or services.


Distinct pieces of digital information. Data is usually formatted in a specific way and can exist in a variety of forms, such as numbers, text, etc. When used in the context of transmission media, data refers to information in binary digital format.


A device is a unit of physical hardware or equipment that provides one or more computing functions within a computer system. It can provide input to the computer, accept output or both. A device can be any electronic element with some computing ability that supports the installation of firmware or third-party software.


Digital Subscriber Line or Digital Subscriber Loop. Refers to the variety of different types of Digital Subscriber Line protocols – high-speed data transmission protocols that are compatible with regular copper telephone wire. DSL is typically used to provide a continuous, high-speed connection directly to an Internet Service Provider


Electronic mail. A service that sends messages on computers via local or global networks.

Home network

A local area network (LAN) that connects the PCs in a home and lets users access the Internet simultaneously, share drives, share files and printers, and play head-to-head multi-player games.


A network of networks; a group of networks interconnected via routers. The Internet (with a capital I) is the world’s largest internet.

Internet Access

Access to the Internet via a dial-up account via telephone circuit or direct connection.

Internet Protocol

(IP). The IP part of TCP/IP; the protocol used to route a data packet from its source to its destination over the Internet.

IP Address

The unique 32 bit number assigned to each computer connected to the Internet and used by the TCP/IP protocol to route packets of data to their destinations. The number is usually written in shorthand “dotted octet” notation in which the 32 bit address is grouped into four sets of 8 bits. Each of those eight-bit sets is converted into a decimal number, and the four resulting decimal numbers are written separated by dots. Most Internet addresses consist of a network portion and a node portion. The address for a host must be unique on the network. When you connect to a web server, for example, you may tell your browser to connect to, but your computer ultimately has to translate the name to its IP address,, before the connection can be made


A group of interconnected computers, including the hardware and software used to connect them.


At a distance; in communications, referring to a system, application, or device that must be accessed through a network. Contrast local.


An interconnection device that is similar to a bridge but serves packets or frames containing certain protocols. Routers link LANs at the network layer. A device that finds the best path for a data packet to be sent from one network to another. A router stores and forwards electronic messages between networks, first determining all possible paths to the destination address and then picking the most expedient route, based on the traffic load and the number of hops. A router works at the network layer (layer 3 of the OSI model); a bridge works at the data link layer (layer 2). A router does more processing than a bridge does. A router can be hardware or a combination of hardware and software.

Service agreement

A contract between a service provider and a customer that specifies what services the service provider will furnish


Software is the program or set of programs that tell a computer what to do. Hardware is the physical part of a computer system; the machinery and equipment.


Having legal force; effective or binding


To declare or make legally valid.


Transmission via radio waves or satellite

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