Team Video Analysis Report

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Team Video Analysis Report

In preparation for preparing and submitting the team’s Final Project, each week you will create your own consultant’s notes as you observe various CanGo meetings (via the video episodes/cases). For the week 2 Team report you are to list 6 issues facing CanGo that you gleaned from the video. Plz post 200 words of a video analysis. See attachment if you can’t view link 

Page 1 of 4 Narrator, Debbie, Nick, Gail, Whitney Page 1 of 4

Narrator: Now that you’ve responded to the questions, let’s see how this challenge was met by the staff at Can Go.

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Debbie: Nick? Nick?

Nick: Yes. Yes?

Debbie: Would you like to come to my office and let me help you?

Nick: Um, no. No. I’ve got this. Yeah, thank you, Debbie. This is my system. I’ve got it, thank you.

Debbie: Okay.

Nick: All right.

Debbie: Nick, are you sure?

Nick: Um, yeah. Yeah. [Laughs] Yeah. Okay, do you have a minute?

Debbie: I do.

Nick: Okay.

Debbie: Okay.

Nick: Okay. All right, what do you-

Debbie: Nick.

Nick: Yes? Oh.

Oh, you got these little-

Debbie: Nick. Gantt Chart. Time on the horizontal, activities on the vertical. See?

Gail: You can’t wing it on a project like this.

Debbie: When are we going live with online gaming?

Nick: Five weeks.

Debbie: Okay. So that’s your drop-dead date. And now we work backwards from there, and this way you have something to put up
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on a board for everyone on the project to see, especially that deadline.

Nick: I have a board. Debbie, it’s funny – it’s funny you mention that. It’s funny you mention that particular thing, ‘cause as we were talking about Gantt I was thinking about this board I have specifically for that, right, for the Gantt Charts, right? And this is what I thought of when you said that. All we have to do is just-

Debbie: Nick.

Nick: -just have to wipe it down.

Debbie: Nick. Laptop.Laptop.

Nick: Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I was – I was going to show you. This isn’t my laptop. See, sometimes you talk funny and, uh-

Gail: Computer.

Nick: Thanks, Gail. Okay, got it.

Debbie: So let’s see what’s in this to-do list, I mean pile.

Nick, one word.

Nick: Lunch. It’s the most important-

Debbie: Prioritize. You have “conversation with Whitney about a T1 connection” right below “Return Jane’s e-mail”. When was this stuff written down?

Nick: Mm mmmm. [as in “I don’t know”].

Debbie: Is any of this urgent?

Nick: Mm hmm.

Debbie: Oh, we have to organize this. We’ll prioritize this pile according to what part of the project it falls under. Do you have your planner?

Nick: Yes, I do; I have it right – over my shoulder. It’s right here.

Debbie: When we determine the importance of these activities we’ll schedule them.
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Nick: Okay.

Debbie: Okay. Read off.

Nick: Okay.

Whitney: Nick. Nick, you’ve got to come see this new MP3 player I downloaded; it rocks.

Nick: I’m kind of in the middle of something here, Whit.

Whitney: Oh, come on, it’ll just take a second.

Nick: Okay.

Whitney: Come on.

Debbie: Nick!

Gail: I’ll come.

Nick: Low priority?

Debbie: Very. Read off.

Nick: Okay. First thing is holiday schedules.

Debbie: Okay. Date?

Nick: Um, November 14th.

Debbie: Okay.

Nick: And-

Narrator: Complex tasks require careful planning. Goal-setting is a critical component of this planning process. Planners should assess their goals on these three criteria:

Difficulty. Planners should aim for moderately difficult goals. Goals that are too easy do not motivate, while goals that are too hard are often left unmet.

Specificity. Planners should devise specific measureable goals so that employees will know exactly what is expected and when.
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And visibility. When appropriate, it is helpful to make goals public. Many organizations post their goals and their progress toward the goals in a place where all employees can see them. The best way to formulate goals is through participation. Managers and their subordinates should work together to create plans.

Consider these ideas as you take a look at how Can Go employees face another challenge in the case video that follows.

[End of Audio]

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