Teaching limited resources ESL SPECIALIST URGENT VERY URGENT


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LARGE CLASS I have given you the whole module under the question requirements.


You need to teach vocabulary of character personality traits such as honest, stubborn, or sensible. NOT moods such as ahppy and sad.

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When considering presentation techniques have in mind the target language is NON VISUAL you can’t draw honest so think of another way to convey the meaning

Please include

List of words of words you will teach

Assumed knowledge of students list of vocabulary structures you will expect your students to know

Anticipated problems.


Prearations and aids

Step by step entire lesson and timing



Understandably, before teachers begin teaching their first large class, they tend to think about the challenges inside the classroom. However, after a few days, it becomes clear that responsibilities outside class are equally challenging.


Welcome to this module on teaching large classes. Teaching large volumes of students at any one time is always a challenge, and so it is particularly important for the teacher to be well prepared. This module can help you overcome the difficulties generated from a large class, but it will also help you make the most of the benefits that it can provide. In this module, you will find out:

  • a variety of methods and techniques to help you teach a large class of students to communicate in English
  • how to manage your time outside class
  • ways to manage a large group of students
  • how to keep your students participating and motivated
  • how to cater for students with different proficiency levels
  • how to arrange students
  • how to promote learner independence
  • how to organise feedback
  • how to monitor and assess student performance in a large class


When we say ‘large’ we generally mean a class of 30-60 students, in some instances up to 100. The educational system of some countries precludes the formation of language groups that are so large, however in other countries, for instance India, China or South Korea, such classes are quite common. School administrations may choose to split students into smaller groups for the following reasons:

  • Overpopulation and a lack of teachers.
  • The traditional belief that still prevails in some parts of the world where the aim of a language course is to prepare students for an examination (usually a formal, written, grammar-based one) rather than teach them to communicate in English. A lesson is therefore viewed as a lecture where a certain amount of knowledge is to be passed on to the students.

Depending on room size it would be difficult to divide the class but definitely possible.

Assess competency and delegate stronger class members to lead smaller groups within class room.

Delegate 4 class members if your class is 60 and instruct them each to distribute and collate homework.

Failing to prepare before entering the class means the class is doomed to fail


Rising to the challenge stimulates professional growth


Claude: “A lesson with a large class is less predictable; you have a great variety of characters and learning styles, so you have a constant challenge which helps you grow fast professionally. It puts your management techniques, flexibility and creative skills to the ultimate test.”


Draw on the rich variety of human resources


Joseph: “Your students will most likely come from different backgrounds. They will have huge combined experience and will represent different sets of values and beliefs. You are more likely to get an animated response from them during discussions, something that is less guaranteed in a smaller class”.


You are not the only teacher in class


Sally: “Because there are different levels of ability in your class, it’s only natural that some of the students will soon become your assistants.”

There is more flexibility in terms of group size


Ray: “In a small group you have to choose between individual work, whole-class work and work in pairs or very small groups. In a large class, along with all the above, you can form groups of almost any size, depending on how many participants you need for each activity.”


Getting started

: a few general principles

Your first encounter with a class of 50 or 60 students can be a rather daunting experience, but with careful preparation you should be fine. Bear in mind that the fundamental principles of teaching a large class are the same as those of teaching a small class. The only difference is that there’s more chance of losing control if you do not implement certain key principles. To maximise your success, make sure you:

  • are well prepared
  • have a clear understanding of what you intend to teach. A lesson plan is a must, and it should include the aim of the lesson and the target language
  • grab attention at the start of the lesson
  • make the lesson fun and varied
  • get everyone participating
  • cater for visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners
  • show interest in all your students
  • give useful feedback


  • Do you learn names by association?
  • If so, look at your students as you do the roll call, and see if something strikes you. What does the name sound like? Do you know any celebrity with the same name?
  • Do you learn better visually?
  • Write down the students’ names on pieces of paper. Arrange them in seating patterns while you are eating your dinner. Or, alphabetise them by first name. Try to picture each student in your mind as you read their name.
  • Do you learn aurally?
  • Have a friend read your class list aloud while you try to picture each student in your mind. After several lessons, it will be ideal if your students can remove their badges and you can still remember their names.


You can announce some rules from the start and at the same time allow the students to add any rules they deem important. Here are some examples:

  • introduce a penalty for coming late or missing classes
  • ban the use of cell phones during lessons
  • announce that your class is an area of tolerance; everyone’s opinion is respected; no one is allowed to humiliate or degrade their classmates
  • set a procedure for submitting homework; introduce a penalty for not completing homework in time

Maintaining discipline in a large class requires consistency and a clear set of rules. Take a look at the following structures you can employ in order to establish some rules in your class.

Getting started



Always keep your procedures consistent. This will avoid chaos and create a comfortable learning environment for your students. Make sure you have established the following routines:

  • The way attendance is checked and lateness is handled
  • The way you check students’ progress
  • The way students check their own progress
  • The way students are notified of test dates, deadlines and special events
  • The way students move from a group or pair work strategy to a whole-class framework or vice versa
  • The way students sign up for special projects

 Maintaining discipline in a large class requires consistency and a clear set of rules. Take a look at the following structures you can employ in order to establish some rules in your class.Getting startedConsistencyTraditions

It is also a good idea to establish classroom traditions, for example:

  • At the beginning of every lesson one or two students tell the class about the most interesting event that has happened to them since your last class
  • In every third lesson you learn and sing an English song together
  • Every week an information sheet is published in English telling about the life of your school or your town; the editorial board rotates

Keep an open mind

While establishing these routines and following them is very helpful, it is also important to keep in mind that no routine is carved in stone. If something doesn’t work, you can always re-examine the procedure, adjust it, change it, or just get rid of it. In the classroom where there is a climate of trust, students appreciate a teacher who experiments with new ideas and who is willing to reject ideas that don’t work. Setting up routines helps us to avoid many of the problems of management.

Managing your time outside class

Understandably, before teachers begin teaching their first large class, they tend to think about the challenges inside the classroom. However, after a few days, it becomes clear that responsibilities outside class are equally challenging. Click on the tabs to find out more about managing your time outside class.



Class administration


As there will be more correction and administration, it is important to make planning efficient. It is essential to be organised. File materials by topic so they are easy to access. Use a folder for each class, with copies of handouts and activities in order. Laminate any cards to avoid needing to create new sets every time you use them. Get the most from the coursebook to minimise the amount of supplementary material you use. You can apply some fundamental principles to bring a coursebook to life. In particular, get students to share a book and work together; and personalise all coursebook activities, by having students change exercises so they relate to themselves. Managing your time outside class


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