teacher/parent/family collaboration.

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Conduct research on your own and use the links below to help you complete the following assignment: (50 pts)

Design a means of communication to get parents and family members involved in an activity that you have planned for your classroom. Your communication should include more than a simple invitation or parent letter. Use the many Internet resources that are available to develop a unique way to communicate your request. Review the links below before you begin to complete this assignment.

Be sure to include the following:

· Grade level

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· Activity name and description

· Your plan to get parents and family members to participate

· What you want parents to do

· Activities that parents will participate in when they come to your activity

· Any specifics that parents/family members should know prior to the activity

· How the child/student will benefit from the activity and from parent participation

Teacher / Family Collaboration Tips for Teachers

Retrieved from


August 24, 2011


Teacher-Parent Collaboration Ideas Slideshow

Encouraging parent participation in educating their children will help you to be a more effective teacher. We have ideas on how to get parents more involved in many aspects of the school day. New teachers will find this resource particularly valuable.


Getting to Know Your Student

Send this letter home to parents to help you know your students better.


Parent-Teacher Communication Advice from Veteran Teachers

Communication with parents is an essential part of teaching. Here is a list of helpful suggestions from experienced educators.


Parent/Teacher Relations

Handy suggestions for creating and maintaining positive parent/teacher relationships.


Family Nights

Engage your students and their families with a fun-filled, educational experience at your school. This printable outlines the different ways in which parents can engage in their children’s education.


Getting Parents Involved

Encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom year round as an important positive step in improving their child’s education. New teachers, who are trying to build solid relationships with parents, will find this resource particularly valuable.


Reading Carnival

Host a reading carnival at your school — it will give your students a chance to demonstrate the reading skills they’ve acquired and their parents a chance to be a more integral part of their education.

Read more on TeacherVision:


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