Suppose you owned a portfolio consisting of $250,000 worth of long-term U.S. government bonds.

Suppose you owned a portfolio consisting of $250,000 worth of long-term U.S. government bonds.

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a. Would your portfolio be riskless?

b. Now suppose you hold a portfolio consisting of $250,000 worth of 30-day Treasury bills. Every 30 days your bills mature, and you reinvest the principal ($250,000) in a new bach of bills. Assume that you live on the investment income from your portfolio and that you want to maintain a constant standard of living. Is your portfolio truly riskless?

c. Can you think of any asset that would be completely riskless? Could someone develop such an asset.


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Suppose you owned a portfolio consisting of $250,000 of U.S. government bonds with a maturity date of 30 years. Would your portfolio be riskless? What if your portfolio consisted of $250,000 of 30-day Treasury bills? Every 30 days your bills mature, and you reinvest the principle ($250,000) in a new batch of bills. Assume that you live on the investment income from your portfolio and that you want to maintain a constant standard of living. Is your portfolio truly riskless? Can you think of any asset that would be completely riskless? What security comes closest to being riskless? Explain.


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