Summary assignment

I have no time to do this i didnt even read what my proffesor want im just gonna attached a file that u could read .

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Summary Assignment

Length: 200-300 words long and a works-cited page
Gist Statements due: Percentage of final grade: 100 points (10%)
Final draft due:


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Write a coherent, unified, accurate, and objective summary of Steve Coll’s essay “Disparities.” The audience for this summary comprises your instructor and classmates. Academic assignments should take a somewhat formal tone unless otherwise stated, so avoid slang, personal pronouns, and contractions. Your summary should include key points made by the author but exclude minor details. Although you will be summarizing most of the essay, you may need to paraphrase specific brief passages or quote significant words and phrases. Avoid quoting longer passages from the source. However, if quoting a sentence would greatly enhance your paper, you may do so—but only once.


Because your summary is reflecting one main idea, it should be only ONE paragraph in length. In the first sentence or two, introduce the author of the source, the purpose of the source, and the author’s thesis or main idea. Remember that the thesis should help the reader predict the content of the rest of the summary. The body of the summary is thus determined to a great extent by its thesis. However, in organizing the body, you will also have to choose how to report the author’s ideas. If the source clearly states the thesis of the work, the best idea is to report the author’s ideas point by point (chronologically). If the thesis is implicit, or not clearly stated, you will have to use your interpretive skills to ascertain and present the author’s main points. Conclude your summary of a closed form by reflecting the concluding remarks of the author; conclude your summary of an open form by recasting the author’s implicit thesis.

Works Cited

Include a works-cited or reference entry for the source you summarized.

Submission Requirements

Copy and paste your essay and submit it as a MS Word file, double spaced, Times New Roman Font; include references. If you do not have MS Word, it’s fine if you just copy and pate your summary into the Blackboard text box.



Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria.








The author and title of the source are introduced in a clear manner.


The author’s implicit or explicit thesis is stated accurately.


The summary is objective and faithful to the source.

Paraphrases and quoted material are used purposefully. (Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the paper and perhaps for the course as well.)


The summary includes key ideas and significant details but excludes minor points.

The writing employs words and sentence structure appropriate to the demands of the rhetorical situation. The essay is coherent and unified. (Source ideas appear in a logical order.)

Source material is cited according to MLA guidelines. A works-cited entry is provided.

The essay is free of proofreading errors. If any paragraph includes errors that obscure overall meaning, you may fail the assignment or be asked to revise your paper and return it by the next class.



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