Stratford University NAPNAP Position Statement on Immunizations Paper

Individual Performance ProfileRN Professionalism and Leadership Assessment
Individual Score:
Student Number: 000-313-626
Practice Time:
31 min
Stratford University BSN
Program Type:
Test Date:
Individual Performance in the Major Content Areas
Discuss professional
behaviors that are
consistent with those of a
Identify the purpose of
accountability and
responsibility in the role
of the nurse.
Explore leadership styles
and the related
characteristics of each.
Discuss the nurse’s role
when functioning within
an organization.
Individual Score (% Correct)
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Report Created on: 3/21/2022 11:36 PM EDT
Topics To Review – Incorrect
Explore leadership styles and the related characteristics of each.
No remediation material
Identify the purpose of accountability and responsibility in the role of the nurse.
No remediation material
Discuss the nurse’s role when functioning within an organization.
No remediation material
Discuss professional behaviors that are consistent with those of a nurse.
No remediation material
Topics To Review – Correct
Explore leadership styles and the related characteristics of each. (5 items)
Professionalism and Leadership – Leadership
Identify the purpose of accountability and responsibility in the role of the nurse. (5 items)
Professionalism and Leadership – Accountability and Responsibility
Discuss the nurse’s role when functioning within an organization. (5 items)
Professionalism and Leadership – Nurse’s Role Within an Organization
Discuss professional behaviors that are consistent with those of a nurse. (8 items)
Professionalism and Leadership – Professionalism
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Report Created on: 3/21/2022 11:36 PM EDT
This is an example of the ANA
Postion paper. It does not have the
headings that you would have in
your paper. It is otherwise
formatted correctly for APA 7th
edition. Remove this textbox.
Analysis of ANA Position on Reproductive Health
Dianne Fiedler
Stratford University
NSG 470 Leadership, Management, and Contemporary Issues in Nursing
Dr. Lee-Fiedler
14 October 2020
Analysis of ANA Position on Reproductive Health
Follow the instructions for the assignment. Include the introduction in this section. This is
the section where the writer prepares the reader for the content. The last line of the introduction
prepares the reader for what they can expect to read in the paper. Do not title this section
“introduction.” Use APA 7th edition formatting for the entire paper. Specific guidelines are
Times New Roman, 12- point font, double spaced, black ink, 1” margins, pay attention to
headers and when to make headers bold and positioning on the paper, Do Not include an
abstract, Paragraphs should be indented 0.5”, the body should be aligned left, Change the title
and running header and elements of the cover page to reflect your paper. Use the MEAL plan to
write the paragraphs (see after the reference section).
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics.
ANA Position on Reproductive Health
Write the first section of the paper here. Example:
The American Nurses Association (n.d.) provides general guidelines regarding
reproductive health. Specifically, the rights of the client regarding decision-making and privacy
and the obligation of the nurse to provide safe care highlight the ANA’s position (2010). Keep
going with your writing….
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics. And so forth
Compare and Contrast with World Health Organization
Write the second section of the paper here. The organization you select may not be the
World Health Organization, so make the title of this section match the organization you are
using. Use separate paragraphs for multiple ideas under the same heading. Consider separating
the different sections with second level. Example:
Reproductive health extends beyond the borders of the nation. In this section, the ANA’s
position is compared and contrasted with the World Health Organization ([WHO], n.d.) position
on reproduction. Kabra et al. (2016) stated, WHO “aims to strengthen health research in low and
middle income countries” aimed at women’s reproductive health (p. 549)…
This is the comparison…..
This is the contrasting position….
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics.
QSEN Competency
Write the third section of the paper here. Use separate paragraphs for multiple ideas
under the same heading. Consider separating separate sections with second level headers. Quality
and Safety in Educating Nurses (QSEN) was introduced in NSG110 Introduction to Nursing
Practice at Stratford University. The competencies were designed to address continuous
improvement in the safe practices of nurse through the use of specific knowledge, skills, and
attitudes (KSA’s) of each of the six competencies: Safety, Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and
Collaboration, Informatics, Quality Improvement, and Evidence-Based Practice (QSEN, n.d.).
Be sure to add a line in the introduction of this section to prepare the reader for what is to come.
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics.
Analysis of the ANA Position on the Nursing Profession and Public
(Do not leave a single line or header on the previous page. )
Write the fourth section of the paper here. Use separate paragraphs for multiple ideas
under the same heading. Consider separating separate sections with second level headers.
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics.
Coach Leadership and the ANA Position
Write the fifth section of the paper here. Use separate paragraphs for multiple ideas under
the same heading. Consider separating separate sections with second level headers.
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions.
Here is the writer’s opportunity to summarize what has been written in the paper. Link
the summary to the introduction and background to highlight the importance of the topic.
Discuss conclusions about the topic and the impact on the nursing profession. This is a nursing
course after all. Support your conclusions. Write a strong ending.
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions.
American Nurses Association. (n.d.). ANA official position statements.
American Nurses Association. (2010). Reproductive health.
Kabra, R., Ali, M., Gulmezoglu, A. M., & Say, L. (2016). Research capacity for sexual and
reproductive health and rights. World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization, 94(7), 549-550.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. (n.d.). QSEN competencies.
World Health Organization. (2020). Nursing and midwifery.
Important reminders about references:
The reference list begins on a new page
The reference list is organized alphabetically using the family name of the first author
Use a hanging indent paragraph style for reference list items
Use all the authors’ names in the order in which they are presented in the publication
Review citations in the APA 7th ed. Manual
The Libguide for APA 7th ed. Link:
Ask questions!!
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the
instructor’s instructions.
A MEAL paragraph is a format that helps guide the writer in literary analysis writing. It
is an acronym for: Main Idea – the paragraph’s central focus, what you are trying to prove
within the paragraph. Evidence – examples that help prove the main idea (and, in a longer
paper, the thesis). Analysis – This section is the most important part of the paragraph; it is
where the writer digs deep into the evidence and explains how and why it proves the thesis.
Transcend what the quotation, or any other from of evidence, says and explain connections that
you personally come up with. REMEMBER: EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY!!! Last
Thought/Linking Sentence – If you’re just writing a paragraph, use this sentence to restate
the Main Idea (in a different way!) and wrap up your thoughts. For a longer paper, connect your
main idea back to your paper’s thesis. Sometimes teachers will tell you to transition to the next
paragraph’s idea.
Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove these
NSG 470
Profesisonal Activity Rubric
Level of Proficiency
Constructs well thought
Constructs introduction
introduction clearly preparing preparing reader for contents
reader for contents of paper. 10 of paper. Main idea clear 8
Identifies the
topic and the
ANA official
Well-stated complete
description of the topic and
ANA official position 10
Compares and
Contrasts the
position with
another federal,
national, or
organization on
the same or
Well-stated, detailed
Provides simple comparison
comparison and contrast with and contrast of the position
other organization on the same with another organization. 8
or similar position – well
discussed with supporting
evidence 10
Well-stated description is
the selected
detailed including appropriate
position supports competency and KSA;
at least one
examples given. 10
competency and
relevant KSA’s
Constructs introduction with
Introduction disorganized. Main
minimal preparation for contents idea vague or missing. 3: no
of paper. Main idea vague 7
introduction earns a zero (0)
Provides a simple description Good description of the topic
of the topic and ANA official and ANA official position with
position with little detail and identifiable gaps. 7
limited perspective. 8
Description is superficial and
limited in scope and details of
the selected QSEN
competency and KSA. 8
Disorganized discription with
multiple gaps. 3: no description of
topic and ANA position earns a
zero (0)
Compares or contrasts position
conveying little understanding
of official position and
applicability of the
organizations. 7
Poor analysis of how the
activity/nurse leader position
impacts nursing practice with
identifiable multiple gaps. 3: no
comparision and contrast earns a
zero (0)
Description conveys little
understanding of the official
position and selected QSEN
competency and KSA’s. 7
Poor description of how the
selected position supports QSEN
competencies. 3: no description of
QSEN and the ANA position earns
a zero (0)
NSG 470
Profesisonal Activity Rubric
Analyze the
Robust analysis of the impact
impact of the
of the position on the nursing
position on the
profession and broader public nursing profession examples (15)
and the broader
Good analysis with gaps
Superficial analysis of impact of
addressing impact of the
the position on the nursing
position on the nursing
profession and broader public profession and broader public – did not include information; few
examples (12)
to no examples (10)
Little to no analysis of the impact
of the position on the nursing
profession and the broader public examples irrelevant (5); Selection
of this criteria is due to plagiarism
throughout paper (0).
Discuss how a
coach leader
would promote
this position with
novice nurses.
Provides a complete discussion
of the coach leader and
promotion of the select position
with novice nurses (5)
Superficial discussion of the
coach leader, needs of the
noivce nurse, or inclusion of
the position (4.5)
Selection of this criteria is due to
plagiarism throughout paper (0).
Constructs well thought
Constructs conclusion
Constructs conclusion with
Conclusion disorganized. Main
conclusion clearly summarizing summarizes contents of paper. minimal summary of contents of idea vague or missing. 1; No
contents of paper. 10
Main idea clear. 8
paper. Main idea vague 6
conclusion earns a zero (0)
d Grammar/
flow of thoughts
___Provides logical flow of
___ Assignment is at least
checked using word processing
spelling and grammar tools
___ Assignment is also checked
visually for errors not detected
___ Syntax,
grammar, spelling, punctuation,
usage, mechanics, organization,
and clarity are at the highest
level 5
___Provides logical flow of
___ Assignment is at least
checked using word
processing spelling and
grammar tools
___ Few to several issues with
writing mechanics 4
Discussion lacks depth or no
inclusion of the coach leader
___Flow of content with gaps.
___ Assignment shows evidence
of minimal review for spelling
and grammar errors
Multiple issues with writing
mechanics 3
___Flow of content poor. ___
Multiple issues with writing
mechanics and no evidence of
review 1
NSG 470
Profesisonal Activity Rubric
___ All sources properly
___ Sources properly
attributed, no plagiarism,
attributed, no plagiarism 4
paraphrasing and direct quotes
where appropriate 5
___ Attribution present but
___ No attribution which leads to
significantly incomplete, papers plagiarism 0; may result in paper
contains plagiarism 2
earning zero points.
APA format
___ Entire paper is double___ Adheres to APA format
spaced with 1″ margins
but lacks 1-2 elements 8
___ 12 pt font, New Times
___ Correct running head
(header) with pagination
___ Title, name, school name
centered and double-spaced
(please also include course
number and title, date and
instructor’s name)
___ Length sufficient to
properly develop written
communication with respect to
the main idea, subtopics, etc.
(ca. 5-7 or perhaps a few more
___ Adheres to a small number ___ Does not adhere to APA
of APA elements 6
elements 1
NSG 470
Profesisonal Activity Rubric
References &
___ References on separate
titled page (centered, bolded)
___ In correct APA format (all
information included and
appropriate for type of source)
___ Listed alphabetically
___ Hanging indent
Each source is cited at least
once and all cited sources are
included in references
___ All in-text citations
complete and correctly applied
___ References on separate
titled page (centered)
___ Not all in correct APA
format (all information
included and appropriate for
type of source)
___ Less than the following
(listed alphabetically; hanging
indent; minimum of four
credible, accurate and
appropriate sources; each
source is cited at least once
and all cited sources are
included in references,
citations complete and
correct) 8
___References present but
___ No references for unoriginal
significantly incomplete,
work 0 – may result in a zero for
unclear or otherwise minimally the entire paper.
acceptable 5

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