Strategic context

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This will be a continuation of the same mock case that I will upload for you again. I will also upload the first assignment that you did so you have an idea what was done before.
Strategic Context
a. Briefly explain why the IT plan is being developed. (Second paragraph) Ask yourself…Why is this plan being developed? Moving from paper records to electronic? Identifying where the medications errors are and improving the process to lower/eliminate the errors? etc
b. What is the goal of the plan? (Third paragraph) What are you looking to accomplish with this plan? Improve the current process(s) that are in place? Eliminate redundant processes, tasks, or steps? etc
c. What is the desired outcome for the facility? (Fourth paragraph) Have a fully electronic medical record? Eliminate all medication errors? etc
d. What employees need to be on the IT team committee? (Fifth paragraph) In either a table or list, name the people who will/need to be on the team to accomplish your plan. CEO? department managers? etc

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Project Management Proposal 


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I. Introduction

Elam Home Health agency engages in-home patient care and has a network of forty five aides and fifteen nurses. This staff sees around two hundred patients per day. Their main problem has been in terms of documentation which is usually done manually. All forms documentation, mailing of orders to the physicians, billing among other form of communication are done on hard paper and therefore delivered physically. Recently, this company has decided to embrace a fully automated electronic health records that includes a fully electronic patient record, portable capabilities, ability to put electronic signatures, electronic billing to both Medicaid and Medicare and the ability to transmit doctor’s medication orders to the main pharmacy.

2. This research project is titled; Elam Home Health Agency e-health Record System.

3. Introduction/overview

The 21st century has witnessed many advances in information technology particularly in the healthcare field where most systems have been completely or partially automated. It is even the plan of some nations to implement a fully automated health recording system. The automation of these health care systems requires prior knowledge of computer skills and information systems and also acquiring of new devices. Staff training is also required. Despite the seemingly high cost of implementation, such a system would be of immerse benefits to any healthcare agency, not only enhancing the speed of communication, but also increasing accuracy and availing the required information timely. At the end of the day, the company will save a lot of money and have a lot of economic gains.

II. Focus

1. Research problem statement

Due to the nature of the problems associated with paper transactions and manual processes, Elam Home Health agency is adopting an electronic health record system; Elam Home Health Agency e-health Record System.

2. Research question: How is the Elam Home Health Agency e-health Record System going to be designed and implemented in the contemporary health environment?

III. Method

1. Proposed structural outline or plan.

Adopting an electronic health record is not a simple replacement for the paper records; it requires clear evaluation of the company’s needs and performing a feasibility study of the same. The company will out source system developers who will perform the planning, requirements evaluation, testing phase and implementation phase, and training phases. The company will however hire experts from outside to handle the maintenance processes. This team of system developers will handle the development of the idea system based on the needs of the company and in line with the current trends in information system technology. This will incorporate all the desired traits of the system and the proper management. This system is expected to be fully automated and it will include portable hardware devices that will enable remote logging in and real time up date of the company’s data bases.

2. Statement describing the expected outcome.

This system will enable quick access to the patient’s medical records and the physicians will be in a position to authenticate drug orders among other services even remotely. Electronic signatures will be in terms of biometric procedures and log in pass words that will be used to authenticate different processes.

After the employee training is done and the transition process is facilitated, implementation of this system will allow all the nurses and doctors to handle their operations remotely and comfortably with all the necessary information reaching the desired people timely. The data bases will also ensure that records are well kept, may be retrieved easily and are in a position to sustain accountability and excellence in health care delivary.



Project Management Proposal







Project Management Proposal

Mock Case 005: Electronic Health Record/Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

Elam Home Health agency has fifteen (15) nurses and forty-five (45) aides that do in-home patient care. Totally, they see approximately two hundred (200) patients per day. They are a hard paper company for nursing/home health aid documentation, mailing of physician orders, manual delivery of physician medication orders, and billing. Elam has decided to move toward a fully electronic health record. They have requested you submit an information technology (IT) strategic planning document that includes the following components:

1. Total electronic patient record.
2. Portable capabilities for nurses and home health aids to document at the
    patients/clients home (to be transmitted at the end of the day to the office).
3. Ability to create pre-determined fields for an electronically generated plan of
    care for their patients.
4. Accessibility for physicians to electronically sign orders and progress notes.
5. Capability to transmit physician medication orders to their primary pharmacy.
6. Ability to do electronic billing for Medicare and Medicaid.

Optional Web Sites:


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