Statistics Questions

here is the link to the book we use for help….this is titled chapter 9 quiz in the text book  

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2. true or false: the conclusion you draw from performing the critical-value method for the Z test is the same as the conclusion you draw from performing the p-value method for the Z test.

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4. to reject H0 when H0 is true is a Type _____ error.


6. The rejection rule for performing a hypothesis test using the p-value method is to reject H0 when the p-value is less than ______.


8. What does a small p-value indicate with with respect to the null hypothesis? a large p-value?


10. Do you hate paying the extra fees imposed by banks when withdrawing funds from an automated teller machine (ATM) not owned by your bank? The federal reserve system reports that the mean such fee is $1.14. A random sample of 36 such transactions yielded a mean of $1.07 in extra fees. Suppose the population standard deviation of such extra fees is $0.25.


a) Test using level of significance
α = 0.05 whether there has been a reduction in the population mean fee charged on such transactions.

b) Which type of error is it possible that we are making, a Type 1 error or a Type 2 error? which type of error are we certain we are not making?


12. The U.S. national center for health statististics reports that, in 2005, the percentage of infants delivered at less than 37 weeks of gestation was 12.7% up from 10.6% in 1990. Has this upward trend continued? A random sample taken this year of 400 births contained 57 preterm births. Test whether the population proportion of preterm births has increased from 12.7%, using the p-value method and level of significance α = 0.05


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