1. Use the list of questions provided to help guide your investigation.
2. Look at the materials provided and develop a plan to test some aspect of sunscreen effectiveness. You may use additional materials if you provide them.
3. Perform your experiment. Complete a lab report. You may use any format, but include all sections listed below.
4. Lab Report should include the following sections:
a. Background Information (cite sources in APA)
b. Materials
c. Hypothesis
d. Procedure (step-by-step so that it can be repeated)
e. Data Collection
f. Data Analysis
g. Conclusion
Materials provided:
• Sun-activated paper
• UV beads
• Various sunscreens, use at least two different ones
Some questions to think about:
1. What does SPF stand for?
2. What do the SPF numbers mean?
3. What is the difference between physical and chemical sunscreens?
4. How does UV radiation affect melanocytes?
5. How do UV beads and sun-activated paper react in sunlight?
6. What are current skin cancer rates? Are they increasing or decreasing?