SSC 200 UD Globalization Impact on Women Harassment Presentation

Each partner pair must collaborate on a presentation where they showcase their individual research and share what commonalities they found between their topics, concluding with some takeaways about their overarching theme for the class to walk away with.

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Presentations should be 10-15min in length, recorded via Zoom, and both partners must contribute an equal share of work. All group members are required to equally contribute to the preparation and presentation. Presentations must have the following:

1. Title Slide: “The Gendered Impact of Globalization on ________________” (insert your overarching theme)

2. Presentation Outline: introduce the two topics your group covered in their research

3. Topic 1: Define, Explain, Apply

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  • Define: What is the issue your topic is covering?
  • Explain: Discuss how the issue is characterized by the scholars covering it in your 3 scholarly articles. What are the central claims, main factors, important actors, what are the proposed solutions?
  • Apply: What perspective do the disciplines of sociology, political science, and economics offer in interrogating the gendered impact of globalization on this issue?
  • 4. Topic 2: Define, Explain, Apply

    Define: What is the issue your topic is covering?Explain: Discuss how the issue is characterized by the scholars covering it in your 3 scholarly articles. What are the central claims, main factors, important actors, what are the proposed solutions?

  • Apply: What perspective do the disciplines of sociology, political science, and economics offer in interrogating the gendered impact of globalization on this issue?
  • 1
    Sociology of Online Harassment
    Student’s name
    Institution affiliation
    Professor’s name
    Course name
    Part 3; Sociology of Online Harassment
    Online harassment has evolved into a pervasive and alarming social issue, penetrating
    various aspects of modern societies, including mainstream politics. This research delves into the
    transformation of online abuse from individual, episodic incidents to sustained, campaign-based
    attacks. Focusing on the infamous GamerGate movement as a pivotal case study, this study seeks
    to identify and understand the common sociological patterns inherent in online harassment
    Drawing upon feminist scholarship and recent research on structural prejudice, the
    investigation examines the gendered and racist dimensions of online vituperation. By analyzing
    various incidents, the study demonstrates the emergence of a formal structure of behaviour
    characterized by three distinct modalities known as the “three orders of online harassment.”
    These orders involve severe attacks on the target’s web presence and physical life, person-toperson abuse through social media or email, and the creation of a social climate that encourages
    and justifies harassment.
    The research highlights the role of gamified systems on social media platforms that
    incentivize harassment and contribute to its widespread and persistent nature. By shedding light
    on the commonality of this harassment form, irrespective of the diverse groups perpetrating it,
    the study underscores the urgency for systemic solutions to address this collective societal
    problem. The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the sociology of online
    harassment, contributing to both public awareness and academic understanding, and serve as a
    foundation for future research and policy implications aimed at curbing this troubling
    Related Topics to Online Harassment of Women
    Student Name
    Institutional Affiliation
    Article One
    1. APA Citation: Stevens, F., Nurse, J. R., & Arief, B. (2021). Cyber stalking, cyber
    harassment and adult mental health: A systematic review. Cyberpsychology, Behavior,
    and Social Networking, 24(6), 367-376.
    2. The overarching topic(s), problem or puzzle: The impact of cyber stalking and cyber
    harassment on adult mental health.
    3. Research questions: The authors aim to address the following research questions:

    What is the prevalence of cyber stalking and cyber harassment among adults?

    How does cyber stalking and cyber harassment contribute to adult mental
    health issues?

    What are the potential mechanisms through which cyber stalking and cyber
    harassment impact adult mental health?
    4. What are the authors measuring? HOW are they measuring it? What is the method of
    To better understand how cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment affect adult mental health, the
    authors perform a comprehensive literature review. They sift through the results of article
    searches across many databases, using inclusion and exclusion criteria, to find research that
    meets them. The authors used data from selected studies to determine the prevalence of cyberstalking and cyber harassment, methodologies for measuring mental health outcomes, and
    processes that relate cyber stalking and cyber harassment to mental health.
    5. What were the key findings, the results and conclusions, of the author’s analysis?
    According to their findings of Stevens et al., (2021), cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment are
    serious concerns that have a harmful influence on the psychological health of many individuals.
    According to the study, cyber stalking and cyber harassment are strongly linked to various poor
    psychological effects, including higher levels of anxiety, depression, tension, and lower
    psychological well-being. These effects may manifest as worry, the sharing of personal
    information, a diminished sense of self-worth, and social withdrawal.
    6. Why is the research important? What were the weaknesses of the study? (Your analysis
    This study is significant because it comprehensively examines how cyber-stalking and cyberharassment influence adult mental health. It brings attention to the issue of online harassment
    and the necessity for action to stop it. This study enhances awareness of the negative impacts of
    cyber stalking and cyber harassment by combining the latest research and communicating
    information to politicians, mental health practitioners, and internet service providers. However, it
    should be noted that the study is confined to those included in the systematic review and hence
    depends on previous research. The quality and methodology of the studies evaluated may vary,
    and some relevant research may have needed to be addressed throughout the screening process.
    Furthermore, the study compiles existing research rather than any new source data.
    Article Two
    1. APA Citation: Bignebat, C., & El Hadad‐Gauthier, F. (2021). Integration in export
    marketing channels and farms’ labor force composition: Female agricultural workers in
    the Moroccan vegetable sector. Agribusiness, 37(3), 515-530.
    2. The overarching topic(s), problem, or puzzle: The study explores the relationship
    between integration in export marketing channels and the labor force composition of
    female agricultural workers in the Moroccan vegetable sector.
    3. Research questions:

    How does integration in export marketing channels impact the employment of
    female agricultural workers in the Moroccan vegetable sector?

    What are the factors that influence the presence and participation of female
    agricultural workers in export-oriented agricultural activities?

    How do different dimensions of integration, such as the use of intermediaries
    and access to information, affect the employment outcomes of female
    agricultural workers?
    4. What are the authors measuring? HOW are they measuring it? What is the method of
    An in-depth study is conducted on Moroccan female agricultural workers, as well as their labor
    force involvement and its link to the integration of export marketing channels. A study of
    Moroccan vegetable farms is being conducted to gather information on subjects such as the
    number of female agricultural employees and the level of the farms’ market integration for
    exports. The authors use economic models and statistical studies to investigate the link between
    integration and the presence and engagement of women in agriculture.
    5. What were the key findings, the results and conclusions, of the author’s analysis?
    According to the Bignebat & El Hadad‐Gauthier, (2021), including women in export marketing
    channels enhances their employment in the Moroccan vegetable business. There is a link
    between a farm’s reliance on export markets and the number of women employed there. The
    research also emphasizes the importance of information availability and intermediaries in
    supporting the incorporation of women into export-oriented agricultural labor forces. The results
    imply that export-oriented agricultural operations may help women achieve economic
    independence and gender equality.
    6. Why is the research important? What were the weaknesses of the study? (Your analysis
    This study is significant because it reveals the connection between the integration of export
    marketing channels and the gender distribution of the agricultural labor force. The research sheds
    insight into the possible advantages of export-oriented agriculture for women’s employment and
    engagement by examining the specific conditions surrounding the Moroccan vegetable industry.
    It might help policymakers and agricultural stakeholders develop strategies to increase women’s
    economic empowerment and rights in agriculture. However, it should be noted that the research
    only looks at one firm in one nation. Therefore its results cannot be extrapolated outside those
    boundaries. This research also uses survey data, which may be biased and has measurement
    issues of its own. The long-term ramifications of including women in agricultural export
    marketing channels must be examined further.
    Article Three
    1. APA Citation: Lu, S., & Luqiu, L. R. (2023). When will one help? Understanding
    audience intervention in online harassment of women journalists. Journalism Practice, 119.
    2. The overarching topic(s), problem, or puzzle: The study focuses on understanding
    audience intervention in the online harassment of women journalists. The researchers aim
    to explore the factors that influence whether and when individuals intervene to help
    women journalists who are subjected to online harassment.
    3. Research questions:

    What are the factors that influence audience intervention in cases of online
    harassment targeting women journalists?

    How does the severity of the harassment, the identity of the perpetrator, and
    the perceived support from the community affect the likelihood of audience

    To what extent does empathy play a role in motivating individuals to
    intervene in cases of online harassment?
    4. What are the authors measuring? HOW are they measuring it? What is the method of
    Lu & Luqiu, (2023) evaluate the extent to which viewers act to stop online harassment of female
    journalists. Data is collected from a cross-section of the population using an online survey.
    Participants are asked to rate their likelihood of intervening to halt specific incidents of online
    harassment. The authors use statistical analysis and regression models to investigate the
    association between harassment intensity, perpetrator identification, perceived community
    support, and intervention probability.
    5. What were the key findings, the results and conclusions, of the author’s analysis?
    The authors conclude that the level of abuse, community support, and empathy all substantially
    influence audience engagement in online harassment against women journalists. They’ve
    observed that when harassment gets very irritating, people are more willing to step in. Empathy
    and support from one’s group improve one’s propensity to act. The results reveal that these
    characteristics have a significant impact on how viewers react to cases of online abuse directed
    toward female journalists.
    6. Why is the research important? What were the weaknesses of the study? (Your analysis
    The findings of this study are significant because they shed light on audience engagement in
    cases involving online abuse of female journalists. The research offers insight into how
    bystanders might assist in stopping online abuse and support victims by evaluating the elements
    that influence intervention. The results might be used to develop programs and regulations
    encouraging bystander intervention and building a friendly online community. The research
    relied on self-reported survey data, which might be skewed toward social desirability or have
    difficulty capturing actual intervention activity. Because the research only included female
    journalists, the results may not apply to other groups or contexts. To adequately address the
    problem of online harassment of women in the media, further study is required to analyze the
    efficacy of various intervention measures.
    Bignebat, C., & El Hadad‐Gauthier, F. (2021). Integration in export marketing channels and
    farms’ labor force composition: Female agricultural workers in the Moroccan vegetable
    sector. Agribusiness, 37(3), 515-530. Retrieved from:
    Lu, S., & Luqiu, L. R. (2023). When will one help? Understanding audience intervention in
    online harassment of women journalists. Journalism Practice, 1-19. Retrieved from:
    Stevens, F., Nurse, J. R., & Arief, B. (2021). Cyber stalking, cyber harassment and adult mental
    health: A systematic review. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(6),
    367-376. Retrieved from:

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