Prior to completing this assignment, be sure tohave read the readings and reviewed the
following lesson on periodization periods and
cycles within those periods. You will be expected
to use identified terms within that lesson
correctly and with clarity.
For this assignment you will use your
Assignment 2 athlete or your Men’s or Women’s
Basketball team and will establish a Transition
Period–Post Season, Rest and Recovery action
plan. You will pull from the week 8 discussion
articles presented by your classmates for
references and information to use within this
assignment. As this particular season of
periodization planning is new to the world of
athletics you are on the forefront of discovery.
Part 1:
As in previous assignments/discussions, you
remain the Head Basketball or Olympic Sports
Strength and Conditioning Coach at the
College/University where your team/athlete
• List and Identify the demands of the sport
on the athlete(s) during a typical
Competition Period – In Season.
• Using the previous season’s record or
results, link the results in your reference
page, list and describe any additional
demands the Competition Period – In
Season may have placed on your
team/athlete. Use references to back up
your information.
• Provide a time line for when the Transition
Period–Post Season with a focus on Rest and
Recovery plan of action can begin and how
long will it last? Hint: when was the last
competition and when does the Preparatory
Period – Off Season need to begin next year?
• Design and establish a series of
assessments, to go within the Athlete
Assessment Plan to address the possible
needs of the team/athlete during a
Transition Period–Post Season with a focus
on Rest and Recovery. Provide examples of
assessments and how the data gathered will
be relevant to program planning via the
following outline.
▪ Identify the Assessment*
▪ What data will it gather
▪ Why is this data important to the
▪ Why is this data important to the
Head Strength and Conditioning
▪ Why is this data important to the
Head Basketball/Individual Sport
▪ Why is this data important to the
Head Athletic Trainer?
▪ Time of year when data will be
▪ Describe how you will collect and
store data collected in the assessment
▪ If and when data will be released and
to whom it will be released
*Repeat for each assessment within the Athlete
Assessment Plan
• After establishing your assessment plan, In
your opinion, what are the 5 primary goals
and/or considerations for your Team/Athlete
during the Transition Period–Post Season
with a focus on Rest and Recovery?
▪ Why did you choose these goals
and/or considerations as primary?
▪ What are the major influences in
your choices of primary goals and/or
considerations? Explain.
Part 2:
Create a sample training program:
• Present your periodization program using a
Mesocycle training plan for the Transition
Period–Post Season with a focus on Rest and
Recovery for your athlete/team. You are free
to design this training program in any way
you would like. However, it must have
intentional programming, including acute
variables that involve the FITTE principle.
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, and
Summarize the following:
• Provide rational for your type of
periodization program and activity/event
choices during your designed Mesocycle
training plan for the Transition Period–Post
Season with a focus on Rest and Recovery
using industry approved sources.
• Explain why you chose each specific
activity/event for your athlete. Use your 5
primary goals and/or considerations for your
team/athlete during the Transition Period–
Post Season with a focus on Rest and
Recovery to back up your choices, along
with required readings and industry
approved resources.
The narrative of your paper should include common
sense answers. Please support the rationale for your
thoughts and opinions. Cite the sources of any
definitions or ideas that are not your own using
appropriate academic sources (Reference page must
be present – required readings as sources are
encouraged). Use these instructions and attached
Assignment 3 Format and Layout Guidelines for
assistance with organization and submission of the
The writing component must meet all rules of APA
formatting (7th edition)
title page
headings: See outline above for heading title ideas
page numbers
in-text citations
reference page
Including the title and reference pages, your entire
submission will be no shorter than 5 pages.