SPD 590 week 1


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Duration: 7 daysTopic 1: Introduction to Student Teaching – Professional Dispositions, Academic and Conduct Expectations, School Policies and Procedures

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1. Examine school and classroom rules, policies, and procedures to follow throughout the student teaching experience. [InTASC 9(n), 9(o), 10(h)]

2. Analyze academic and conduct expectations, as defined by Grand Canyon University’s College of Education. [InTASC 9(o)]

3. Topic Material:

Textbook1. Teaching with a Purpose: Learning, Leading, Serving

Read Chapters 1 and 2. 


Electronic Resource1. The Architecture of Accomplished Teaching: What is Underneath the Surface?

Review “The Architecture of Accomplished Teaching:  What is Underneath the Surface?”


Website1. Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)

Explore the MCEE, located on the National Association of State Directors of Education and Certification website.


2. Professional Learning Network (PLN)

Review the “Professional Learning Network” to inform the topic assignment.  


Additional Material1. Professional Dispositions

Review the “Professional Dispositions,” located on the Student Success Center.  

2. Clinical Practice Evaluation 1

In the Clinical Practice (Student Teaching) Manual for your program, read the information related to your program of study and prepare any questions you may have, especially concerning the evaluation process

Review the “Clinical Practice Evaluation 1,” located on the Student Success Center. Review the “Professional Dispositions” as this evaluation reflects those dispositions in particular. Be prepared to discuss the dispositions in detail and the importance to the professional educator.

Schedule Evaluation 1 with your GCU Faculty Supervisor and cooperating teacher/mentor. The evaluation must be completed by the end of week 4.

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Assignments: Professional Learning Network (PLN) Scavenger Hunt

The College of Education supports you throughout your student teaching experiences. The intention of the Professional Learning Network (PLN) is to provide a virtual space for teacher candidates, educational administration candidates, alumni, cooperating teacher/mentor, GCU faculty supervisors, and faculty to learn, collaborate, and connect in a supportive environment working towards successful clinical practice experiences.

Complete the following steps for this assignment:

Log in to the PLN.

Access the Teacher Candidate group space.

Access and review the recorded student teaching webinar and self-paced modules.

Take a screenshot of the PLN including your login name in the left corner of the screen to confirm your enrollment in the PLN and review of the materials.

Submit the screen shot for this assignment to LoudCloud.

Part 2 Interview of Cooperating Teacher/Mentor

Interview your cooperating teacher/mentor about the following aspects of your cooperating classroom. Use the discussion to prepare for the student teaching experience. Your interview questions and observations should review the following:

The best methods for communicating with your cooperating teacher.

Their school philosophy, policies, calendar, and daily schedule.

The “Professional Dispositions” including expectations regarding dress, behavior, etc.

Required reports and recordkeeping, grading standards, and discipline procedures.

District/school resources provided based upon the learning expectations.

Expectations for students, routines, procedures, and an established classroom management plan.

Additional questions as appropriate.

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon your interview and explain how you will use your findings in your student teaching practice and future professional practice. Consider the following:

1.What surprised you the most about your cooperating/mentor teacher’s responses?

2.How do the “Professional Dispositions” align to your cooperating/mentor teacher’s responses?

3.How can you apply your findings to your future professional practice? What policies and routines might you replicate in your own future classroom?

Submit the interview questions, interview notes and/or transcript, and summary as one deliverable.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Discussion Questions Topic 1 Discussion Question 1 word count 200

Based on the National Association of State Directors of Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Model Code of Ethics for Educators, why is making a good first impression with your cooperating/mentor teacher, students, and school campus important? How do the “Professional Dispositions” help you to make a positive first impression?

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